Originally Posted by papercut_ninja
How you see your game and react to the things you don't like is of course entirely up to you. But this sort of re-hashes the old pointless argument that you can somehow play a single player game in the "wrong" way. What is the point of trying to convince me or others that I can't apply my own mindset to my own game?

I am 100% with you about this terrible writing and how it is shoehorned in as an afterthought because they decided they had to include poly and swinger sex just to satisfy a bunch of thirsty fans. And everything about it is really toxic and uncomfortable if you aren't interested in that and without any warning it gets pushed on you anyway if you make certain decisions. I find Halsin utterly disgusting and the whole fandom around him gives me toxic Christian Grey vibes (not his original fans that wanted him to be someone entirely different), so I just avoid him as much as I can and he doesn't ruin any of my relationships in the game for me. I understand entirely if your mindset is different and that my response as to how I deal with it isn't very helpful to you (or doesn't make any sense to you). I am not saying that you could just do what I do. You are who you are and not the same as me.

Can we focus more on the actual issues of the problematic and bad writing and not how everyone who are on the same side here has to play their own story.

Im sorry Ninja but I honestly have no idea what you are talking about. Nowhere did I disparage or discourige anyones playstile. If a player chooses to play things or see things differently than I do its entirely up to them and thats totaly fine.

What I pointed out is that things don't change and are set in stone regardless if you choose to ignore them or not. The rest of it (writing and its implementation) we agree on.

Originally Posted by EdaLee
I find the discussion here strange.
Married women flirt in real life too, they dream too, it's not a bad thing if SH is interested in Halsin, even if she is in a relationship.

LMAO. Eda I know that you are poly or at least poly adjacent from your posts in the Halsin thread so if you have no issue with it that's fine. But I'm going to tell you a little secret. In most mono relationships (straight, gay, lesbian, bi) that's called emotional cheating. Flirting with someone else in front of your partner and talking about wanting to have sex with someone else when your partner is not into it leads to a break up.