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Joined: Sep 2023
First let me say I still adore BG3, as a crpg fan I�m really, really glad to see a studio is still making crpg with 3A standards in 2023. I think BG3�s art style, soundtrack, voice acting, cutscenes, and gameplay are all phenomenal, it�s absolutely my GOTY before Act III.

However, Viconia and Sarevok�s parts (and some other parts in Act III) totally killed my desire to keep playing and do another playthrough, because I no longer want to treat this world and the characters in it seriously. I also lost the ability to empathize with Shadowheart, for I think her story is totally impossible from the very start. Every time I heard her talking about the �Mother Superior� I felt like there was a huge fly in my mouth, and judging by the players� feedback, I�m not the only one.

Comparing BG3�s Viconia and Sarevok to their old selves in BG1&2, is like comparing Jaime Lannister in GOT season 8 to him in season 3�from a complex character who�s willing to sacrifice his honor to save all the people in King�s Landing, an oathbreaker full of conflict and tragedy in season 3, to a clown, who would say �I never cared much for them innocent or otherwise�, then was killed meaninglessly by rocks in season 8. It�s not only a huge writing downgrade, it�s character assassination, the characters are completely opposite from their former selves. (If you ever played Divinity Original Sin 2, it�s like you meet Sebille in DOS3, except now she�s a slave master who loves to control others� minds, and you�re going to kill her with a Walmart discount version of new Sebille.)

For those who haven't played BG1&2, please, let me provide some context. (Spoilers alert)

Let�s talk about Viccy first. Who is Viconia DeVir? She�s a recruitable Drow and a Shar cleric in BG1&2. Her story, especially her romance, is one of the best-written stories in all crpgs, and is still loved and discussed by many till today.

[Linked Image from]
Viconia DeVir, art by Ted Arfken

Though, players probably wouldn�t have a good first impression of Viconia. When you first met her, she was chased by a Flaming Fist, who accused her of committing murder. Despite being an exile from the Underdark, Viconia still had some worst qualities of Lolth Drow. She was Neutral Evil, and could be mean, arrogant, and full of superiority. Viconia liked to judge everyone by Drow standards, and would argue with other companions often.

(Sounds familiar? Yes, Lae�zel. She, Minthara, even Shadowheart and Astarion, all have some qualities of old Viconia in my eyes.)

�Men better than you have walked across lava to kiss a dog who's licked my hand� �BG2 Viconia

�I have been thinking, a little. I have been thinking of the time I have spent with rivvil...the humans...and I have found nothing redeeming or worthwhile in them.�
�Hmph. We are meant to find this a revelation, coming from you? It might surprise you to find that most would consider you without redeeming qualities either, drow.�
�If I required commentary from you, mongrel, I would tug on your collar or blow a dog whistle to gain your attention. My words were for and alone.� �BG2 Viconia and Jaheira

However, during your adventure with Viconia, you could slowly understand why she choose to be cold and hostile, keeping herself away from everyone. Besides the fact Lolth Drow were born jerks, the world in BG1&2 had treated Viconia very harshly. A Drow outside the Underdark would not only be discriminated against, but be treated as an animal that could be hunted and killed. It�s very normal for humans to loose dogs and arrows when they see a Drow, other Elves would even execute one on sight without questioning. (Recruiting Viconia reduced the party's reputation by 2, some npcs you met would confront you because of Viconia�s identity.) When Viconia left the Underdark, she had to sell her body to a human merchant, for protection and the opportunity to learn common language.

(BG3 has softened the tone a lot in this aspect, most npcs are welcoming and forgiving. It�s now uncommon to see racists and exclusionists, which is good and all, but it�s kinda strange considering the dnd background. I was surprised to know choosing Drow as player�s race would bring the player almost no debuff.)

�The land was strange, and each day I huddled under the terrible open sky, sure that I would be pulled into the vastness of it if I but closed my eyes for an instant......I was sure I would perish, never to see the Underdark again.� �BG2 Viconia

Viconia had lived a very long, very awful homeless life, every time she had the opportunity to settle down, she would be harassed and chased again. After BG1, she purchased a small land on the outskirts, finally enjoyed some normal days, and became a friend with a neighbor farmer.

�......we formed an awkward friendship. He did not ask why I wore my hood, and I slowly began to trust him. He wondered, though...that was obvious. The time to reveal myself as Drow came one late afternoon. A warm day; the sun was dappling along the south quarter of his farmland, and I pulled down my hood. Then he smiled a warm inviting smile.� �BG2 Viconia

The result was predictable. The farmer pretended to invite Viconia into his house, only to knock her out from her back. He then tortured and abused Viconia like an animal with two sons of his, put her into a coffin and buried her alive after they finished. But what they didn�t think of was, Viconia was a Lolth Drow.

�......I could see nothing except for the lid of a coffin. They had buried me alive... a mistake not to kill me outright. The fools knew the name 'Drow', but were ignorant of my true spirit.� �BG2 Viconia

In madness and hatred, Viconia clawed through the coffin and dirt (Astarion: wow), then had her revenge, but was wanted again afterward. This incident also caused her PTSD over trusting others, and she retracted herself back into the thick shell she built.

�I am drow. And I let myself be lulled, foolishly. The vengeance was bitter, because my own stupidity had made it necessary.� ��BG2 Viconina

But if the player dug hard enough, you could open Viconia�s shell a bit, and see the conscience and soft part inside. Slowly, Viconia would change herself because of you, she would soften her attitude towards the surface world and people in it, little by little, and start to care for other companions, although it�s by a Drow�s standard.

�I have acted...poorly towards you. I...I wish to apologize. Make fun if you wish, but you...did not deserve my insults. You are the only surfacer who has treated me fairly, and not demanded something in return. are not too bad to travel with. For a lowly male, that is.� ��BG2 Viconia

�I have not been on the surface for all that long. Sometimes I forget that things here are different from the world I once knew. I have toyed with your feelings unfairly, placing you down with the other males I have known...and you have not been like them. It was...wrong of me.� ��BG2 Viconia

Over time, Viconia became open to you and shared the story behind her exile from the Underdark. Her family served Lolth, but during a sacrifice, Viconia refused to kill a child, which angered Lolth and sparked a war between House DeVir and other small families. Viconia�s mother attempted to sacrifice her daughter to win back Lolth�s favor, it was Viconia�s brother who saved her, he killed their mother and released Viconia.

