Loving this game, but it really feels like it's far too easy to romance, or ninjamance I should say, certain characters. It's like Mass Effect 1 all over again. I tend to choose the kind, compassionate dialogue options, and that leads to characters like Gale and Wyll to fall in love with my character--even when I go out of my way NOT to choose what I think are flirty options, etc. Somehow, both characters are under the impression that my character has been flirting or something, when that's just not the case. I really wish there were VERY CLEAR "this will lead to romance" choices. Breaking their hearts when I'm only going for a specific character physically pains me, and it's no exaggeration. It seriously makes me want to put the game down, because I feel terrible rejecting them. I just want to make sure they're not under that impression at all so I don't HAVE to break their hearts!
The dialogue options seem to boil down to flirt, flirt but quieter, and crush their souls and their feelings. Why? Please fix this somehow. I just want to be friends, not lovers...
(I'm very new here and have no idea how this forum works. If I did something wrong when posting, sorry.)