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While at work today, working with patients in healthcare, I had quite an interesting discussion with my colleagues re: immunosuppressive medicines and transplants. According to the newer studies, the survival for 15-20 years after a heart transplant is becoming the rule rather than chance. Which means that Karlach would have a better chance at survival in the real world she doesn't exist in, than the fantasy world with multiple planes of existence, magic, divine powers of all kinds, a f*ckton of varied races and classes of people incredibly skilled in their own name it. They kill humanoids all the time, just pick a healthy fucker, bring the heart to a good surgeon and make sure you have someone knowledgeable in infernal blacksmithing there too to support the out-taking of the engine, and reverse the process.

I mean c'mon. If we can keep people with end-stage heart failure alive by changing their failing heart for a donor's one, and have them survive for twenty odd years (mind, this requires medical checkups, medication, good overall health and a team of professionals through the years), how is Karlach's particular case such a doomed/bound to fail one? What is it that makes her engine situation so particular that in the world of Faerûn and DnD, there's not a single soul in the surroundings of Baldur's Gate that can help? Gale can get a boon with a goddess that grants him a pardon for trying to reach godhood, if he agrees to explode at the end of the game - WHICH TA-FRIGGEN-DAH, HE CAN DEUS EX FROM, but our girl Karlach has to be sold off to Zariel and unwillingly become her champion after getting her heart ripped out/taken out/magically transformed ????? and branded with all kinds of Zariel-propaganda tattoos like her little pet.

C'mon. I understand that there's a lot of sustenance in the idea that she has to accept her fate. It'd be a sorrowful but meaningful one....had she existed in a more realistic world and not surrounded by a bunch of crazy fuckwits that have messed up with gods themselves and gotten themselves in particulates FAR WORSE to get out of than Karlach. And each and every one of them is given at least one way out of their issue. Why not her? Why do the options get to be:
- Squid
- Explode into flames and die
- Live but only if you go back to the last place you want to set your foot in, ever again, probably getting swarmed by an army of Zariel at somepoint

My ADHD is hyperfixating like nuts because she's come to mean such a great deal to me and I cannot wrap my head around how we can bring folk back from the dead (revivify, true resurrection), grow back cut limbs (regenerate), wish for genuinely anything or any event to be nullified (out of bounds for BG3 levels but still in world and could be granted by gods/powerful magic users), asked for help from a deity of Tav's as a cleric or in general (divine intervention)...

I mean how is her heart more of a problem than Mollymauk/Lucien in CR2 (spoilers but once again, divine intervention and greater restoration, y'all).

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Originally Posted by Feris
There is a chance we won't get definitive edition. Act 3 barely works on PC, so in few days we'll see how poorly it looks on Macs. How do you expect more things to be added? Now add the new voicelines for Karlach from patch 2 and you see that it's very not likely

To be fair, DOS2 was actually unplayable in the last act. As in a lot of people couldn't even complete the game because of the bugs. I don't think it's safe to speculate there won't be a DE.

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Location: New Mexico, USA
Originally Posted by Feris
There is a chance we won't get definitive edition. Act 3 barely works on PC, so in few days we'll see how poorly it looks on Macs. How do you expect more things to be added? Now add the new voicelines for Karlach from patch 2 and you see that it's very not likely

BG3 currently holds Steam's #7 spot for highest peak players (beating Cyberpunk 2077), and only recently fell from #2 to #3 for highest concurrent players, beaten only by Dota 2 and Counterstrike. And it's an indie CRPG.

It beat Divinity 2's numbers by nearly 10 times, and this isn't even counting non-PC numbers.

Seriously, the game's success can't be overstated. To think there won't be a definitive edition is kind of nuts, IMO.

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If there isn't a definitive edition where they have a good karlach ending then it's probably going to be the last game I ever buy from Larian. As awesome as they are, I'm done being given terrible endings for the characters I love just cause they couldn't be bothered to finish it properly and also "lol, drama"

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Originally Posted by Sunriders Destin
Again, I WANTED V to live, but I could walk away from the game knowing the developers had a true vision and one they told incredibly well.

That's what happens when the character is purposefully written like that, tragedies DO work.

