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Joined: Jan 2023
old hand
old hand
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Originally Posted by rumpelstilskin
Originally Posted by Gissur
My Fighter/ranger/rogue, in act 3. Deals, unruffled, no buffs not even hunters mark, I hit for around 100 dmg per attack on a critical strike.(using a shortsword)
that's 50 per hit with an unbuffed short sword. how do you do that, exactly?
as for the difficulty, they can just add +10 attack instead of +2 to monsters, something similar to saves, and double the damage. like in pathfinder.
Even that is meh damage. A single cast of magic missile can nearly oneshot Raphael. There's a couple gear combos in this game that stack up to insane numbers.

Joined: Sep 2023
Joined: Sep 2023
Hi !

Im a Mac user and I will play soon. ( september 21 !?! )

As a huge fan of Dos and DoS2, Im a bit desapointed by this difficulty issue.

I heard that karmic dices when activated could make the game harder because even enemies are helped by this option in their differents throwns.

Do you think it could be a good option to increase the fights difficulty ?

I dont want to use mods if I can avoid it, and as a Mac user I dont even know if it is possible to install somes.

And play with auto limitation like no using some items or consomables ... So sad to dont have any other options. DoS 2 was a real challenge ?

Joined: Sep 2023
Joined: Sep 2023
Originally Posted by slydus
Hi !

Im a Mac user and I will play soon. ( september 21 !?! )

As a huge fan of Dos and DoS2, Im a bit desapointed by this difficulty issue.

I heard that karmic dices when activated could make the game harder because even enemies are helped by this option in their differents throwns.

Do you think it could be a good option to increase the fights difficulty ?

I dont want to use mods if I can avoid it, and as a Mac user I dont even know if it is possible to install somes.

And play with auto limitation like no using some items or consomables ... So sad to dont have any other options. DoS 2 was a real challenge ?

Karmic dice is a bit weird and I've heard conflicting information on what it does. Supposedly, what it does is avoid "streaks" - meaning continuous strings of successes or failures - for both you and the enemy. I've theorized before that this might actually shake out to make things better for the enemy in most cases (I think in any fight where the enemy outnumbers the party, this ends up being better for the enemy) but honestly it's probably mostly a wash and definitely doesn't solve the difficulty issues.

That being said, I think this IS a problem of a subset of players who are fairly familiar with this genre. If you think DOS 2 was a real challenge, you may be fine. (I actually think DOS2 has a similar problem where combat degenerates in the later half of the game.) And especially early on, the difficulty is better balanced than in the later half of the game. I'd say try it out without mods at first; if you eventually notice that the game becomes too easy you can do something then. Although beware that difficulty issues are not the only thing that the second half of this game struggles with.

Joined: Feb 2023
Joined: Feb 2023
I also wish an "insane" difficulty mode, if no epilogues then that will surely make me do another playthrough!

Joined: Sep 2023
Joined: Sep 2023
Originally Posted by WizardGnome
Originally Posted by slydus
Hi !

Im a Mac user and I will play soon. ( september 21 !?! )

As a huge fan of Dos and DoS2, Im a bit desapointed by this difficulty issue.

I heard that karmic dices when activated could make the game harder because even enemies are helped by this option in their differents throwns.

Do you think it could be a good option to increase the fights difficulty ?

I dont want to use mods if I can avoid it, and as a Mac user I dont even know if it is possible to install somes.

And play with auto limitation like no using some items or consomables ... So sad to dont have any other options. DoS 2 was a real challenge ?

Karmic dice is a bit weird and I've heard conflicting information on what it does. Supposedly, what it does is avoid "streaks" - meaning continuous strings of successes or failures - for both you and the enemy. I've theorized before that this might actually shake out to make things better for the enemy in most cases (I think in any fight where the enemy outnumbers the party, this ends up being better for the enemy) but honestly it's probably mostly a wash and definitely doesn't solve the difficulty issues.

That being said, I think this IS a problem of a subset of players who are fairly familiar with this genre. If you think DOS 2 was a real challenge, you may be fine. (I actually think DOS2 has a similar problem where combat degenerates in the later half of the game.) And especially early on, the difficulty is better balanced than in the later half of the game. I'd say try it out without mods at first; if you eventually notice that the game becomes too easy you can do something then. Although beware that difficulty issues are not the only thing that the second half of this game struggles with.

Ok, thx for you answer, lets kick off the karmic dices option.

I forget to say : I played all the first act in early access, going DND 5e totally blind with a lot of MC building mistakes, never felt real challenged and started to feel the overpowerment at lvl 5. idknw what was the difficulty settings in EA, I think it was standard? But I know I will play In tactician.

Its mainly after reading 2nd and 3rd act players returns on tactician difficulty that I fear to be bored with the fights. Furthermore in a so long game ( I am a maniac player, dont want to miss anyplace, any chest, any quest, around 55hrs on EA for 1 run)

You are true, Dos2 was not perfectly balanced, but in my memories you had to struggle longer before snowball ( a common phenomen in the majority of crpgs I played, thats said). And no way to one-turn-kill strong enemies or even bosses like I understood in BG3 ( excepted maybe being a big munchkin searchin for perfect optimization and ultimate combo that is not my case.)