�......I was overwhelmed, dragged to the temple, and splayed across the altar in preparation for the priestesses to take my life. I was frightened...terrified, in fact. I would have died, in fact, were it not for...if it were not for my brother. My poor, foolish brother. Valas...� �BG2 Viconia

Lolth Drow lived in a total matriarchal society, males had no other use beyond being slaves, breeding tools, and oblations. And killing a female master was the ultimate act of rebellion for a male Drow. For that, Lolth turned Valas into a �Drider�, a half-spider half-Drow creature (remember the spider bro with lamp in Act II? Yeah just like that, except Larian made him too handsome), with no mind nor memory left, only pure malice and base instinct. Viconia always had guilt for her brother because of this, plus deep fear for Lolth.

�......I have seen her power, what she does to those who fall from grace......She will...will leave me to think I am safe or free and then she will come for me. I...I dream of Valas, sometimes, and I try to speak to him in my dreams. But he is only a monster, now, and I scream when his horrid spider legs caress me... I think...what can Lolth do to me if she has done this to Valas? What worse torments await me when she finally decides to come?� �BG2 Viconia

�If you would...if you would please sit with me for a moment, I would be thankful. I find myself uncharacteristically overcome with anxiety and I am be alone for the evening.� �BG2 Viconia

Viconia was the most difficult one to romance in BG1&2, her romance was long and detailed, but had very little room for mistakes. After a certain scene, she would start to throw temper tantrums and find all the excuses she could to break up with you. This is due to her clumsy avoidant personality, trust and intimate relationship were all foreign concepts to her, in Viconia�s mind, they were associated with danger, betrayal, and death. She also feared that the violence over Drow in the surface world and Lolth�s punishment would eventually impact you as well. After the player�s party encountered Lolth�s gated assassin, Viconia would even lie to you, reducing herself to the lowest Drow in your heart, to push you away from her, from danger.

�You wish to know of me? You wish to learn what I am like? I shall tell you the truth of it, then. I have lied to you, lies upon lies. My tale of the farmer in Beregost? A lie. I laid with him many times, seducing him to get the things I needed. It was his wife and townsfolk that drove me out. Like a succubus I have whored my way to Amn, taking what favors I could gather through sweat and passion. I earned passage with tongue and moans, with more males than you can count. And you are nothing compared to them. Any of them. So, then. What do you think of that, ? What do you think of me now?� �BG2 Viconia

�I am telling you that I have had rivvil by the dozens, that I allowed their saliva to cover me, allowed them to use me for their pleasures! And I enjoyed it!! I am a creature of dark lusts, you fool! Why are you not disgusted by this?! Turn away from me, spit on me and curse my name, I command you!!� �BG2 Viconia

If you choose to believe her lies, or couldn�t stand her unreasonable behaviors, she would end the relationship with you, in tears but in relief. The player needed to use many tricks, such as pretending to be angry and acting ignorant, to persuade her to stay by your side. In the end, Viconia would drop her facade and embrace her true feelings, then accompany you to the Throne of Bhaal.

�(sigh) I...I cast my white flag before you. I can struggle no more. You have defeated me.....I do not know what it is about you, but I opened up to you...I let you inside with honesty and candor. I am not used to such. Trust is death. I have been betrayed again and again, and yet I began to trust in you. I...I could not allow it to happen. I was confused, I tried to drive you away. But you saw through my deception...I owe much. You are safe harbor in a storm of terrifying power. I begin to feel that I need you...and this enthralls me and enrages me all at once... If you will have me, I shall not push you away again.� �BG2 Viconia

What are the cornerstones of Viconia? I can illuminate three: the longing and guilt for her brother, the compassion for outcasts/hatred for oppressors, and the tough spirit that keeps her defying her god even when she�s in fear. Her story was a story of escaping from persecution and fate, she was defined by her rebellious action against her born identity and the lifetime suffering it brought her. Viconia served Shar as the Dark Lady offered shelter for outcasts like her who were abandoned by the world, but she�s the Shadowheart who saves her parents in the end without hesitation, willing to bear the pain for the rest of her life.

Viconia had two endings in the original games. In the default ending, she would find a small Shar cult in Waterdeep, only to wipe all members out when they schemed to betray and kill her, shrugging off the chastisement of her goddess. Viconia then began her own adventures, she once assisted Drizzt in saving the elven city of Suldanessalar from a Zhentarim plot, for which she received the highest honor of the Seldarine from Queen Ellesime. She took her leave after that and was lost to history. Her romance ending has more tragedy in it, in which she had a family and a son with the player after they decided to settle down, she also became True Neutral. However fate caught up to her, Viconia was killed by Lolth�s assassin one day, but in her final years, she finally lived the life she always wanted, peaceful and without fear.

�Tell me...has there ever been anyone special to you? Never a special one who awaited her hero's return? The idea has value. I myself hope to retire to a home that doesn't change by the day.� �BG2 Viconia

Now, let�s take a look at BG3�s Viconia.

�You became my mission. To take a child of Selune's, and turn her over to Lady Shar. To show all light fades, and darkness will prevail in the end.� �BG3 Viconia

Turns out Viconia was the sole reason for Shadowheart�s broken family and decades of suffering. Such wow. Remember how she refused to sacrifice a child to Lolth, bearing the exile and the pain her action caused? Forget it, now she�s a professional child kidnapper, she abducted many children, abused and brainwashed them, she even had a 24/7 torture room, full of bones, blood, and gore. Remember how she resented Lolth for what she did to her brother, how she couldn�t help but missed and felt guilty for him? Great, now she also imprisoned children�s parents and relatives, tortured them, made them suffer the eternal torment her brother suffered, she would even let kids do her job sometimes. Why did she do all these, you ask? Remember even when she was dragged to the sacrifice altar, in fear and about to be killed, she still chose to defy and curse Lolth�s name?

�Lady Shar commanded me. And I obeyed. I do not question - I merely act as she wills me to.� �BG3 Viconia

The writer even had the audacity to retcon one of Viconia�s endings, saying how she wiped out the Shar cult was not a rebellious act, but a super smart big brain move to prove she�s the bestest cruelest Shar cultist of all time. I can�t even describe the disgusted feeling after I completed Shadowheart�s storyline. This �Viconia� shares no common point with any version of true Viconia, I even suspected she was one of Orin�s changelings when I met her. A once complex character, who was flawed but had many heroine�s, even motherly qualities, now was reduced to an almost laughable villain of the week, with a vile mustache and no depth.

