I'm going to be honest, I didn't think that Halsin was supposed to be a good and honest representation of a polyamorous person. To me, and I guess this is subjective, it felt like a cheap excuse to have a relationship/sex with other characters AND add Halsin to the mix. Like a little "harem" for you (I.e. fanservice, think of the Reddit crowd that just wants to have a self-indulgent playthrough with lots of sex and funny hijinks.) It didn't strike me as a "mature druid who knows what he wants" at all! I agree with every point Cowoline said.

It feels phony, disingenuous and forced. The worst part was how he refused to define the "relationship" and instead decided to go off on a tangent about how it is not a word he uses, it is too civilised (etc.) which struck me as so out of character and odd! Real people who live in poly relationships or non-monogamous lifestyles would NEVER just say something like this! I'd wager to say that communication is literally the most important aspect of such a relationship. And THIS is what I wish to see patched. I don't want to press a button and Halsin is now totally different - the damage is already done, anyway - but I would want for a proper discussion, some additional lines that explain what is ultimately going on, how the relationship will continue, maybe a compromise for both. Compared to how well done and handled other romances are, this is so bad. Really took the wind out of my sails.