Joined: Sep 2023
As of patch 3, every time I send a character to camp their alchemy pouches, camp supply packs, and keychains are automatically transferred to the player character. This is annoying because I now have a collection of pouches and packs that I need to return to them every single time I bring them back into the party. Can you please either return these automatically to their character when they are brought back into the party or make the transfer optional?
Joined: Sep 2023
This "feature" is so annoying and makes no sense why they added it, especially when the bags are empty. Why out of all the things to auto transfer they decided those items is so confusing, but at least it's not everything in the companions' inventory. I really hope they put out a patch update to stop this or give us a toggle to turn it off. I don't think anyone asked for this
Joined: Sep 2023
Registered an account just to bump this issue. I tried to send Karlach back to camp and she dumped two bags, a keyring, a staff, a spare potion, and a severed clown torso on my 8 STR bard. I can't keep track of whose identical Camp Supply Packs belong to who, and I don't want to dump everything into the unsorted camp chest to be lost and forgotten either. I understand the desire to keep quest items on the active party (not that weapons and bags are quest items), but I'd genuinely rather pull it off them manually in camp than have to stop and shuffle the whole party's inventory every time I want to switch a person in/out. If this had been how the game shipped that'd be one thing, but every patch so far has managed to make the inventory iteratively worse and less manageable, and when I check how to handle what I initially think is a bug, it turns out it was an intentional choice by Larian, which is just perplexing.
I want play by the rules and engage with the intended systems as designed, but if this keeps up, I'll just have to start installing infinite carry weight mods and forget the whole thing.
P.S. The Chest of the Mundane was dope, balanced, and a creative, memorable solution to a halfway bag of holding back when it altered weights.
Joined: Sep 2023
Also registered an account to bump the issue. Managing everyone's bags on a STR 8 sorcerer main character is a major nuisance. My party of 4 people practically stopped playing the game due to this and now I can only play alone or at times only with my brother. Changing the characters leads to major inventory management every time. Why have multiple changeable companions, if the game penalizes us this severely? Not to mention that this way everyone else's bags will always end up empty, so that I do not also get Encumbered every time I need to switch something. To me, this completely negates any logic behind the change. If you are looking for more feedback, it seems a large number of people complain here: https://steamcommunity.com/app/1086940/discussions/0/3880470363413972755/ instead of writing this to you directly as I have. One thing that stands out is this: "Than [sic] the fix should be that they leave their bags when they leave permanantly."
Last edited by Yarkho; 24/09/23 08:16 AM.
Joined: Sep 2023
I also registered an account to complain, please make this on a toggle I hate it
Joined: Dec 2020
Yeah, I'm not a fan of that either. I'm the queen of companion switching and this is annoying.
"We are all stories in the end. Just make it a good one."
Doctor Who
Joined: Sep 2023
I also registered an account just to point out the uselessness of this "feature", as many others did.
I really hoped patch 3 could address some of the pain points of managing party members, but it managed to actually make it worse.
We could get a "show all characters' invenctory" view, we could get a "switch party member" feature, instead we get an auto swapping thing that removes keychains, supply bags and other useless items?
Can we atleast have this feature toggleable, as others asked?
Joined: Sep 2023
I also just registered to beg that this be made toggle-able. 8 strength characters now have to do chunk of inventory management every time they want switch party members. At the minimum Camp supply sacks should not be transferred to the PC when a companion leaves the party, this is not adding convenience but creating an annoyance.
Joined: Sep 2023
Why would I need all of my companions containers in my inventory? Also, the Disintegrading Night Walkers (probably all orange items) are affected aswell. And it drives me crazy.
Joined: Sep 2023
Add me to the list of, �why did they do this??�
It is incredibly frustrating to suddenly be over encumbered after telling someone I need to switch them out for someone else. Not game breaking but definitely game stopping since I suddenly have to stop to manage inventory so my main can walk again.
Joined: Sep 2023
This patch has been an extremely confusing development for some one with at least 400 hrs in the game. I am extremely confused and more than a smidge peeved.
Joined: Sep 2023
Created an account to chime in as well. This new �feature� is quite frustrating and should be reversed ASAP. Its disruptive and unnecessary, and has only served to make inventory management that much more of a nightmare to deal with. I don�t mind the weight system of ingredients etc (enjoy management somewhat) but the game should not be taking it up itself to disrupt my layout and waste the time spent setting things up. Inventory sorting/management on a controller setup being a whole other issue.