The writer who wrote this part, were you on drugs? Were you fucking high? I was even impressed because even if you threw your ink bottle on your drafts, the character won�t be this completely 180.

Someone may say, oh but she was indeed Evil, so it�s natural for her to take this path, right? Stop, just stop. Not all evil characters are the same character, and not all evil characters are fanatic villains of the week. Except for those who have real brain damage, every evil character still has their inner logic, their malice needs a direction, and the direction is decided by their motives and life stories. Even an evil version of Viconia would never be a brainless fanatic who abused children, her experiences decide her malice will always be towards gods/oppressors. An evil version of her could be a woman who�s drawn to blood and vengeance, who�s eager to slaughter all the abusers, not to join the oppressors, become a braindead tool of them, and make more outcasts. (And I don�t understand, why the writer had to make her evil?)

Some others may say, oh maybe she�s brainwashed too, you see, her memory was in Mirror of Loss. Stop again. That explanation is not nearly enough. Imagine all your past adventures and memories were thrown into the garbage can by one line. No, we need a longer, more detailed, and more believable explanation. If it was Viconia who chose to look into Mirror of Loss, why? If she was forced to, by whom? Most importantly, players need a way to change her back. Using Mirror of Loss as an excuse is like saying Karlach becomes a demon boss in BG4, who slaughters and tortures people for fun, and the reason is simply her head was hit by a wagon after BG3.

And no, old characters� words�Jaheira will talk about Viconia is not as bad as she appears (Minsc�s comments on her though, is just like how the writer wrote her in BG3, full of unreasonable spite, make no sense)�can�t save the narrative, either. Actually, they make things worse, because they imply that players� past adventures and memories with Viconia do exist, but none of them count now, and Viconia was murdered by players� own hands. And you�re telling me, Jaheira and Minsc, these two who have accompanied Viconia to the Throne of Bhaal, experienced countless things with her, good or bad, have that little to say when they met?

There�s a rumor that it was WotC�s decision to write the characters this way, despite I didn�t find any evidence (all writers of BG3 on imdb are not from WotC), I think it�s possible. WotC has the copyrights, after all, and they�re well-known clowns (their official Baldur�s Gate novels were so bad that they were mocked by everyone for years). But what I don�t understand is, as far as I know, Jaheira and Minsc in BG3 all differ significantly from themselves in WotC canon (Minsc even poked fun at his hair in WotC canon in his dialogue), so why do Viconia and Sarevok have to be this out of character? Maybe the writer thought letting them be evil could make players from old games easier to kill them, no, this is pure delusion, what becomes easier to kill is the desire to continue playing the game.

So, how to improve Viconia in BG3? Here are some suggestions from an amateur: Delete Shadowheart�s parents, replace them with Viconia. I think Shadowheart�s parents are currently in an awkward position, they don�t have good character arcs or interesting characteristics, and don�t even provide new information or context. Players don�t know them, and to be honest, Shadowheart doesn�t know them either, not really. They�re just tools the writer uses to give players an illusion of weight. I found it difficult to care for two strangers that suddenly appeared in front of me. I could only try to comprehend the writer�s intentions rationally, but couldn�t really empathize with Shadowheart. Why not use Viconia then?

Hear this: Shadowheart and her parents were still former Selune followers, except Shadowheart was a real orphan this time, who was adopted by Viconia after her parents� passing. Viconia saw her past self in Shadowheart, she raised her with strict but loving guidance, teaching her everything she knew. Slowly, a bond was formed between them. Shar was pleased as well, she saw huge potential in this Selune�s child and wanted to make her a Dark Justiciar. However Viconia, because of her own experiences and bias, disagreed, she didn�t want Shadowheart to lose herself and all the memories, only to become a tool of goddess.

Wouldn�t this be more intriguing? Now there are two conflicts the writer can explore, one is the dynamic between Shadowheart and Viconia, how would Shadowheart see her dear mother, when she believed in the goddess that killed her parents? The second is the growing tension between Viconia and Shar.

One day, Shar decided to skip Viconia and �adjust� Shadowheart by herself, which of course, was defied by Viccy. The beauty of this is she now became just like Valas, her brother, who defended his family from another goddess. And just like her brother, Viconia was captured and tortured by Shar, and Shadowheart was forced to look into Mirror of Loss, then was given the mission to find the artefact. When the player meets her, she only has faith in Shar, besides some vague memories for Mother Superior, which sometimes leaves her sad and confused during the adventure.

At the end, the choice Shadowheart needs to make is:
1. Defy Shar, endure the pain for the rest of her life, but save her mother.
2. Embrace darkness, kill her mother, become a true Dark Justiciar and the new Mother Superior.
3. Allow the hate and anger�that her parents were killed by Shar followers�to consume her. Defy Shar and also kill her mother, cut ties with darkness and �return to the light�, but become a worse person. (This moment should not happen in Act II, in front of Nightsong, an npc she knew nothing about, it�s too soon and lacks weight.)

Okay, enough fanfiction. But isn�t this better than what we got? By doing this, the writer pays respect to the old character, in the meantime they make players from old games care about Shadowheart more. It�s the daughter of Viconia for god sake, who could leave her in the camp?

I also want to talk a bit about Shadowheart. Her quest is called �Daughter of Darkness�, but she is not dark, not at all, I think �Daughter of Darkness except the writer kinda forgot about the Dark part� suits her better. The writer took almost every opportunity to move Shadowheart away from dark, even in Act I, there were too many hints that she was misled, brainwashed, deceived...she was the victim who always wanted light. Which is related to how gods are portrayed in BG3. I think BG3�s gods, or in fact, goddesses, are all poorly written. For example, Selune and Shar, Shar is the big baddie, she cursed people and lands, her followers are all lunatics who like murder, torture, and brainwashing, she�s also very petty, oh boy you better hope you never meet her; Selune is the big goodie, she protects people and has a gentle heart, her followers are all cool, pretty and handsome, she is the walking epitome of blessing.

