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old hand
old hand
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Dear World,
Please make everything the way I want it without me having to do anything, never mind anyone else.

Originally Posted by benwebb
Harder is better!

Please, an option to make it more challenging would be perfect.

There is an option - it is called self-restraint. Don't use +1 or +2 gear; don't buff; use mods to make things more like 5e so you can't do 5 attacks per turn; etc.
Or you can just sit there virtue signalling to the world that you are a badass gamer.

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I couldn't not agree I think ilthe game is really good.
Graphics are great like Swen promised.
D&D COMBAT is great even if it's not 100% true I like it.
Story is great.
Companions romances voice acting great.
Ower delivered yes.

But Swen promised us since the beginning of EA that we will have challenging content. But it isn't really here for a most of us. Just for the new players and even for some of them this is easy.
I also think the game is 10/10 but if we will have challenge it will be 12.
Ppl played Eldenring for years cuz it was challenging and it dont holded the player hand.

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I couldn't not agree I think ilthe game is really good.
Graphics are great like Swen promised.
D&D COMBAT is great even if it's not 100% true I like it.
Story is great.
Companions romances voice acting great.
Ower delivered yes.

But Swen promised us since the beginning of EA that we will have challenging content. But it isn't really here for a most of us. Just for the new players and even for some of them this is easy.
I also think the game is 10/10 but if we will have challenge it will be 12.
Ppl played Eldenring for years cuz it was challenging and it dont holded the player hand.

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Originally Posted by Jones76
There are some battles that are not trivial, mostly at lower levels, where you are not geared up like crazy. Main problem is, the encounter design leans heavily towards single target burst damage and you have many many ways to do exactly that. A bardadin around level 5 is, even without min maxing and without haste, almost instoppable and that is probably not the most broken build in the game. To make tactician actually tactical Larian needs to change the encounters in such a way, that positioning, crowd control, buffs and debuffs become relevant. And the AI needs to act a little bit less dumb.
They really do need to improve AI, fighting Kagha and the amount of times she cast Moonbeam only to run into it herself, and therefore breaking her concentration is.. fucking laughable.

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I miss the difficulty and HC mode of Divinity: OS II, that one was balanced well and I hope tge definitve Edition of BG3 will get something similar

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It's a funny thing. For example I tryed out to get my character dominated. Because I was intrested what it will do if he had the opportunity to controller a hell of a character.
Suddenly the Ai strarted to do a shit load of damage with the most powerful spells. It even used the biggest healing potion he is using scrolls. Even used bombs poison. Lay on hand and so on.

I came to a conclusion after I started to dominate the enemy.
That they simply don't have skills poitions spells heals. And so on. For example Kagha have around 100 hp but can only use lvl 2 spell no upcasting she don't have anything else just healing world. Basta.....

So it's not a proper campaign to play. Because the enemy is stupidly designed. I think no dm whould just set for a lvl 5 character only two spells.
Actually any one can test out how badly are magic users figthers paladins are designed. Just pic up the bodys and deliver them to sovereign raise them as mushrooms.
Why Minthara is the only paladin in the game that can use lay on hands? Because she is a playable character.

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Updated difficulty......

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Dude, you'll have to crack open the Dungeon Master's Guide and go to the encounter building chapter to discover what's happening under the hood with Larian's BG3.

Essentially BG3 presents you a level which is an amalgamation of character level, challenge rating and encounter level. Turns out to control the danger level of fights a referee needs 3 such values. (Or you can eyeball it and see what happens.)

Anyway, Kagha, is built like a monster and has little-to-no fiddly features of a character. It is instead aggregated into a single HP pool. You noticed so many people-monsters have so many HPs? They're not built with class and levels; they're built as a challenge rating.

Your incredulousness is understandable. Tactician is inflating people-monsters to boggling amounts. Guards don't normally have 90+hps, those are named notables in the city.

Now if you do build people-monsters with character classes you'll notice immediately how few HPs they have and how many fiddly powers they possess, and that fiddly powers mean nothing because they're dead round 3. Basically, combat is rocket tag.

If you get all narrative with ability scores, as some DMs do, the HPs can be really pathetic. An elderly cleric 10 might only have HP35. That's fine for TT. CRPGs? Not so much.

And this all gets to the crux of why I don't want a higher difficulty with more inflated numbers; it starts attacking the narrative of the game world. HP420 Grym? Sure, it's a legendary guardian made from adamantine. HP300 Surgeon? Um no. Should be in the 150 range, or at least highlight better his 1000 year lifetime rather than tuck it away in a diary.

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I disagree challenge rating here or there.
Its not possible to make a paladin Freaking boss that is an avatar of a God at lvl 11. To have 0 spells 0 lay on hands.
Its lazy the design is lazy. I think this status is even higher then a legendary enemy.
I agree that hp pool can be random its totally possible to end up in dnd with 28 hp as a lvl 12 wizard with zero con. But I gently push back cuz it's almost impossible to have with 14 constitution as a lvl 12 Rouge to have 28 hp you literally need to roll 12 times 1. What you say is not possible and it's. Bull shit.

Also if hp pool is random it should be random. Also the enemy should have spells abilitys.
Its not possible to have high challenge rating and getting 700 XP /lvl 12 enemys that have 28 hp . Also it's not possible to get 700 XP from a lvl 3 intellect devouler and when you are ion
the ship the beginning of the game you are facing the same lvl intellect devouler and killing it rewards you for 5 experience .
And Grym is not legendary. It's a side mission boss.
Its optional same as the lava elemental.