Joined: Sep 2023
Even as a high strength 16 paladin, I get encumbered by my companions. They are my pack mules and I like to loot and hoard everything. Please make this a toggle or roll it back. I honestly don't see how this helps my QOL.
Joined: Sep 2023
I also am struggling with this decision. I understand the thought of not trying to lose story items, but it seems like what is considered a story item is incredibly vague? Random keys, empty alchemy bags, equipped items - all this and more being dumped in your inventory just increases the amount of inventory management we have to do whenever we want to switch our party around
I hope this addition can at least become toggleable
Joined: Sep 2023
I played a bit Roleplaying and so I made a food bag for every character ... Lae'zel gets even this Githyanki food ... Astarion and Gale very good wine. Shadowheart more vegetables and fruits. Karlach more meat .... A few have bags with herbs, a few not .... everybody gets heal poitons (meele fighter a few more).
They just destroyed this all for me ... completly.
Don't tell me I get the euqiment of my companions, too ???? I become crazy if so .... I thought only the inventory ...
Last edited by Rappeldrache; 25/09/23 08:39 PM.
Joined: Sep 2023
Please allow us to disable this strange half-bug. I didn't know the inventory system could get worse, but y'all managed it haha. I'm going to have to shelve the game until this gets hotfixed, it's a significant detractor and adds hours of needless inventory management.
Joined: Oct 2020
>Send someone to camp >Get encumbered
Also to drop story items, just put them in a bag, and drop the bag.
Joined: Dec 2020
The most annoying thing is, that legendary stuff gets dropped onto you, when a character get dismissed. That means, if you dismsis SHadowheart, she is suddenly without a weapon, since she wields teh Blood of Lathander or Gale will loose his boots and ring - it is annoying. I see us entering a battle and Shadow has jsut her fists and Gale run around barefeet, because I forget to give them back their stuff. Maybe I should jsut make them all monks...
"We are all stories in the end. Just make it a good one."
Doctor Who
Joined: Sep 2023
I am another player that created a forum account just for this issue. Can I remind Larian that the vast majority of players just enjoy the game they don't whine or join forums or discussions.
I've been playing quite happily since launch no bugs no crashes and with a patch the game is broken for me. I can't change companions anymore because it's not worth the hassle with 8 strength I'm encumbered by their alchemy ingredients camp supplies and keys PLUS the companion gives me their weapons and equipment too WTF!!!!
If some players can't find things and don't want to spend the 5 minutes going through companions why should I have to spend 10 minutes working out what to do with all the crud dumped on my character? I know nothing but it seems to me a simple fix would be to allow players to see the inventory of all companions while IN CAMP not just those companions in the party.
Joined: Sep 2023
Already left it on feedback on discord, but since I have no idea which one you check first/the most, i'll left it here too.
This completely misses the point. We need easier inventory party management, not more cumbersome stuff. People are already tired of the micromanagement every time we need to access inventory on non-party members. Talk to the char we want to bench, click buttons 2 times, then go talk to the char we want in and click 1 button to get them on party and see their inventory. And now their stuff comes over, more bags in main char, I don�t know which bags are whom if i switch more than 1 guy at a time, the stuff won�t go automatically to them when we put them back on party, we can�t even put those bags inside another one in the char we�re benching to force them to stay with theirs stuff - things always come over - so I end up sorting them inside ANOTHER bag in camp chest to give them to the right guys when I want them back in party, main char weight skyrocket with all this stuff, and the list goes on..
What we want, and need, is inventory management like (sorry to use another game as an example) Dragon Age did 15 years ago. When we�re in camp and press TAB we have access to EVERY CREW MEMBER and their respective inventory slots without needing to swap guys around. We can compare gear, equip stuff, and rearrange inventory of EVERYONE, not only the 4 in our group.
This is what is needed, not this shared stash.
At least give us an option to turn this shared stuff on and off, because this makes zero sense.
Sorry if it seems i'm ranting/venting, I'm really enjoying the game so far, but facing the raidboss that is inventory management.. and it just got worse!! It's tedious, it's boring, it makes me spend more time managing inventory than fighting guys out in the world, it makes me want to pick 3 guys and do the rest of the game only with them so I can just avoid this...