This oversimplified black-and-white writing in my opinion is not only boring, but also hurts the narrative. It makes Shadowheart�s choice about whether to turn to darkness actually become no choice at all, she has no reason to, and the player can�t find any believable motives for her either. The choice becomes nothing more than an option only for players� curiosity: oh I want to see what an evil Shadowheart looks like.

But Shar and Selune are two sides of the same coin. Yes, Shar is indeed the goddess of darkness and loss, but darkness has a gentle side as well. For the outcasts who are abandoned by the world, darkness is the only place that allows them to stay (this is the reason why Viconia served Shar in the first place). Why not make Shar a stubborn but honest goddess, who truly believes that darkness and loss are blessings she could give to humans, instead of the petty cartoon villain we got. And Selune has a ruthless, unforgiving side (like how Aylin beat the old man into a pulp) . Won�t this be more interesting? Do you know for how many people in dnd background, the ability to forget is a real blessing? Put some important npcs like that in the game, show us how they�re truly helped by Shar, won�t that make Shadowheart�s choice at the end have more weight? Don�t just place some hollows in front of the house and call it a day, where am I, Northern Undead Asylum?

What I want to see at the end of Shadowheart's storyline is a conversation about faith between her and Viconia, two real "Daughters of Darkness," with the player or even with Shar. Viconia can tell Shadowheart the disagreements between her and Shar, what kind of a jerk Shar is, but she did accept her when no one else would, saved her and brought her peace in the past. Shar can explain to Shadowheart what love and acceptance mean in her eyes. Not the �light is good, dark is bad, I spit on your face, goodbye� we got right now. The philosophical discussions about Dark and Light Shadowheart could offer would also be very interesting because of her identity. But we got none of those in the game. So many missed opportunities, even Divinity Original Sin 2 did a much better job in this aspect.

(Although to be honest, this is not all Larian�s fault. At this point, badly written evil gods is already a kind of tradition of dnd.)

Last but no least, make Viconia recruitable. Please, many players have waited for this for 20 years.

Okay, enough Viccy. Let�s talk about good old Sarevok. Same as Viconia, BG3�s Sarevok is nothing like his old self.

[Linked Image from]
Sarevok Anchev, art by CG-Zander

Sarevok Anchev, the main antagonist of BG1 and the player's brother, was a Bhaalspawn. He was ruthless, once orchestrated a war that could kill thousands, but make no mistake, he was the most unlikely candidate of a Bhaal follower. What he wanted was to replace Bhaal and become the new Lord of Murder, like Bhaal once did. Actually he didn�t give a shit about Bhaal, Bhaal was just the stepping stone for him to achieve his ambitions, one could even say Sarevok was hostile towards Bhaal.

�I orchestrated a war to slaughter thousands. I have felt the cold embrace of death. I have witnessed the horrors of the Abyss.� �BG2 Sarevok

�When Bhaal held sway over my soul, I reveled in the bloody carnage I wrought. But my will was not my own......I will not surrender my being to the whims of another they god or other.� �BG2 Sarevok

The player could resurrect Sarevok in BG2. As your brother and reverse side, Sarevok offered many memorable dialogues about morality, fate, and death. The quality of his story made him one of the most popular companions in BG2, despite his rather brief appearance.

Now, what did this experienced conspirator, who came back from death do in BG3? He became a puppy dog, sorry, �judge� for Bhaal, repeating �All I did was for Bhaal�. Not only that, he taught his daughter, and the daughter of his daughter, to also worship Bhaal. (I don�t understand, since when Bhaal became this top-grade god that everyone wants a piece of him?) The ultimate judgment Sarevok�the man who once waged war�gave the player is to let you kill a flying elephant. You got me there writer, I chuckled, this is one of the best jokes in 2023. Sometimes I wonder if the writer has a kink, a fetish for fanatics who have brain damage, that they had to write characters like these to get high.

So, how to improve Sarevok? I think it�s rather simple: Make him a powerful secret boss, but also recruitable. Bring him to see Orin. Let him use his own experience to scold his granddaughter that Bhaal is actually a clown god, and she�ll become a bigger clown if she gives all herself to him. And that�s one interesting conflict, how Orin would react to this grandfather that she admired deeply? I think Sarevok might be even a bit proud if Orin has the ambition to replace Bhaal, like he once did. But �all I did was for Bhaal�? What a disappointing GenZ child.

Last, if it�s really WotC�s idea to write these two characters this way and Larian has no other choice (I highly doubt that though), I have one more cheap idea: make these two characters fake ones. Viconia is actually a changeling, who once heard about real Viconia�s story and wanted to use her name to control a Shar cult, you know, like the Redcap in Underdark? And the �Sarevok� was put together by Bhaal cultists using some cheap soul pieces and weird rituals, but since they�re not very smart nor did they meet the real Sarevok, they could only make this clown, this pretender, who would only repeat �All hail Bhaal�. You can call him �the shadow of Sarevok� or something like that.

You know what�s better? Delete these two characters if you�re not going to rewrite them. Trust me Larian, the absence of old popular characters causes far less damage than ruining them. Not to mention even if these two characters are not called �Viconia� and �Sarevok�, as Act III villains they�re still very lackluster. I can understand you want to connect new characters with old ones, but this is not passing the torch, this is torching the past.

Rant over. I don�t know how many people are going to read this article, so this is more like self-therapy. I want to love Baldur�s Gate 3 more, I really do, even at its current state, that whole Act III feels like another Early Access, I still think it�s worthwhile to do multiple playthroughs. Sadly Larian didn�t give me the chance, but I hope they do in the future. And to those who have read this far, sincerely, thank you.

Last edited by Zerubbabel; 27/09/23 12:48 PM. Reason: Spoilers in the title.
Joined: Dec 2022
Joined: Dec 2022
I think both characters are good in my opinion.

Viconia has always been this way, so does Sarevok.

I think there is dissonance/difference perception of the world depending on how each individual think of what should or shouldn't be.

I think Sarevok reverting from being relatively Neutral to being Evil back is a possibility, which this game realized.

I think it's natural, unromanced, and not-dead Viconia is still relatively evil and stubborn and the way she is in the game.

I think, you should consider Baldur's Gate 3 as continuation but of different timelines. Whatever idealized fate you think they should've ended up with, it's still exist, in some other universe, but not in this one.

In this one, Sarevok reverted back like an old drug addict. Viconia doesn't bore Abdel Adrian's child, nor He ever romanced.

