Making Halsin an Act 3 companion was a mistake. They just didn't have time to write him into Act 3 in a way that flowed well with the story. It was fan service which you shouldn't allow to compromise your art. He sticks out in Act 3 and doesn't really have a purpose - where he should be in the former Shadow-cursed lands helping to heal them. His writing, and responses are super limited compared to any other character.

I think it would have made a lot more sense to have him stay in Light's Hope and then maybe join you for the final battle - and occasionally you get a message from him if you romanced him. They could have saved SO much time and he would have been less disappointing. It takes so fucking long to properly develop a character to the standard people expect - if you haven't done any professional writing it can be hard to understand how much work is involved in something like this when it wasn't planned from the beginning.

Halsin is the classic "tacked-on" character that doesn't work.
