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Right now the game suffers from way too many exploits - I have no idea if there is any veracity to anyone's claims about the game being easy for them are true or not because I have no idea if they are abusing the MANY exploits in the game that make encounters trivial.

1) The level 1 wizard exploit
2) The Free gear exploit

There are others I am not going to mention.

Then there is stuff that is just broken/OP but may never get fixed like Tavern Brawler. Any class + Tavern Brawler + Haste + Strength Elixir + (Nyrulna, Returning Pike, or Dwarven Thrower) = Everything dead.

Barrelmancy is also still a thing, but that's probably never going to change.

Then there is the Restoration Pool in the House of Hope which lets you stack all kinds of buffs/summons you normally wouldn't be able to short of buying the scrolls and casting them separately.

Finally the AI just isn't any smarter from balanced to Tactician.

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Warlock can use darkness and its immune to blindness. That's mean it have always advantage.
+ as a human I have shield +2 and I have 18 dex +mage armor +1 ac from Rob + ring of protection. Total 21 armor class with advantage w/o haste. I almost never get hit and because I have admantine shield I am immune to critical. The bard have medium armor can wear admantine armor have 14 dex + shield + defensive flourish+ bard gloves +4 armor class. It's total 25. And of course she is immune to crits as well. W/o haste. And we are not in act 2 currently where the ac is going up next lvl.
Actually I had other ideas in mind to take to play with one with the shadow and haste from pact of the tomb as a feylock.
You just need to think. Of course if you don't use any items Don use your turns you ill get destroyed no matter karmik or not.
I dont think to insult me with stupidity is a good idea.
You are just lack of imagination.
I don't even understand how all of you can defend the late - middle game difficulty when a lvl 5 spider on normal difficulty have 125 hp and a late game lvl 12 zentarin member have 28 hp on tactician difficulty that mean the hp is Boosted. This situation is a joke and any one hou is saying the game is hard is delusional. And cannot accept that a 24 tonn truck of full of gold is not equal to 10g of gold.

The only real challenge in this game is to kill the devils on the nautilus. W/ o. Exploit w/o save scuming. I could not do it like the cloun says I wasn't pooooooaaaaasible.

Last edited by ZOZO1006; 22/09/23 12:07 PM.
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I give a better example.
Rugan Zentarin agent lvl 4 normal difficulty 28hp 14 armor class Ac1 npc.
VS Zentarin agent lvl 12 on tactician difficulty 28hp 11 armor class. Act 3 npc.

Last edited by ZOZO1006; 22/09/23 12:49 PM.
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There are some battles that are not trivial, mostly at lower levels, where you are not geared up like crazy. Main problem is, the encounter design leans heavily towards single target burst damage and you have many many ways to do exactly that. A bardadin around level 5 is, even without min maxing and without haste, almost instoppable and that is probably not the most broken build in the game. To make tactician actually tactical Larian needs to change the encounters in such a way, that positioning, crowd control, buffs and debuffs become relevant. And the AI needs to act a little bit less dumb.

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So I am going to the game with more open eyes and II am constantly hitting the Same problem ower and ower.
In act 1 on tactican difficulty lvl 3-5 monsters npc-s have a range of 58-65 - 80-90-130-190 hp with 11-18 armor class.
Yet in act two it starts at 6 lvl monsters til 9 lvl with hp from 7 - 80 at max only bosses have a bit more but vs grym then have almost half hp. Great example Justicars with 41 hp and 14 armor class they are lvl 7. That mean when I arrived here they where 1-2 hits. So they have actually lover hp then the average 3-5 lvl monsters in act 1.

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Originally Posted by Flooter
Originally Posted by Count Turnipsome
I have one simple question to Larian.

Where are all the gameplay D&D OPTIONS to tweak the difficulty and our experience?
There are NONE.
Were gameplay or D&D options ever on the table? I don't remember Larian mentioning anything like that.

Uh, because that's just common sense for this kind of heavy rules base Crpg game? Pathfinder has options. All the Pillars of eternity games have options.
And why would you NOT want options to customize your gameplay and difficulty? Instead of making a magic mirror to change appearance, how about giving us real gameplay OPTIONS.

There are NONE in BG3. And most MODS are CHEESE or CHEATS. And dealing with MODS is a pain, with all these updates.
Again , I am talking about the BASIC of BASIC for difficulty/rules options. There are none.

Ok, there is ONE : Karmic Dice rolleyes

Last edited by Count Turnipsome; 23/09/23 08:49 AM.