This is not anybody's ideal world nor it can ever be. And yet, We have to live within it.

At least that's how I look at it. It bring me peace.

Councellor Florrick's favorite Warlock.

Back Black Geyser's DLC: (RTwP Isometric cRPG inspired by BG1).
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Thanks for replying. But what?

Allow me to say no, these two characters were not always this way, actually they were never this way. I have listed my points about why even their original "evil" selfs were not like what we got in BG3.

Maybe you didn't understand my points so I repeat, what I'm arguing was not they must be good (though I think they definitely could be), what I'm arguing was the writer didn't understand these two characters and have made them do things even evil versions of them won't do. Viconia and Sarevok in BG3 are not only evil, they are dumb, almost brain dead. For example, Sarevok, he was a man full of ambition who never treated Bhaal seriously since BG1, I'm not saying he can't kill people, I'm saying he won't become a puppy dog of Bhaal.

And Viconia, the things that would stop her kidnap and abuse children all happened long before she met the player (the sacrifice, Lolth, and her brother), they're her cornerstones and have nothing to do with her romance. Like I said, evil characters are differenct, there're good ones and there're villains of the week with mustaches. Let me ask you this, even if the devs had to do these two characters dirty and make them evil, do you really think these two villains are the best we can get? These two fanatics with no brain?

But hey, I'm not here to tell you how to think about things. Thanks again for replying, and I'm glad to know you've found your peace, I wish I have the luck too lol.

Joined: Dec 2020
Joined: Dec 2020
Tbh Viconia and Sarevok are together with Anomen the characters I could care the least in BG2.
I'm more mad that they made a canon Gorions Ward and that that is not my Gorions Ward, of course human male fighter.
Imo the NPCs are up for the grab, do with them, what you want, but leave the player characters alone.

And Viconia wasn't exactly nice in BG. She came from an evil goddess to another evil goddess and was brought up in an evil society.
And yeah, romance. I never romanced her because I prefer to play my own gender , so she stayed evil until I kicked her out for attacking my paladin, Keldorn.
The Viconia I see in BG3 is therefore exactly the Viconia I expect to see, so for me, everything is ok
And even if she was neutral because she was romanced ( which is not canon, look again on the Abdel Abomination timeline), she had a very evil upbringing, so left to her own device, chances are high, she will go back to it. Unlike Shadowheart, she never knew another life . You don't know, what will happen to Jaime Lannister, since the books aren't finished and probably never will be, he could go back to his selfish self for reasons, who knows.

And Sarevok - well he doesn't have the luxury of having lost his memory and connection to Bhaal,
like our Durge, so chances are, Bhaal has reclaimed him. Durge can be able to severe this connection permanently and get purged of the Bhaal elements with the help of Jergal, if they go down that route. If you do a Durge, who claims the Bhaalspawn power and then reject them in the end, as it is my understanding, Sarevok did, you will have a very unpleasant ending.
I put the last part into spoiler, since it has endspoilers for a certain background in BG3. And please correct me, if I'm wrong about Sarevok, it's been a while, since I played Throne of Bhaal, since I'm not a fan of that add-on .

I really don't want to be mean, I just wanted to point out, that depending on how you play in BG 1&2, this is exactly, how those two can turn out.

According to the cursed canon, Jaheira is dead and I'd rather deal with an evil Viconia and Sarevok, than have that happen.

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Originally Posted by SerTomato
Let me ask you this, even if the devs had to do these two characters dirty and make them evil, do you really think these two villains are the best we can get? These two fanatics with no brain?

Sarevok is/was Fanatics with no brain, I am surprise that he ended up as a priest of Bhaal because I think, if he's half as smart as he think he is he would seek a cabin by the lake and seek death alone.

As for Viconia, the only problem I have with her appearance is not her depiction, but her (seemingly) abrupt involvement in the game He and the Sharran enclave, because in a good playthrough you probaly slaughter the entire compound population.

Are they both "Fanatics with no-brain"? Probably. I'd argue all the villains in this game (or any other game really) can be argued as "Brainless Fanatics".

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After watching Viconia's romance on YouTube, I disagree with you dext. Paladin.

There is a difference between making character evil and stupid evil and it's not the first time being evil is just straight out worse than good / neutral in BG3. It�s like the writers cant write a competent evil, where real life is choke full of that.

You gain nothing by being evil, in fact, you lose stuff and get locked out of quests and rewards with basically nothing to make up for that. You want smart evil? Here are examples from Fallout New Vegas:

-Turning on solar space laser for your own power or distributing the energy to a whole region.
-Making a grieving woman pay to get her husband's out of a warzone.
-Extorting a community for cash with blackmail
-Killing 100 NCR troops and getting their dog tags to the Legion, who give the best rewards in the whole damn game.

In Baldur's Gate 3 evil is stupid, evil characters tend to be brainwashed, stupid or Lunatic and this is coming from someone who never played BG 1 or 2.
I hold no attachement to either Viconia or Sarevok, but what they did to those characters is a slap in the face of previous Baldur's Gate games fans and just Terrible writing in general.

Ps: SerTomato, I posted a link to your thread on Larian Discord, giving you full credit. Just a heads up.

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Originally Posted by Dext. Paladin
Originally Posted by SerTomato
Let me ask you this, even if the devs had to do these two characters dirty and make them evil, do you really think these two villains are the best we can get? These two fanatics with no brain?

Sarevok is/was Fanatics with no brain, I am surprise that he ended up as a priest of Bhaal because I think, if he's half as smart as he think he is he would seek a cabin by the lake and seek death alone.

As for Viconia, the only problem I have with her appearance is not her depiction, but her (seemingly) abrupt involvement in the game He and the Sharran enclave, because in a good playthrough you probaly slaughter the entire compound population.

Are they both "Fanatics with no-brain"? Probably. I'd argue all the villains in this game (or any other game really) can be argued as "Brainless Fanatics".
I would counter with Raphael, Auntie, Gortash, Ketheric, Mizora , Emperor ( if you go against him), who are not brainless and , apart from Gortash and Ketheric, no fanatics. So I would even argue, that both Gortash and Ketheric are in it for practical reason not out of a zealous believe.

Last edited by fylimar; 27/09/23 07:01 AM.

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Originally Posted by Annoyed Player
After watching Viconia's romance on YouTube, I disagree with you dext. Paladin.

