I don't remember the exact quotes or all dialogue available, there's quite a few that coupled with circumstances, overall depiction of personality, body language and tone of voice, builds up my overall impression of who Halsin is and what he wants in ACT 1-2. I'm not saying I'm interpreting this man the way it was intended or anything, I'm just saying this is how I see the situation, and I, personally, feel manipulated by him. And I know I'm not the only one.

But here are some examples I can think of right now (Add to these that Halsin comes across as a very committal person who cares about emotional impact etc etc. He's portrayed as a man that cares about those around him):

- At camp celebration in ACT 1 there's VERY obvious flirting going on.
Some examples include how he says "I'm sure there are, you strike me as extremely...resourceful" with a very special tone of voice when the player asks him if there's anything else he'd rather do (after Halsin rejected the idea of having a drink with Tav). He goes on to say he "doesn't want to keep Tav all to themselves this evening, despite how enjoyable that might be" (which is obv flirting). When Tav says they really want to get to know Halsin this evening, he replies with something in the lines of "perhaps I can help you with that, another time".

- When you ask about his family, he says they perished a long time ago (and makes a point about the pain of this and how it never heals etc, further hinting to his caring nature and emotional maturity etc), and says something about how the grove became his new family, and how he also has you now. (implying that he sees Tav as being as important as family to him = which in turns add to the sense he seeks long term commitment)

- In ACT 2, in the Shadowlands, you can ask him if there's anything you can do to take his mind of things, and he says he "can think of a few things" (hinting to sex obv), when pushed further into matter, he says that once the curse is lifted there'll be time for himself, and for others (again hinting to him wanting to move forward with Tav. And since he rejected the offer of "just sex" prior to this, one can assume that Halsin wants more than this but doesn't want to move forward until his mind is clear of the curse)

- When you've defeated Ketheric, you can ask Halsin something about what he'll do now that he's gotten what he wants. And Halsin then says that there might be more he wants. Tav asks what. Halsin says "not what, who." And then says something about in due time etc. (hinting that he wants Tav, and since nothing has been hinted at him being noncommittal (rather the opposite actually), it's easy to assume he means he wants them for more than just sex)

- a bit of a stretch perhaps, but when he joins you for real during Thaniel's quest in late ACT 2. He tells you that "if you want him, he's yours, for the shadow curse, the absolute..." then he takes a moment and gives you this look and with a different tone, says "anything" (sort of implying that he's getting ready to give himself to you for real)

Overall, the implication of all of his lines, paired with his general personality, is that he's just waiting for the shadowcurse to end before he can fully commit to Tav. But he never "fully commits" to Tav, quite the opposite. And that's where my problem lies. Halsin "promises" me emotional commitment (not necessarily monogamous commitment, but commitment nonetheless) and instead gives me "emotionless casual sex", which is not even close to what his personality and the buildup alluded to. Hence the feeling of manipulation.