It just reminded me of the bowl of goat's milk that old Winthrop used to put outside his door every evening for the dust demons. He said the dust demons could never resist goat's milk, and that they would always drink themselves into a stupor and then be too tired to enter his room..
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So you Think karmic dices increase fight difficulty ? Real question here, and had differents answer previously

After 50hrs in EA, im starting my first real run and looking for a " Good" Challenge ( start with no martial classes, no scrolls, no haste)

Last edited by slydus; 23/09/23 12:09 PM.
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I dont see any difference we are in act 2 now whit my wife karmic on just to see the difference. I feel is like setting the frame on a fixed 30fps. So generally I feelt I am more stable balanced. We hit average 60-70% but eventually we will owercome this at act 3.
But enemys still cannot hit us . They trie to hit my wife all the time and she have 27-31 armor class while immune to critical and she have the shild spell as reaction mostly it don't even want to trigger.
So for you questions answe carmic dice on or off doesn't increase the difficulty.

The monsters are still dumb and I noticed that some monsters enemys are not effected by the tactican hp increase at all.
After act 1 some enemys have lower hp then in act 1 even bosses. For example act 1 optional boss have 400 hp act two main boss have 200 hp. And the lvl difference is huge.

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So the updated Lord of Bones the great avatar of mykrul had 326 hp what was 100hp less then grym. And he was lvl 11 we killed it in 2 turns just two of us. And it had just 19 armor class. For a God's avatar I whould recommend like 30 armor class and least 500 hp.

He could not do anything. Pls if some dev is reading this make another difficulty lvl or revisit tactican. Cuz the 50% more hp is not applyed to every enemy in tactican mod. I don't know if it's a bug or intentionally but it's to easy.

Last edited by ZOZO1006; 24/09/23 08:17 AM.
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Agreed, far too easy. Levelling up comes too fast in Act I & II. A completionist can reach level 12 at the start of Act III, effectively stagnating character build. That's messed up.

Last edited by MSGamer; 24/09/23 01:51 PM.
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Anyone can say what ever they want. If she can solo it w/o bugs exploits at lvl 8. Then it's wrong and to easy. And adding 30 hp as extra will not change anything . Someone at Larian pls look at this, see how wrong is it AND change it .
The main reason D4 failed because the content was not challenging and it became boring. Now only 3 ppl watching D4 and it became a mean.

I think if the player character can build 49 armor class then a boss can have 30 as well.

Last edited by ZOZO1006; 24/09/23 02:16 PM.
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I've watched her play a bit, she's no noob! She's developed an eye for measuring distance to invite dashing, and knows her character's abilities. Not to mention she's played through more than once.

Afaict, you've got to combine Ironman with time limit to get close to challenging once you're comfortable with tactician.

She's misclicked and ended an ironman run in the blighted village. Not surprising, I've found levels 3 & 4 the hardest.

By time limit I don't mean speed-run, but no completionism. Weave a fairly straight line to end of Acts, foregoing some sidequests and treasures. Give yourself say 80 hours to complete.

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I dont sayed that she is a noob but we killed him today after update. Just my wife and me in 4 turns Thorn + the Avatar. I expect more but generally it was +30 hp after patch 3.
It just a proof that any one with a litte bit intelligence or understanding of the game can do it solo.
How they imagined it with 4 ppl. What if I want to play with friends. The game will suddenly become a joke.

This is a game where you can play 4 ppl coop. So getting a higher difficulty or by fixing tactican diffulty ppl can have fun with 3-4 coop and can have some kind of challenge. The game should not be just minimal challenging for a solo player. And in the video she is dooing it on the first try. Now go back and watch her when she is beating grym( she died and that act1) .Also in this video its cleary visible the difference in Ac1 and
Ac2 difficulty Grym with massive 450 hp. But the real joke is coming at Act 3 where almost everyone have lover hp and Ac.

This game was made for casual new ppl and for fans.
For casual there is easy and normal mod. And for fans???
I feel that the game have the same problem like D4. Of course its not an always online experience, and it not a life service game model. But it will fail its fan base because the challenge is missing.

Last edited by ZOZO1006; 24/09/23 04:05 PM.
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In act 1 Dank Crypt there is a lvl 3 skeleton with 41 Hp. It's literally the beginning of the game.

And in act 3 some all powerful lvl 10 flaming fist have 45 hp. This can't be right. How is that that when I face the game at lvl 1-2 I am facing a challenging 41 hp enemy. And when I am lvl 11-12 I am facing 45 hp enemys. So my understanding if you increase the your lvl with 11 its equal +3 hp increase to your enemys at Tactician difficulty. How any one can defend this?

O btw the skeleton have more ac as well.

Last edited by ZOZO1006; 24/09/23 04:21 PM.
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Remove Tasha's cauldron, and go back to core rules on tactician. Autosave only.