There is a difference between making character evil and stupid evil and it's not the first time being evil is just straight out worse than good / neutral in BG3. It�s like the writers cant write a competent evil, where real life is choke full of that.

You gain nothing by being evil, in fact, you lose stuff and get locked out of quests and rewards with basically nothing to make up for that. You want smart evil? Here are examples from Fallout New Vegas:

-Turning on solar space laser for your own power or distributing the energy to a whole region.
-Making a grieving woman pay to get her husband's out of a warzone.
-Extorting a community for cash with blackmail
-Killing 100 NCR troops and getting their dog tags to the Legion, who give the best rewards in the whole damn game.

In Baldur's Gate 3 evil is stupid, evil characters tend to be brainwashed, stupid or Lunatic and this is coming from someone who never played BG 1 or 2.
I hold no attachement to either Viconia or Sarevok, but what they did to those characters is a slap in the face of previous Baldur's Gate games fans and just Terrible writing in general.

Ps: SerTomato, I posted a link to your thread on Larian Discord, giving you full credit. Just a heads up.

You should play the game instead of watching the Romance video.

The romance is good and it make the character more nuanced. Non-romance character feels less nuanced.

If you play the game:

1. Aerie is either a childish whinny girl who couldn't stop mourning her lost wing or someone who coming to term with his new found flaws.
2. Jaheira is either self-righteous harper or a genuine righteous individual.
3. Viconia is either class A A-hole and a problematic racist or an exciting lover / fish out of the water lover.

Questioning whether you must gain something for being "Evil" in this world is moot. If Shar told Viconia to be a jester, she probably will be a jester, and for what? Nothing. They do it to please their God.

Do you ever ask why Dolor did what he did to his victim? Disrupting the economy? Possibly making Baldur's Gate vulnerable to Absolute influence? And for what? In macro-perspective? Nothing. He did so he can please Bhaal.

It doesn't need to be "Make sense".

In the Real World, God (if He indeed exist) never speak to you directly. God never appear to you directly.

In Faerun, God actively communicate with their follower. Their power apparent from the power shown by their priest and followers.

In Faerun, afterlife is a thing that nobody cannot dispute, especially when Jergal and Kelemvor known to all.

In Faerun, Demon exist, aspect of chaos and evil in material form, not just abstract ideas.

I am sorry, but I'm ignoring your "smart evil" example because... I don't think those are example of smart of anykind. It's not special, because something similar available to you in BG3, of course with more reactivity.

-Turning on solar space laser for your own power or distributing the energy to a whole region. --> instead of indirectly doomed a community, you can actively participate in their slaughter.
-Making a grieving woman pay to get her husband's out of a warzone. --> how many times you can ask for money to help people in BG3?
-Extorting a community for cash with blackmail --> How many times you extort someone/community for an item you posses?
-Killing 100 NCR troops and getting their dog tags to the Legion, who give the best rewards in the whole damn game. --> Picking dog tags to gain 'good boy' point for an evil faction? Why not commit mass genocide to please evil god?

Instead of comparing Baldur's Gate 3 to an "RPG" made for mainstream audience/RPG tourist/"I play an RPG" game certification for Warzone player - let's not insult BG3 and compare it to Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire.

I think Narrtive and RPG is in opposite direction of game design. The more narrative heavy developer control of game, the less player autonomy they can give, meaning less roleplaying.

Deadfire tried to strike "balance" of sort. Narratively it's a fantastic game, nuanced, and nobody are clearly evil nor good (it's still a debate to this day).

Tight narrative making the game feels less RPG. The dialogue rarely mention what class you are. The dialogue rarely acknowledges your race. The dialogue rarely acknowledges your identity/background. --- it's still a fantastic cRPG, but it sacrifices a lot of RPG aspect within the dialogue to achieve much coherent narrative.

BG3 pulling the string closer to RPG, sacrificing coherent narrative but giving player more options to do. So I am not defending BG3 if somebody say they think BG3 hasn't got the best writing.


in BG3 evil is stupid. Okay, so if irl God, say Jesus comes down today, and you as believer commanded to stand with your hand upside down while drinking grimace drink, would you question His intention or not? (I, as an Unbeliever think that is stupid, the point being: perspective, the materialize form of God in Faerun actively conspiring against one another etc.)

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Originally Posted by fylimar
I would counter with Raphael, Auntie, Gortash, Ketheric, Mizora , Emperor ( if you go against him), who are not brainless and , apart from Gortash and Ketheric, no fanatics. So I would even argue, that both Gortash and Ketheric are in it for practical reason not out of a zealous believe.

I agree.

I just making the point that for someboy else somewhere they can be seen as stupid evil.

1. Auntie Ethel may "complain" that "everyody is just ask something of her" that "Humanity is greedy" as an excuse to why she is the way she is. But She doesn't have deeper motive that make it 'seemingly' smart as the reason why she is evil. For me it's simple, She's a Hag. She doesn't need a reason to be "smart" evil. Same thing about her fanaticism to prey upon helpless.

2. Raphael is nigh-omnipotent Devil who instead of making deals with the Chosen (after Ketheric dies, if he is smart), instead he conspire against them directly, via Tav. Why?

3. The Emperor literally just "you don't want to side with me? k then bye I'll back to being Elder Brain drone".

All the people you mentions is not Zealot, as in religious fanatics, but zealot as in believe in their own self/egoistic/maniacal.

Last edited by Dext. Paladin; 27/09/23 07:25 AM. Reason: typo

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Originally Posted by fylimar
And even if she was neutral because she was romanced ( which is not canon, look again on the Abdel Abomination timeline), she had a very evil upbringing, so left to her own device, chances are high, she will go back to it. Unlike Shadowheart, she never knew another life . You don't know, what will happen to Jaime Lannister, since the books aren't finished and probably never will be, he could go back to his selfish self for reasons, who knows.

Thanks for replying, but I have to disagree again. You seem to not understand my points, I was not arguing Viccy has to be good (even though I think she totally could be). What I was saying is even if she's evil, she won't be this certain kind of evil, she could kill people, yes, but she would never be a fanatic because she never was one, nor would she hurt children.

