I dig your Nalia!
And your Jaheria, of course!
It's true lots of the noses did have the same thing going on in BG2. You sorta see that with everyone I think, but maybe that's pretty common I guess across the board. Like even going back to the Gibson girl and maybe all the way back to like a Praxiteles, with noses getting knocked off the whole time hehe.
Kinda figure like Sass probably had some pics of the various celebrities that he thought were cool to work from, and maybe like 1 model to actually play around with props, like broomsticks and halloween wings for the witch, and a replica greatsword. Lots of scrunchies and robes probably to try and get something going for the BG2. Maybe it was snowing out and he just had to make it work from home. BG2 was so massive for the day, but also by then they kinda new that custom portraits would fill in a lot of gaps for many. He might have some feedback on elves faces or something like too and thought, 'well gotta give another pass' so you get some of the reduxes into the sequel like for Jaheira. I would frequently switch out Viconia for a portraits for random drow alts from random book covers, but then that would start a chain reaction where I felt like I had to do customs for the whole party it would tend to look weird with the color correction all over the place. Though you sorta get that just going from BG1 to BG2 comps anyway. I remember early experiments to see how it'd look with them all desatured and tinted sepia.
Alas poor Cernd, he didn't get many requests probably, compared to Keldorn with the Unseeing eye or Val. Or Yoshimo, now we're talking!
Anyway these are fun to see. Catching early Poser and 3d memory lane is cool, especially I think compared to what is likely floating about currently for the mini portraits. Even for the old portraits, the BG2s I mean for the actual game, though they have their little flaws and the charms of digital painting of that time, they still got heart. Whereas now through stable diffusion and mass grift, people could probably do just about any celebrity morphed into a stolen Karla Ortiz illustration, and while it will be super clean and appear ultra polished, it just doesn't carry the same way like it does when you know someone was really work it for it. Like you've been doing.
The 3d maquettes, to me I dig almost in the same way as the physical ones from like harryhausen times or hensen or something. Starts to take on that character of how things were done before with the historical provenance. I think there may also come a time here where traditional painting becomes really sought after again, even for things like scans that end up in games only in digital form ultimately, but just to have them around somewhere in physical space too. I feel like the way 3d modelling goes it'd still be kinda simpler to go from the more abstracted shapes down to super tiny, if they were to be sculpted in plastic, which is always a fantasy. Like imagining them articulated on a little battlefield on the table.
It was sort of a miss that they never put out a BG/BG2 miniature line while the games were still on the shelves. They probably did afterwards same way they do with cards and the like. But I mean to hit at the same time. BG2 GI Joe Aerie vs team Cobra with Viconia haha. That would have been such a winner! The BG3 big boxed set has got that diorama, but like you could just picture that gone to the next next level. Never know, could still crack off I suppose, though for BG3 they'd have to go a bit more storytime/explorer for it, since this such very much adult game if you option on all the options. Still it's fun to think on.
Meantime this thread is a blast! I like the scenes
ps. ! Real quick (and hope it's ok) but just to check it out in the ultra tiny hehe... She holds up like a badass!
![[Linked Image from i.ibb.co]](https://i.ibb.co/h9FjnSq/Jaheira02-2.jpg)
Obviously BG1 upscaled from a 38x60px bmp back in the day but I did one at 110 just to see how'd she'd look. My crop was off a bit, but she's pretty ace for a face and expression! Great work!