I just wish to have fun, discovering good mechanics synergies by myself without overplaying it, and feeling challenged more than the first 30% of the game.

2 options :

- waiting for a patch from larian adding more difficulty before to play ( could be a forever wait ! )

- Or introducing my own rules : going with a volontary non OP team, no half orc in melee, no multiclass, no haste potion or spell, no scrolls use except for my wizard to learn it, maybe no potion except healing ones in first levels.

AND, I must admit, stop saving mid fight for the longer ones !

But starting a game with auto nerf, strange feeling

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Joined: Aug 2018
Hard agree with OP game is WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYYYY to easy on traction mode.

Joined: Sep 2023
Joined: Sep 2023
I've experienced similar ease in my play throughs. I currently have over 150 hours in the main release and I don't believe I have ever used a single potion outside of the vaulting one to give a 8 STR companion a little jump boost. With such a heavy focus on gathering herbs and making potions, it's a bit of a shame that they are completely unnecessary to achieve goals in even the hardest of difficulties.

DOS and DOS2 had insane tactician modes, but I haven't felt that challenge in BG3. I'm quite convinced that with the ability to select any multi class and any feat without much in the way of stats has allowed for some truly busted combinations that flatten the "heavy hitters" of the game. Tag this with some specific items that are available to the player and you're just asking for a breezy experience.

Sure, you could purposely avoid using the overly powerful items or builds that are available, but it seems a bit odd to have to restrain yourself from not steam rolling over the game. While BG3 is an amazing game, there are a handful of balance issues currently present and the difficulty system is just one of them. Our characters are just honestly too powerful and become broken from the items we can equip. At times. It truly feels like the name of the game is less dependant on hitting the next level and more so on equipping that one item that buffs our stats.

At this stage of the game, I don't forsee any significant changes taking effect on items or character stats / eligible level choices, but I do hope they are able to add additional difficulty settings to give a higher challenge. One other member made mention of a point buy system that would basically lower the total stat of a character by offering less attribute points in character creation. I feel that this would be a great addition to the difficulty settings and would help hinder the absolute spanking we can currently give to the cronies of Faerun.

I've seen some builds that literally advertise a solo experience. Meaning you can build a character that can solo the game without conpanions...The fact that a build like that is even possible just goes to show how absolutely busted some people can make their characters.

Anyway, love the game and haven't had a life since its release...I should really check on society and see how the grass feels.

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Joined: Jul 2022
We need to see today patch notes.
I have hope in patch 3. Maybe it will disappoint us mybe suprise us. But honestly I don't know when it will arrive I could not found any exact time.

Joined: Sep 2023
Joined: Sep 2023
Originally Posted by cal1s
I'll make it short. Even on Tactician difficulty the game is too easy. You hardly need any elixirs or potions (besides healing potions here and there), scrolls, or dive into itemization. You can basically kill almost every encounter by spamming sneak attacks with Astarion and Cantrip magic.
I understand that the game should appeal to a wider audience and it did. And I'm very happy that in 2023 a CRPG is that popular.

But please also consider the more hardcore gamers who really love challenging encounters. So please implement at least one more difficulty where encounters have higher stats, higher life pool, additional mechanics and spawn at least 50% more mobs.

Thank you.

They should call it a Masochistic Difficulty because basically, it's what you're asking for. Have you tried playing Tactician Difficulty without "Stat Mongering" I would suggest playing something else but we both know you not going to do that LOL!

So here is a Masochist Setting and tell if I'm at least in the ballpark. First of you wouldn't have any help from mercenaries, companions, etc. This would strictly be Lone Wolf/Solo Play. You wouldn't be allowed to Min/Max your stats either. You wouldn't be able to purchase any items in the store, healing potions, armor, weapons, etc.
You would have to craft every single item from scratch. Also, it would be a "permadeath" situation and there would be no saving your progression so every time you die you have to start over again and again, LOL! Would that be enough of a challenge for you? Wait! I know you going to "whinge" and say something like that's way too hard or something LOL! Or I want something easier *rolls eyes*

Let me break the "crafting" for you lol!

Say you wanted to make some metal armor, for argument's sake. Doesn't matter if it's Iron, Steel, Mythyril, or whatever. So to typically make armor you need certain things like a Forge, Tools, Anvil, etc. You would have to craft all that by hand in the game. To make a hammer first you would have to find a way to temper the metal, you have to get it nice and hot so you can shape it. So you have to build a forge let's say brick by brick or stone by stone. You have to go out in the game in an attempt to find all that stuff. But let's remember you have nothing at your disposal except the clothes on your back and maybe a few spells and you don't have a weapon because you have to make one first. Remember no way to buy something or loot off a dead body.

Let's break down "Combat" Well every combat encounter would be a life-or-death situation. Because you have no healer or healing potions. Now if you chose to be a "Healing Class" at least you could heal yourself. So tell me, is that enough of a "hardcore challenge" for you?! *ROLFMAO!* Combat, Crafting, Permadeath, and Possible Healing?
Yeah! I think that pretty much, covers the basics lol!