You mentioned "she will go back to it", go back to where? The original Viconia in the Underdark? Won't you know it, that's the one who refused to sacrifice a child to Lolth, that's also the one who had guilt for her brother. Those were the very fundamental qualities of her and have nothing to do with her journey or romance with the player. Interestingly, you said Jaime "could go back to his selfish self", but just like Viconia, the Jaime who saved King's Landing was his original self, the foolish lad even wanted to stop the Mad King when he abused the Queen, he only became cynical afterward, so again, go back to where?

I understand everyone's taste and playthroughs are different, maybe the real Viconia and Jaime are not what you remembered, you just didn't know them, but hey, it's okay.

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Well i don't like that the things are not accurate. Because as I played 1-2 differently and it was my own experience.

For me ist fine. And try to see it like this it could be end like this and not the way you or me remember and played it.

It could be a dnd campaign and bg3 is following those events.
For example the :

It also not lore accurate. But it was fine at least for me.

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Originally Posted by SerTomato
Originally Posted by fylimar
And even if she was neutral because she was romanced ( which is not canon, look again on the Abdel Abomination timeline), she had a very evil upbringing, so left to her own device, chances are high, she will go back to it. Unlike Shadowheart, she never knew another life . You don't know, what will happen to Jaime Lannister, since the books aren't finished and probably never will be, he could go back to his selfish self for reasons, who knows.

Thanks for replying, but I have to disagree again. You seem to not understand my point, I was not arguing Viccy has to be good (even I think she totally could be). What I was saying is even if she's bad, she won't be this kind of bad, she could kill people, yes, but she would never be a fanatic because she never was one, nor would she hurt children.

You mentioned "she will go back to it", go back to where? The original Viconia in the Underdark? Won't you know it, that's the one who refused to sacrifice a child to Lolth, that's also the one who had guilt for her brother. Those are the very fundamental qualities of her and have nothing to do with her journey or romance with the player. Interestingly, you said Jaime "could go back to his selfish self", but just like Viconia, the Jaime who saved King's Landing was his original self, the foolish lad even wanted to stop Mad King when he abused the Queen, he only became cynical afterward, so again, go back to where?

I understand everyone's taste and playthroughs are different, maybe the real Viconia and Jaime are not what you remembered, you just didn't know them, but hey, it's okay.

Believe me, I know them, I've played the game enough times and read the books often. Just because I don't agree with your sentiments doesn't mean, I don't know what I'm talking about. It's a bit insulting tbh
Viconia was a priest of Lolth and is a priest of Shar - she did atrocious things. Even Shadow confesses to have killed and tortured, that is the stick of Sharrans, they are evil, their initiation into higher ranks is killing a Selunite. So please don't tell me, Viconia is that repenent. Yes, she might have turn her back to Lolth, because she doesn't want to kill a child - but ran over to a goddess, who is as bad as Lolth or worse. I don't see that as a particulary good action. Even evil characters can have some morals about them.

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Yeah well thats the problem of bringing back old characters.

People who have worked hard to turning Viconia from neutral evil to true neutral now see their work undone.

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Thanks for replying Paladin, but I disagree with you a lot, let's start from small things.

Originally Posted by Dext. Paladin
If Shar told Viconia to be a jester, she probably will be a jester, and for what? Nothing. They do it to please their God.

When did this happen? Can you explain? Because I don't remember. What I remember is 1. Viconia once served Lolth, but she refused to sacrifice a child to her, even when the punishment was death. And 2. Viconia once wiped out a Shar cult, ignoring Shar's anger and punishment. I don't know where this "probably" comes from.

And your comments on other companions make me start to think we played a different game, but let's move to Sarevok

Originally Posted by Dext. Paladin
Sarevok is/was Fanatics with no brain.

What? Can a fanatic with no brain orchestrated a war? Sure you can disagree with his strategy, but that requires the ability to scheme. And even if you insist he was stupid, do you really think BG1's him and BG3's him is the same character? Let's say there're two characters, one believed in god and died in starvation, one believed in himself and died in a hopeless war, one was a fanatic, one was a mad man, both are stupid, but are they the same?

Let's not wander too far away from the topic, what I was arguing is the out of character writing, not whether characters have to be good. What, was Sarevok also a puppy dog of Bhaal in BG1? Who "did all the things for Bhaal"?

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Rehashing any of the characters from the original games was a big mistake.

For the BG1&2 players who this rehashing is for, there is no canon with these characters. None of the characters brought back for BG3 match any of my versions of them. My Minsc was killed by an Ogre Berserker trying to rescue Dynaheir. I romanced Viconia and she was not the evil kidnapper from BG3. She doesn't look or sound anything like her. De-leveling them doesn't feel right either.

Sarevok being demoted to a mini-boss did not do him justice. What were they thinking? It feels more like some arrogant statement, taking the main antagonist of BG1 and turning him into some minor encounter for your own sequel.

New players who are not familiar with these characters don't care. They have no frame of reference. So who was the rehashing for, really? The idea was doomed from the start. Really poor decisions from Larian. They ruined several old characters when they could have introduced fresh new faces. And respected the old cast in another way. Tavern tales. Books. Legends lore. Quick cameos with proper wow-factor.

Last edited by 1varangian; 27/09/23 08:35 AM.
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Originally Posted by SerTomato
Thanks for replying Paladin, but I disagree with you a lot, let's start from small things.

Originally Posted by Dext. Paladin
If Shar told Viconia to be a jester, she probably will be a jester, and for what? Nothing. They do it to please their God.

When did this happen? Can you explain? Because I don't remember. What I remember is 1. Viconia once served Lolth, but she refused to sacrifice a child to her, even when the punishment was death. And 2. Viconia once wiped out a Shar cult, ignoring Shar's anger and punishment. I don't know where this "probably" comes from.

That answer was not intended for you.

I was trying to explain to the other guy, why the villain do what they do.

Originally Posted by SerTomato
Originally Posted by Dext. Paladin
Sarevok is/was Fanatics with no brain.

What? Can a fanatic with no brain orchestrated a war? Sure you can disagree with his strategy, but that requires the ability to scheme. And even if you insist he is stupid, do you really think BG1's him and BG3's him is the same character? Let's say there're two characters, one believed in god and died in starvation, one believed in himself and died in a hopeless war, one was a fanatic, one was a mad man, both are stupid, but are they the same?

Let's not wander too far away from the topic, what I was arguing is about the out of character writing, evil characters are different. What, was Sarevok also a puppy dog of Bhaal in BG1? Who "did all the things for Bhaal"?

