yes, and those are all valid points, but there is a very large but: Halsin, unlike any of the other romances, was added by fab request specifically.

He was promoted as fan service specifically.

Larian: "See how awesome we are? We added this companion and romance just to satisfy all of you players who have asked for him for three years!

Disclaimer: we gated him though, so only 1/10 will enjoy his romance."

Had they put this representation in with ANY of the other characters, there would have been complaints, but it would have been different because they weren't added solely on the basis of player feedback.

Imagine if the monk (who was so requested) had been added only as a subclass for the fighter or only as a dual class only, so you could only get three levels in the monk class.

And imagine that Larian promoted it as an entirely new class on level with the others.

Try and imagine the outrage, because that is the fundamental issue with Halsin.

People feel tricked.