Last edited by ZOZO1006; 26/09/23 08:10 PM.
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Originally Posted by ZOZO1006

Anyone can say what ever they want. If she can solo it w/o bugs exploits at lvl 8. Then it's wrong and to easy. And adding 30 hp as extra will not change anything . Someone at Larian pls look at this, see how wrong is it AND change it .
The main reason D4 failed because the content was not challenging and it became boring. Now only 3 ppl watching D4 and it became a mean.

I think if the player character can build 49 armor class then a boss can have 30 as well.

It's fine, she is using Illithid powers, meta knowledge and every possible buff regardless of story consequences. You are meant to be able to solo it with all that. Also, at least in that fight, she is using Dame Aylin as a meatshield.

Her tactics are solid, which is nice to see. Also she struggles with decisions from round to round which means it's at least still challenging.

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I am currently playing on tactican and find It a bit too easy. I have already beaten the game on normal and that was too easy.
I did not even have to use barrelmancy or pack a bag of explosives to insta kill someone.

If I might suggest give the npcs on higher difficulties potions, elixirs, coatings, and high level spells. I would love to fight npcs who would try to freeze me or summon hordes of monsters and try to outnumber me. Give Gortash a haste potion. Add an option that would defy the option to spam save/load like a checkpoint or a limited amount of saves per act.

These are all suggestions meant to make the game more complex, challenging and more fun for hardcore players instead of increasing the hit points of enemies.

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So Truant soloing the game to as a figther and he isn't abused invisible potion or scrolls . Its showing how easy is tactican.
Well I kind a like him how he is dooing. I whould take polarm master because it's works with spear and I would use darkness and the ring of bilness.
But he did it w/o those...

Honestly I simply don't have the tool's to make decent videos.
If I could I whould do it.

Last edited by ZOZO1006; 28/09/23 12:04 PM.
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I can't help but remember that young man they brought out to talk about the tactician difficulty in the last panel from hell. I wonder if he actually thinks tactician is difficult, or if they made it this way so that streamers would have an easier time and look good while playing.

The first few levels are about right, but after that I'm walking through everything.

I don't think it's as simple as just adding more hit points. I hope it's not as simple as adding more hit points.

I want to see better tactics from the enemies, a larger array of abilities. More skill, not more cheating.

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Originally Posted by JandK
I can't help but remember that young man they brought out to talk about the tactician difficulty in the last panel from hell. I wonder if he actually thinks tactician is difficult, or if they made it this way so that streamers would have an easier time and look good while playing.

The first few levels are about right, but after that I'm walking through everything.

I don't think it's as simple as just adding more hit points. I hope it's not as simple as adding more hit points.

I want to see better tactics from the enemies, a larger array of abilities. More skill, not more cheating.
Mybe your right. But I had the feeling those promises from Swen don't got delivered in act 2-3.

I also say this from the beginning it not enough to increase hp and armor class. The enemy needs more abilities spells tactics.
I dont feel the vibe of any difficulty in BG3.

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Regrettably, unfortunately, the game seems a lot easier with the latest update. Wrong direction that.

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Location: Athkatla
Joined: Sep 2022
Location: Athkatla
Apart from bug fixes, which should not even be praised (fixing bugs is normal before you release a game. Post release just shut up and fix your game instead of boasting to the world your amazing 10 page list of fixing xxx bugs), latest update was pretty bad.

Last edited by Count Turnipsome; 28/09/23 11:00 PM.

It just reminded me of the bowl of goat's milk that old Winthrop used to put outside his door every evening for the dust demons. He said the dust demons could never resist goat's milk, and that they would always drink themselves into a stupor and then be too tired to enter his room..
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*OPTION* for harder, not "Make everything harderI*.

I'm not super great at games, and struggled a few times in regular difficulty (And in fact in one fight after 6 times getting wiped hard in a late game fight on lvl12, actually dialed it back down to easy for that specific fight aaaaaaaand then realise I could have just scaled the back wall lol). And while a challenge is part of the fun, that particular one wasnt THAT fun.

More options, it doesnt HAVE to be dark souls

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I do agree with this one as well.
Let's keep lower difficulty as it is. Let the new players learn about the game. But I am sure later you want to try something harder as well.

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I think we ought to be thinking specifics, rather than simply 'harder!'

For example, I recently completed the first Thorm fight on top of Moonrise.

The fight is fairly easy but introduces us to Kethric as a commander. His necromites do focus attacks and hit the indicated target often, but that's it.

Other than moar minions/HPs, my suggestion would be targeted _reaction attacks_ by all necromites in range who see the target attack. The skilled player might have to spend a round saving a downed character early in the fight and adjust tactics accordingly.

However, we've got to recognise the elephant in the room: over-leveling and over-gearing. A higher difficulty has to have us at lower level than baseline and take away some of the go-to wonder-items.

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To be honest I have mixed feelings about lvl differences.
Fist of all every one likes lvl ups:) you can't take it away from the ppl or thet will be upset. I don't think it's a good idea to touch it. But they decide to do it I am fine with it.

Yeah gear I think they tryed to make dnd more fun so. And I do believe the had success as well. I don't mind it to if they will touch this part. But.... if you nail something and it's good ppl love it. I mean a really really smal group of ppl complaining about ower level and itemization. But mybe you are right.

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