I agree with the majority. Especially given, that Omelumn has the ring of mind shielding that protected him from being controlled or found by true souls and the elder brain. It seems like a huge waste not being able to use this instrument into some sort of third end, where you can persuade the emperor into releasing Orpheus.

I had an interesting interaction with The Emperor, where in one of my play through heavily supported, defended, romanced, everything The Emperor did, and got a new version of dialogue with him in the scene with Orpheus in deciding to free him or consume him.

He mentioned everything we had done in our adventure up until that point as usual, but in this run, made fair and heavy points on allowing me total freedom despite knowing it came at his own cost, even going to the hells and taking the hammer, and persuading him to go out of his way to save Minsc, when he could've enthralled me instead, even learning about his past with Ansur - it truly felt like he was hoping you would stand with him based on the bond you formed instead of just plain manipulation (though I'm sure it was part of it).

It was very much similar to the bond formed with Astarion; Hoping for survival and your own goals, and developing a bond along the way that can either rot (with ascension) or blossom with your conviction to stand beside them. I saw a lot of interesting parallels between Bhaal in the Dark urge path, Astarion, and The Emperor, honestly, so the current resolution being such a stiff ;one or the other' ending, does not sit right with me at all giving all we know about The Emperor, and the heavy similarities to these characters.

I honestly think it is mostly to do with not enough time, as it has been confirmed the team had to cut a lot of content, some of it being outright areas like the Shar temple in the underdark, Mol's quest, and the secret puzzle area in Cazador's dungeon.

That being said, I think there should be a meter on The Emperor, much like the other companions, (hidden or not) and the higher approval you have, you will be able to roll the die at the end to convince him, perhaps even have something to do with the ring of mind shielding.

I'm a firm believer The Emperor is way more complex than just being a power hungry manipulator, and he had more than one reason all along for doing the things he did, especially when he was able to enthrall Duke Belynne in the past. He used her for companionship in the visions shown, not just as a puppet (like forcing her to drink with him and toast), he was clearly lonely.(the top is a lovely throne after all but very lonely) I honestly think he wanted true companionship with TAV which is why he even forwent enthrallment to begin with, along with straining his mental properties against the brain.

But honestly? He didn't have to shield so many people, and he only ever needed Tav enthralled as they make the decisions in the group if he wanted just a puppet, after all.

It doesn't make much sense that he would even consider joining the brain when he thought being enslaved and at the brains mercy was a frightening and horrific outcome he wanted to avoid at all costs.

Id kill to see a patch with a new ending to persuade the emperor. Id kill to see more content involving him and the player too. Especially the after party, I was disappointed to only receive a letter and not have him show up.

So if any of you lovely and amazing Larian team members are reading this, please consider writing in this option in a patch!