Joined: Sep 2023
I'm not sure if this is the right place to ask this but now with the update and full mac support, is there anyway to mod the mac version of the game?
Joined: Jul 2014
On macOS, still getting the warning about full mac-version not launching until early september, and that lauching before that will be Patch 9. I have the correct version for Patch #3. Have they just forgotten to remove this and it's safe to launch? Don't want to risk messing up my synced saves from Geforce NOW. I can confirm your saves will work, same situation here and I loaded most recent save and all is well 
Joined: Sep 2023
What happened to the nudity? After installing the newest patch, the nudity is gone, although I chose it in the options. The charaters wear ugly underwear now in the love scenes?! U can*t be serious! Why cannot we chose that like before? PLEASE fix this soon!
Joined: Jul 2023
Just reading through these patch notes seems like a full time job.
Well done, I think. Can't say for sure, haven't read it all.
Joined: Jul 2022
Wow Moon druid is totally fixed officially there is no bad class subclass in bg3. Thank you from the botton of my heart. I was waiting for this almost 8 month. The only thing I wish for is to boost the difficulty. I still don't understand that lvl 4-5 caracters at Tactican difficulty have 60-80-190 hp in act 1. But as soon as we move to act 2 and 3 this ho amount and also the armor class is getting lower with 20-30%. And in ACT3 it's becoming ridiculous some high 12 lvl enemys have 28-40 hp. For sure something is wrong. Mybe the difficulty slider is not applyed in act 2-3?
Joined: Jul 2022
Wow Moon druid is totally fixed officially there is no bad class subclass in bg3. Thank you from the botton of my heart. I was waiting for this almost 8 month. The only thing I wish for is to boost the difficulty. I still don't understand that lvl 4-5 caracters at Tactican difficulty have 60-80-190 hp ( and I don't included grym) in act 1. But as soon as we move to act 2 and 3 this ho amount and also the armor class is getting lower with 20-30%. And in ACT3 it's becoming ridiculous some high 12 lvl enemys have 28-40 hp. For sure something is wrong. Mybe the difficulty slider is not applyed in act 2-3?
Joined: Sep 2023
Please revert shared stash change or make option to disable it. Its really annoying
Joined: Sep 2023
Thanks for the massive amount of fixes and improvements.
I hope next time we get some continuity improvements and fixes for Karlach Origin (avatar Karlach) too .
Joined: Sep 2023
Fixed some cases where the dialogue with Vlaakith would not start in Crčche Y'llek or would trigger on an unintended character. Welp it's not fixed, I'm stuck with no Vlaakith cutscene, and can't progress any further.
Joined: Sep 2023
I cant use magic mirror because of mods I can disable almost all, but if I disable the mod "bags bags bags" my game crashes.
I hope there is a fix soon to allow players to use magic mirror without disable mods...
Joined: Sep 2023
Thank you for another update. I'm sure the modding community will update and adapt accordingly.
Last edited by bizarre; 23/09/23 02:01 AM.
Joined: Sep 2023
Totally agree on this one! A Decline option would be good, though I'd rather not have these containers transferred at all!
Joined: Jun 2022
Made several improvements to the Poltergeist enemy: they are now revealed on being attacked or hit with Radiant Spirit Guardians; they will not turn Invisible again if they are still in a character's See Invisibility aura; in Balanced and Explorer Mode, they have disadvantage on Dexterity Saving Throws when Invisible; the range of their attacks has been reduced; and they won't try to keep distance from the player in combat so that they are easier to find. translation = this should not happen unless you are playing on tactician ![[Linked Image from cdn.discordapp.com]](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1134233252924768386/1154961322220453928/2023-09-23_1124_1.png)
Luke Skywalker: I don't, I don't believe it. Yoda: That is why you failed.
Joined: Sep 2023
Level Up will now queue all characters who can be levelled up so you don't have to click on them individually. This is optional, right? I would really, really hate having to level everyone up at the same time. In my game, fighters and rogues get levelled up pretty much straight away, but I like to take my time thinking about spells I need, so casters get levelled up much later.
Joined: Sep 2023
Magic Mirror doesn't work with mods installed. RIP. It is Improved UI intervening with the mirror. Unfortunately inst this specific mod because I cant use magic mirror and Im not using Imoroved UI mod
Joined: Sep 2023
Does the dark urge count as one of the origin characters that cant use the magic mirror? Dark Urge characters should be able to use the Magic Mirror! For those getting Not Found issues when using the Magic Mirror (or Magic Mirror not responding), please remove any mods you might have installed and try again. Hi Salo I would love to disable all mods to use magic mirror, but if I disable all, my game ctd and I cant play
Joined: Jul 2013
You have to be kidding me! The Archfey Warlock is still broken. I reported the bug when I noticed it at level 4, and every hotfix and patch since. I finally got a reply two weeks ago saying it was a known bug and they were already working on a fix, which got my hopes up that it would be in the next update. The game had been updated every week since release, but it was two weeks since I got the reply before the next patch and it's still not fixed. I assume playing with a different build is out of the question for you in the meantime? If I had known it would take so long I might have. I'm not that far into the game, but far enough that I really don't want to start over. I had considered switching to a different sub-class, but I like the the Archfey. I've seen some say it's the worst sub-class, so it's probably not as popular and why it's not a priority fix. However, I like to role play in my role playing games, so I'm not min/maxing my build for combat. I picked the Archfey sub-class because it fit my character.
Joined: Sep 2023
I'm begging the team, please reverse this change with the next update! When dismissing party members, story items (and characters they were dragging along in their inventory) will now properly transfer over to another party member.Or at least make this something I can optionally toggle on/off in the game settings. I now having to do so much more inventory management to give my companions back the items that were removed from them when dismissed. I actually just reported this as a bug, it didn't occur to me this was an intentional change. I see that people have been asking for the ability to access all companion inventories while in camp so that they don't loose items, which I'm guessing was a hard change to make and this was seen as a reasonable middle ground? But really this is not the way  Some equipable gear seems to be considered a 'story item' like the Disintegrating Nightwalker Boots I have given Astarion. Now every time I dismiss him his boots get yoinked off. If I don't remember to give them back and re-equip them the next time he's in my party he has to walk around town barefoot. Poor Astarion 
Joined: Oct 2017
PS5 version of the patch has started to crash consistently in the Underdark not sure what's triggering it. I thought it had something to do with dispelling Gale from being a cloud but it happened mid fight.
Joined: Aug 2017
Maybe it does for some, but that is not the cause for all. I opened a previous save that included no mods and it doesn't work. I uninstalled all mods, removed their pak files from the mod directory, opened a previous save with no mod associated with it and it didn't work. I started a new game, it worked. I added mods to the new game, saved, reopened the save and it still worked.
This issue along with the Failed to Save 516 error after trading with a vendor only seems to show up if I open a previous patch 3 save.