Originally Posted by Mighty Melvo
Now that you mentioned that, there's one more thing I just remembered! Do you guys remember Circus of the Last Days Zethino dryad? If your Tav and Karlach are a couple, you can go through a brief questionnaire and it's just a nice addition to the romance overall. However (and I don't remember the exact thing) her third question is something along the lines of "what do you see for (your love interest name) and yourself in 10 years?" you can answer "settled down with a bunch of kids" where Karlach says "not something I had in mind, but fine", whereas if you answer "she'll be dead already" she actually approves. It weirded me out back then but now that you brought up the fact that we potentially are being railroaded into "crash and burn", it kinda makes sense.

Or it could be just me looking for something that isn't there.

P.S. I was away for a few days and I'm so happy to see the thread still going strong! Sending virtual hugs to all of you, soldiers! Stay loud!

I selected the answer with kids and it looked like she liked the idea. It was during my first playthrough before patch2, so I was still sure, that I'll fix her and we'll have a nice good ending. Oh how badly i was wrong and pissed off at the end...

Last edited by Rae; 22/09/23 02:05 PM.