I�ve never really played the first two games so I'm coming at this without particular reverence for the characters. I'm someone who thinks that having returning characters like this is one of the fun parts of a sequel like this, but I'm also against those particular party members being companions. I think it would have been better if Jaheira had just remained the experienced advisor/support the way she was in act 2. They could have said Jaheira was too well known to be going around with your party so she and her harpers had to stay in the background and provide you support, until the end where she joins the final battle in all her high level glory. I say this as someone who adores Jaheira as a companion in this game and took her everywhere once she became available. And in a better version of this game, one where the shar stuff was actually integrated into the main plot and mattered to it, Viconia would have been the evil alternate version of that. Minsc I could accept as a companion since canonically (Canon established a whole ago by wotc and not Larian) he was a statue until somewhat recently and I think that justifies him being lower level.

But as it stands now, regardless of writing or characterization, there is no reason for the subjects of this thread to be in the game. Jaheira has a substantial role in act 2 and while sure, someone else could have filled that role, having it be Jaheira does actually improve the story in terms of impact and feel. Meanwhile Sarevok and Viconia? They're bit players that don't matter to the story at all. If they were replaced, nothing would change and no emotional impact would be lost. I also don't buy the excuse that WOTC wanted them in. People seem too quick to lay the blame for this games flaws on them when there's no evidence they had any real input. This is just Larian not caring the way they cared about Jaheira and Minsc.