Ehm.... have you seen Astarion's romance? Have you seen Gale's? Or Shadowhearts? Or even Karlach to some extent? Or the challenging and growth in Lae'zels? Even Minthara's.

All of them are being challenged in this aspect in different ways. It's what makes their romances compelling.

Halsin is the only romance who gets a pass. And again (and I know I sound like a broken record) - the issue is not the polygamy, but the unrealistic and toxic representation of RA.

Also, I will argue that these can absolutely be seen as being qualified for Halsin:

"Toxic Relationship Anarchy (RA)" combined with gaslighting refers to a situation where someone uses the principles or practices of Relationship Anarchy (RA) in a harmful and manipulative way to control or manipulate their partner(s). Relationship Anarchy, as mentioned earlier, is a philosophy that emphasizes personal autonomy, consent, and freedom within relationships. It typically promotes open communication and respect for individual boundaries.

When Relationship Anarchy is practiced in a toxic manner with gaslighting tactics, it can lead to a highly unhealthy and damaging relationship dynamic. Here's how this combination might manifest:

Abuse of Autonomy: In a healthy RA context, individuals have the autonomy to define and shape their relationships based on their own desires and needs. In a toxic scenario, one partner might exploit this autonomy to justify their controlling or manipulative behavior, making the other person feel like they have no say in the relationship.

Gaslighting as a Control Tactic: Gaslighting is used to make the other person doubt their perceptions, emotions, and the boundaries they've set. The gaslighter may employ tactics such as denying past agreements, minimizing the other person's feelings, or changing the rules of the relationship without clear communication.

Manipulation of Consent: Consent is a cornerstone of RA, but in a toxic situation, the gaslighter may manipulate or disregard consent. They might guilt-trip their partner into doing things they're uncomfortable with or coerce them into situations they initially rejected, using gaslighting to make them doubt their own decisions.

Undermining Communication: Gaslighters often undermine open and honest communication by making their partner feel that their thoughts and feelings are not valid. This can create an environment where the victim is afraid to speak up or share their concerns.