I think *because* they're brainless fanatics they orchestrated a war. Pleasing their God.

If Sarevok was just brainless evil but not a Bhaalspawn/Bhaalworshipper would the first thing he think about in his evil plain is: Mass Murder?

And Yes, I would argue Sarevok was always been Sarevok's puppy. I'd argue BG1 wouldn't happen if Sarevok wasn't trying to be a good daddy's puppy.

I mean why else is He trying to generate chaos?

Sarevok in BG1 is daddy's little pet dog who did what he did in the name of Daddy.

Sarevok in BG3 is also daddy's little pet dog, but no longer his favorite, because he has proven to be failure.

Same logic applies to Sendai, Amelyssan etc.

They all cannot fathom all the chaos and murders, regardless of the states intention of each Bhaalspawn only feed Bhaal not them.

They have not got half the brain of the CHARNAME to resist Bhaal and not to become his pet.

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Originally Posted by fylimar
Believe me, I know them, I've played the game enough times and read the books often.

Sorry if I offended you, but what you said about those two characters were indeed, inaccurate. And you mentioned you never romanced Viccy, but a lot of her origin stories were explained in her romance. Also

Originally Posted by fylimar
So please don't tell me, Viconia is that repenent.

I feel like we're talking in circles, and you still didn't get me. I never claimed Viconia was repentant, nor did I claim she was innocent. Like I said in my article, she could do bad things, but wouldn't do certain bad things. Of course she could kill people, hell, I literally said she murdered her farmer neighbors and all the members of a Shar cult in my article, but she made those choices by herself, she was rebellious, and she refused to hurt children even when she faced death, therefore what she did to Shadowheart in BG3 and "Shar commands and I obey" are out of character. "Being evil" is not the keyword, "being out of character" is. Will you accept this logic?

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Originally Posted by 1varangian
Rehashing any of the characters from the original games was a big mistake.

For the BG1&2 players who this rehashing is for, there is no canon with these characters. None of the characters brought back for BG3 match any of my versions of them. My Minsc was killed by an Ogre Berserker trying to rescue Dynaheir. I romanced Viconia and she was not the evil kidnapper from BG3. She doesn't look or sound anything like her. De-leveling them doesn't feel right either.

Sarevok being demoted to a mini-boss did not do him justice. What were they thinking? It feels more like some arrogant statement, taking the main antagonist of BG1 and turning him into some minor encounter for your own sequel.

New players who are not familiar with these characters don't care. They have no frame of reference. So who was the rehashing for, really? The idea was doomed from the start. Really poor decisions from Larian. They ruined several old characters when they could have introduced fresh new faces. And respected the old cast in another way. Tavern tales. Books. Legends lore. Quick cameos with proper wow-factor.

I have strong belief that WoTC probably made them integrate old character to the game.

Boost the sales a bit.

I agree, they shouldn't bring back old characters. I even prefer the old character only mentioned in passing.

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Originally Posted by SerTomato
Originally Posted by fylimar
Believe me, I know them, I've played the game enough times and read the books often.

Sorry if I offended you, but what you said about those two characters were indeed, inaccurate. And you mentioned you never romanced Viccy, but a lot of her origin stories were explained in her romance. Also

Originally Posted by fylimar
So please don't tell me, Viconia is that repenent.

I feel like we're talking in circles, and you still didn't get me. I never claimed Viconia was repentant, nor did I claim she was innocent. Like I said in my article, she could do bad things, but wouldn't do certain bad things. Of course she could kill people, hell, I literally said she murdered her farmer neighbors and all the members of a Shar cult in my article, but she made those choices by herself, she was rebellious, and she refused to hurt children even when she faced death, therefore what she did to Shadowheart in BG3 and "Shar commands and I obey" are out of character. "Being evil" is not the keyword, "being out of character" is. Will you accept this logic?

Let's just agree to disagree. Romanced Viconia is something, not everyone did and if you are experienced with the lore of DnD, which I guess,you are, you also know, that getting involved with a god too much might change you for the worse. We see it in this game with characters like Gale, Shadowheart, if made a Dark Justiciar at the end of act 2 and even Lae'zel to some degree, if staying true to Vlaakith. And most of all with Dark Urge. The gods mess with you and use you. Imo Viconia and Sarevok are two examples with the premises, that they stayed true to their gods. The events of the first two games are a hundred years in the past, a lot can happen then.
And I already said, that I get, if a company reuse a character you liked in a way, you don't appreciate and yes, maybe it would have been better to use different characters altogether, but at the end of the day Viconia and Sarevok are ok in my book, because you see, how much the gods intervene in personal lifes. As I said, I was fuming when the brought Revan' back in SWTOR as this totally lunatic white guy, that had nothing to do with my character.
I'm not even sure, if bringing back old characters was entirely Larians idea like Paladin said. So I guess, they did the best they could with the old characters, who btw can also be dead. Viconia died in one of my playthroughs, because she thought it a great idea to attack Keldorn with her whoppi g 8 or so Con. He did hit her once and that was it.
I think, we all can agree though, that they did a terrific job with Jaheira, Mins and Boo.

Last edited by fylimar; 27/09/23 08:58 AM.

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Thanks Paladin

Originally Posted by Dext. Paladin
I think *because* they're brainless fanatics they orchestrated a war. Pleasing their God.

Except...that was not his goal? Btw I was talking about his ability, not his motive.

Originally Posted by Dext. Paladin
And Yes, I would argue Sarevok was always been Sarevok's puppy. I'd argue BG1 wouldn't happen if Sarevok wasn't trying to be a good daddy's puppy.

I mean why else is He trying to generate chaos?

In BG1, he literally said: "Fool! I do not wish to RESTORE his power, merely to RAISE it! With the divine blood that flows through these veins, I shall assume control over that which he so foolishly lost! I shall BECOME Bhaal. THAT... is the only acceptable outcome. All that is left is for us to end this in a manner... befitting our heritage. Face me! Face the new LORD OF MURDER! Angelo! Tazok! Reveal yourselves and let's finish this now!"

His goal was clear, he wanted to replace Bhaal. I don't know about you, but to me this doesn't sound like a puppy talking.

Sure you can say the ultimate beneficiary was still Bhaal, and I would agree, but that's massively different from willingly serving Bhaal, like Orin did. Sarevok might be used, but he was not a puppy.

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