Permadeath: Everyone Pretty Much Knows What Permadeath is? I forgot the most important part lol! Once you switch to a Masochistic Setting you will always be stuck in that mode, It's permanent. you can't go back to an older build, save, delete the game, memory, uninstall/install, etc.. Your game is forever stuck on a Masochist Setting wink

I'm not being sarcastic or anything. I'm offering you a real honest-to-good, solution.

Everyone wants to see the dog stop pissing on the floor. I'm that dog. But I keep pissing on the floor! Marilyn Manson
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Joined: Jul 2022
Ok i found the time 18:00 CET

Joined: Jul 2022
Joined: Jul 2022
I am sorry i just get the news.
Patch have been delayed to sept 22.
Well I whould like to get the information on the official forum.
But I guess this forum is kind a dead for the developers.

Joined: Aug 2023
Joined: Aug 2023
Game is to easy. There is no challenging, no difference between normal and tactican. Im on my secound run. Like the game very much. But with starting a new game i will make a solo game without companions. Maybe this will make the game more Challenging.

Joined: Jul 2022
Joined: Jul 2022
I you want a reality make single class moon druid. The games difficulty falls apart greatly at act3. And in act 3 generally moon druid is dooing no damage or half damage. Because all shape shifted forms are having non magical attacks.
Ofc you can still finish the game. Because druids have some spells as well.

But it is a little bit harder then any other sub class. I think there isn't any class that cannot do it solo. Simply figthers are to strong. Paladin too strong. Warlock too strong especially weapon pact with polarm mastery as a human or half elf ooo boy. Wizard sorc bard a brutal. Ranges are kind a broken. Clerics are making everything immortal. Spore and land druids are superior casters. Monk Barbarians broken.
Sooo class balance is almost perfect. I mean it's a dam good job.

The only one suffering is moon druid. Yeah it have cool forms it looks cool but It's just bad and bugged. I guess 1-2 year and it will be fixed. (I kind a gived up)

My problem is that solo is more challenging but also more booring. And I really really like coop in bg3 it's such a fun.
Until we hit act 3 and we start to face lvl 12 characters with 28 hp and 11 armor class on tactican mod.
And those stats are boosted by tactican mode. I mean hp attack and dmg is boosted. I don't try it out but I am intrested what it whould be on normal.

Ps: playing solo in this game is like cutting bg3 in half. Companions are intresting have storytelling. And when I take that out it feels empty.

Last edited by ZOZO1006; 21/09/23 01:50 PM.
Joined: Apr 2023
Joined: Apr 2023
Those of you for whom it’s “way too easy”, why not play with a party of 3? That’s what i did in DOS1. Was super fun till the end.

Take out a warrior from your group and enjoy the difficulty.

I’m playing on tactitian and I can’t say it is “super easy”. Positioning and initiative fails can easily fk things up, as it should. Enemies are taking out the squishy targets and use their abilities quite well. But I’m not using any OP builds. I do have a Dark Urge cloak, and it is the most OP item in my game. I love it tho.

Joined: Jul 2022
Joined: Jul 2022
Mybe for you its ok.
I play with my wife . Just of us two
She plays laazell as a bard and I play as wyll and we destroy everything. We only rest after 5-6 encounters. Non of us is a warrior. It's easy. It isn't challenging it isn't rewarding
Mybe for someone hou is new to the game its ok. But the game is intended to be replayed. And those who will replay will feel the same way.

Joined: Sep 2023
Joined: Sep 2023
Originally Posted by ladydub
Those of you for whom it’s “way too easy”, why not play with a party of 3? That’s what i did in DOS1. Was super fun till the end.

Take out a warrior from your group and enjoy the difficulty.

I’m playing on tactitian and I can’t say it is “super easy”. Positioning and initiative fails can easily fk things up, as it should. Enemies are taking out the squishy targets and use their abilities quite well. But I’m not using any OP builds. I do have a Dark Urge cloak, and it is the most OP item in my game. I love it tho.
This might work in early levels. Early level tactician things aren't so bad. Past level 5 though, things really fall apart.

Joined: Sep 2023
Joined: Sep 2023
Put Karmic Dice Back On and let's see if you still find it so easy lol! Because Karmic Dice makes a huge difference LOL!

Everyone wants to see the dog stop pissing on the floor. I'm that dog. But I keep pissing on the floor! Marilyn Manson
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Joined: Jul 2022
It doesn't matter. Youtube don't know a shi..
If you are immune to critical then it dosnt matter they cannot hit you. And attack you can stack to the sky. Saves as well.

Joined: Sep 2023
Joined: Sep 2023
I'll bet the ones that are in tactician mode "easy" don't have Karmic Dice enabled LOL! During the Alpha Build Phase, I learned that Karmic Dice can make or break the game.

Everyone wants to see the dog stop pissing on the floor. I'm that dog. But I keep pissing on the floor! Marilyn Manson
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Joined: Apr 2023
My rogue has 18 AC and gets absolutely wrecked in 1 round if the position is bad or initiative is failed. Same for Gale.

And you’re saying that you play a bard and warlock only, with no one else to take the fire and you don’t need to rest?I call BS. You’re not playing on tactician my dude.

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