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Yeah Id have to agree with you on this, fixing karlachs ending is a big hurdle for me, the way its done now literally drains my enjoyment of the rest of the game which again is a freaking amazing game otherwise.
But the sheer Gut punch of finding out you cant save her and how incomplete her story was / hope baiting just makes me dread going into act 3 every play through ive tried since.
Love larian but if they dont end up doing something to change her fate I dont think i will be able to buy the next game for fear of just feeling put out in the ending again...

Last edited by Norrec69; 22/09/23 11:16 PM.
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Interesting post on Reddit.

It looks like Larian has added some dialog of what appears to be a new epilogue involving Withers. From what I gather, it is probably several months in the future and perhaps involves some interaction with companions.

If that is the case, and we get an epilogue that allows us to interact/talk with companions, it might be a possibility that Karlchs epilogues involves returning from Avernus with Tav/Wyll.

If so, I'll take it. Granted, I would prefer to have her quest line expanded to include a fix, but that kind of closure would be good enough for now.

Again, not 100%, don't take it as gospel since the dialog looks scattered and is very hard to get a clear picutre, but interesting none-the-less.

Last edited by Sunriders Destin; 22/09/23 11:35 PM.
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Originally Posted by Sunriders Destin
Interesting post on Reddit.

It looks like Larian has added some dialog of what appears to be a new epilogue involving Withers. From what I gather, it is probably several months in the future and perhaps involves some interaction with companions.

If that is the case, and we get an epilogue that allows us to interact/talk with companions, it might be a possibility that Karlchs epilogues involves returning from Avernus with Tav/Wyll.

If so, I'll take it. Granted, I would prefer to have her quest line expanded to include a fix, but that kind of closure would be good enough for now.

Again, not 100%, don't take it as gospel since the dialog looks scattered and is very hard to get a clear picutre, but interesting none-the-less.

It looks interesting, but wasn't this 'reunion epilogue' found to be cut content from a long time ago?

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Joined: Sep 2023
Originally Posted by Sunriders Destin
Interesting post on Reddit.

It looks like Larian has added some dialog of what appears to be a new epilogue involving Withers. From what I gather, it is probably several months in the future and perhaps involves some interaction with companions.

If that is the case, and we get an epilogue that allows us to interact/talk with companions, it might be a possibility that Karlchs epilogues involves returning from Avernus with Tav/Wyll.

If so, I'll take it. Granted, I would prefer to have her quest line expanded to include a fix, but that kind of closure would be good enough for now.

Again, not 100%, don't take it as gospel since the dialog looks scattered and is very hard to get a clear picutre, but interesting none-the-less.

Promising nonetheless, as i said in multiple posts before, an epilogue as a whole is very much needed!

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Joined: Aug 2023
Originally Posted by soyt
Originally Posted by Sunriders Destin
Interesting post on Reddit.

It looks like Larian has added some dialog of what appears to be a new epilogue involving Withers. From what I gather, it is probably several months in the future and perhaps involves some interaction with companions.

If that is the case, and we get an epilogue that allows us to interact/talk with companions, it might be a possibility that Karlchs epilogues involves returning from Avernus with Tav/Wyll.

If so, I'll take it. Granted, I would prefer to have her quest line expanded to include a fix, but that kind of closure would be good enough for now.

Again, not 100%, don't take it as gospel since the dialog looks scattered and is very hard to get a clear picutre, but interesting none-the-less.

It looks interesting, but wasn't this 'reunion epilogue' found to be cut content from a long time ago?

It's SIMILAR but from what was datamined, these are new additions in Patch 3 and involves Withers implying you can interact with your companions after a reunion.

From what I can tell, and I may be wrong, Larian might be replacing the ending slides with a night-at-the-tavern kind of epilogue.

Which, not gonna lie, would be fuckin SICK.

Again, would prefer a fix quest for Karlach in the base game. But coming back from Avernus and chilling with friends would be very welcome.

Last edited by Sunriders Destin; 22/09/23 11:47 PM.
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Location: New Mexico, USA
Originally Posted by Sunriders Destin
Again, would prefer a fix quest for Karlach in the base game. But coming back from Avernus and chilling with friends would be very welcome.

