Warlock can use darkness and its immune to blindness. That's mean it have always advantage.
+ as a human I have shield +2 and I have 18 dex +mage armor +1 ac from Rob + ring of protection. Total 21 armor class with advantage w/o haste. I almost never get hit and because I have admantine shield I am immune to critical. The bard have medium armor can wear admantine armor have 14 dex + shield + defensive flourish+ bard gloves +4 armor class. It's total 25. And of course she is immune to crits as well. W/o haste. And we are not in act 2 currently where the ac is going up next lvl.
Actually I had other ideas in mind to take to play with one with the shadow and haste from pact of the tomb as a feylock.
You just need to think. Of course if you don't use any items Don use your turns you ill get destroyed no matter karmik or not.
I dont think to insult me with stupidity is a good idea.
You are just lack of imagination.
I don't even understand how all of you can defend the late - middle game difficulty when a lvl 5 spider on normal difficulty have 125 hp and a late game lvl 12 zentarin member have 28 hp on tactician difficulty that mean the hp is Boosted. This situation is a joke and any one hou is saying the game is hard is delusional. And cannot accept that a 24 tonn truck of full of gold is not equal to 10g of gold.

The only real challenge in this game is to kill the devils on the nautilus. W/ o. Exploit w/o save scuming. I could not do it like the cloun says I wasn't pooooooaaaaasible.

Last edited by ZOZO1006; 22/09/23 12:07 PM.