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I miss the difficulty and HC mode of Divinity: OS II, that one was balanced well and I hope tge definitve Edition of BG3 will get something similar

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Originally Posted by Maldurin
I miss the difficulty and HC mode of Divinity: OS II, that one was balanced well and I hope tge definitve Edition of BG3 will get something similar
Exactly I had some issue in divinity 2 .
But i liked the challenge there.
And I never felt when I moved to act 2-3 the difficulty is gooing down.

Last edited by ZOZO1006; 26/09/23 12:18 PM.
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Originally Posted by Dantrag28
Remove Tasha's cauldron, and go back to core rules on tactician. Autosave only.

My dear brother in bg3.


So I should only play alone or it's party time wtf???
Where should I go to cry when the game is to hard???? If the game is to easy.
I should cut down my hand ask Dr Thorn to stab out my eyes.

Noone here ask that the ppl hou are enjoying the games lower difficulty should have harder time.

But I want to play with my friends but as soon as we started to play with 4 ppl. Everything just felt like we are hitting a world boss in diablo 4.
LOOT PIÑATAS. It was not fun it as not hard it was not challenging. Eventually we never played agan.
Now all of them trying to solo the game.

How is that possibille that every boss in act 1 have more hp the
Final boss of act 2 Ketheric Thorn? AND act 1 bosses are lvl 5 Thorn is lvl 11.
The Hag the Spectator and Grym. Mybe even more.
How is that that lvl 5 humans/elfs dwarfs hobgoblins have around 100 hp and in act 3 lvl 11 enemy's have from 28-45-65 hp.
Stop defending act 2-3 difficulty. At least come here with a valid argument.

Last edited by ZOZO1006; 26/09/23 12:37 PM.
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Finally finished the game before weighing in on this.

So, yeah amazing AMAZING game. But what is desperately needed to improve this I believe is 2 broad things.

1. Fix the Level cap issue upon entering or early after Entering Act 3. This dulls the feeling of completion for most of Act 3. I didn't even explore about 30% or more of shadowlands and I was capped too soon. Granted I am willing to bet I completed more than many people across act 1 and act 2. One idea I had is to just increase the cap by TWO levels but restrict progression in a single class to 12. This would spare Larian from the difficulty of implementing another spell tier. Enemies would still need a boost though really on all difficulties and this could meddle with current playthroughs.

2. New difficulty mode. Honor mode , tactician plus, or maybe "Mindflayer" mode. Whatever you want to call it. Ideas:

- Adding mobs to encounters. Most of the fights in Act 3 I was dumbfounded by the trivial nature of MOST fights. Lord Gortash was such a joke and a let down. Add a couple mini bosses to almost every act 3 encounter would help. The Rapheal fight was brilliant and the only fight I think I had to use everything at my disposal and I convinced the big guy to fight on my side. The Game needs more fights like this. The steel watchers are cupcakes too.....

-I really don't know about long rests. I Wouldn't want to have to run around not being able to use my abilities but as it is its ridiculous. What about some encounters / fights / raids on your camp with a long rest that if not won decisively could impart some penalties. I know BG2 had this when resting and not saying that was great either. Something to more encourage or require the use of scrolls potions and tricks to achieve victory would work though when your chain lightning, fireballs , haste are gone?

-maybe a batch of restrictions on a new difficulty mode that would somehow nerf the OP spells such as Haste, Counterspell , Spirit Guardians etc. But I mostly prefer BUFFING adding enemies over limited fun options for the player. Man When I realized I could upcast Spirit Guardians and have someone sanctuary that character I was like holy crap!!! lol. The Pathfinder games have extensive settings beyond the main difficulty choice something like that would be an improvement. But I have some kind of psychological block when hitting difficulty setting checkboxes feels less rewarding them completing the game, getting achievement on a Larian difficulty level!

Simply put as others have stated, With Larians home brew Gear, Ilithid powers, environment manipulation some other exploits with nothing much to counterbalance it trivializes the game and honestly I think this is even if you do not use some of the more OP/Broken builds. Much like DOS 2, even with a tactician mode with all the goodies and combos Larian gives us ( it is also what makes the game so fun! ) there is simply a curve when you reach a certain point you have SO much at your disposal it trivializes the game it happened in DOS 2 as well - but I would say in current state the Tactician mode in BG3 is lacking more than DOS2 tactician.

I don't think some flat +2 bonus and MORE HP would work it would just drag out the fights more.

Lastly, One thing I have always wanted from any game is a little /treat reward to playing on a insane difficulty. I think just more unique/powerful foes to encounters is maybe enough but a few extra dialogues/cut scenes would be brilliant and worth it to me to play on some kind of permadeath/ limited save scum time run.

this game is a 12/10!!! I think suggested changes above ( or from others ) could make this a 14/10/

Thank you Larian

Last edited by xSneakyGuyx; 26/09/23 01:45 PM.
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Harder is better!

Please, an option to make it more challenging would be perfect.

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