Hello there. Been enjoying this game so far, but there is one little thing that has been annoying me a little bit. I like to customize my characters' appearances, and part of that involves dyeing their armor and clothing. However, there doesn't seem to be any way to tell how a dye will affect the gear until after you've committed to using it. If I use a blue dye, I know it's going to make the item blue, but the specifics of the shade, highlights, etc. can be pretty different than expected. So I've had to save before using the dyes, experiment with applying them to see what I like, and then load back to the previous save to avoid wasting items. It would be convenient if there was a pop-up window showing a preview of your character's appearance with the dye applied, before committing to its consumption. Less time spent in loading screens.
Now this I agree with LOL! I wish we could either craft our dye or the ability to remove a dye and completely re-dye because currently unless it's changed? You can only remove the dye on something you previously dyed. I would like the ability to preview armor as well. Because I know a base armor look will change based on who wears it and the characters sex. Male vs. Female , I'm not sure about in between sex characters?
I only tend to play Females, if I'm going to play a character for hours on end. I want the experience to be pleasing