Everyone knows you have what you want. That's great. No one is taking that from you. So why are you here trying to make our opinions and insight not valid?

Halsin says he is fluid, and there is a lot to that. In all relationships you compromise - but fair Halsin denies it being one.

But don't you think that is who have asked for this romance to be implemented for three years as a dependable and stable romance deserve to make it clear that they did not fulfill our wishes? Especially when he was marketed as extraordinary fanservice, and as an example where you really have a lot of choices and agency, and it then is reduced to "Everything you say, my love. I will do everything on your terms always" or "Yeah, nope."

Us getting extra choices takes nothing from those of you who like the existing ones, so I am honestly mystified why you're making such a big deal about it.

Certainly we all love this game because it promotes diverse player choices? Or am I wrong?

Awesome you want more additional content. We all do. As I have said before, make a thread were you endorse your whishes and I will happily endorse it - especially if it has ducks.