Pretty much how I feel. A more thorough fix to the way her story is written would be ideal for me, but I think a more substantial epilogue like this info hints at might be the best we get. I'm not really familiar with how Larian works since BG3 is my first game from them, but it sort of seems like the level of rewrites/extra content specifically for Karlach that so many people around here want is rather well beyond the scope of what you'd expect pretty much any developer to do, especially post-launch.

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For some reason, I imagine Tav and Karlach coming back from Avernus like this.

Last edited by Sunriders Destin; 23/09/23 02:14 AM.
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Joined: Sep 2023
The datamined Withers text |Thou wert called here. Some from above, some below.| definitely speaks of some being called from either the Hells (below) or the afterlife (quite unlikely but not impossible). It would apply to Karlach alone, or with Tav and/or Wyll.

My only concern, and I have it as I'm used to cop-outs in games and tv media especially, is that they'd summon Karlach for this briefly and not as a means of saying they truly got her engine set and now settled in Faerûn. Since she was able to get it under control for a little while during the story, she'd maybe be able to periodically return to the upper plane, Will Turner style, before eventually having to get back to Avernus to stabilise the wretched thing.

I hope I'm wrong tho and my anxious ass will be proven wrong. I'd too prefer a better story/questline solution ingame than having them go to Avernus and work on it offscreen, but as long as she lives and gets to have a happy ending sometime later, I'll be okay.

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I would be pretty sad to see that. Honestly. Like larian has to know now that ppl want an option to legit save her. None of this dialogue justifcation to salve the wound stuff. Just give her the same treatment you gave the other origin characters....pleeaassee.

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Location: New Mexico, USA
This has probably been said here already, but the more I think about it, the more I realize how tacked on a lot of her story feels. Her big quest objective (kill Gortash) is already an objective of the main story. It's literally something you were already going to do anyway. In fact, you have to do it if you want to progress in the game.

I don't know.

I was really enjoying this game, enough to play through it 4 times back to back, but the 4th one (where I focused on Karlach) just felt so unsatisfying. I'm kind of just feeling empty about the whole thing now. I think I'm going to put the game down for a few months and hope things get better.

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The whole big cut content is essentially worthless. Few things were confirmed but most of it is speculation without any proof. And yeah, BG3 is popular, so why Larian should put even more money into the game? Why add things into location that barely works, why invest more resources and time into already huge financial success instead of cashing out and focusing on next project?

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I agree. And they can safely abandon the EE plans if they even existed because the game already recieved overwhelming praise and was branded as saviour of crpg genre, so those discontent with unfinished state of act 3 and certain companions can be safely dismissed as 5% posing no potential damage to public image.

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Rae Offline
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Yes of course they can. But experience from DOS games gives us much more hope, that if the game was from Bethesda for example.

And again this is not a fanservice in terms we want Karlach blue, so they will change her color to blue. This is more like they released unfinished game so it is in their interest to finish it. (And it is not only Karlachs case, there are as we all know tons of unfinished things)

Last edited by Rae; 23/09/23 08:27 AM.
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Ya'll are wild if you think Larian would damage their reputation like that. Making a DE would boost sales. It boosted sale of all the DOS games as well.

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hi everyone.
2 little off-topic questions but since almost everyone here is a karlach-"expert" i hope to find the answer here.

1.) if you romance karlach and decide to become a mindflayer, what is her reaction to that? ive heard that some companions break up with you.

2.) can you go back to avernus with karlach (optional with wyll too) while being a mindflayer? and could you, as a mindflayer, survive in avernus?

bonus) lorewise is it possible to maintain your own self while being a mindflayer? ==> ive read a comment, that it depends on the fact, if the ceremorphosis is succesful or not["the usual process of ceremorphosis ends up with the host dying, their soul leaving the body and the parasite taking the empty body over. Yet, if the ceremorphosis went wrong and these last three steps never got to complete, the host stays alive and doesn’t get connected to the hive mind. That is precisely what happened to the emperor and any character you chose to turn into a mindflayer. In fact, when Orpheus explains how he’s gonna make you an illithid who won’t obey the absolute he explains just that: he would let you begin the ceremorphosis but would stop it before it rids your of your free will."].

thank you for your help.


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