I'm just going to casually quote my post from a couple pages ago that lays down the biggest problem with the interactions, because it seems to have been forgotten. The TL:DR is that you can show no interest in Halsin, you can show no interest in the drow twins (other than their backstory) and yet it can lead to the scenario where Halsin and Shadowheart flirt together and then want to have a 5-some and disapprove if you say no.

Inconsistent writing be damned (I still think Selune Shadowheart should be very upset if you want to open up the relationship with Halsin, the drows, or Mizora, based on how she's written otherwise), this interaction needs to be removed entirely. If you decline Halsin, I never want to hear from him again in a sexual way toward me or my romance companion, but instead of that not happening, it happens in such a toxic way that it would lead to divorce in real life.

Originally Posted by Michieltjuhh
It's actually really bad if you read it all in context. I'll quote the entire conversation from declining Halsin to the Drow scene. Will put it in spoiler tags because it'll be quite some text.

Declining Halsin during long rest:
Halsin: I never quite realised how burdened I was, until I met you. The threat of the shadow curse, the politics of the grove...
Halsin: ...I forgot who I was, but you lifted the fog. Thank you.
Tav: So the fog's lifted - what have you discovered?
Halsin: You. I discovered you. I have lived a very long time. I have taken many lovers. My heart does not stir lightly. But it does now.
Tav: What are you saying exactly?
Halsin: I want more than to fight at your side, or sit around the campfire with you. I want to lay with you under the stars and feel your skin against mine.
Halsin: I think you feel the same way - why else would you have been so concerned about whether I had a lover before?
Halsin: But tell me I'm wrong, and the matter can rest. I do not wish to sour our friendship, but I have to know if it can be something more.
Tav: If I wanted to rut with half a tonne of dumb muscle, I'd seduce a deep rothé.
Halsin: A simple 'no' would have sufficed. I will trouble you with the matter no more.


Tav: I'm afraid I just don't see you that way.
Halsin: I understand, and I still cherish our relationship.
Halsin: Still... I could not have forgiven myself had I not taken the plunge. Better to have tried and failed.


Tav: I'd be lying if I said I wasn't interested - but I'm already in a relationship.
Halsin: You have bonded with Shadowheart, body and soul. Her scent lingers on your skin. If there is to be anything between us, it must be with her consent. And perhaps some day, her participation.
Tav: I'm sorry - I'm in a relationship. I don't want to jeopardise it.
Halsin: I understand, and I still cherish our relationship.
Halsin: Still... I could not have forgiven myself had I not taken the plunge. Better to have tried and failed.

A fair exchange I suppose. You can decline him with any of the options, it doesn't matter how you do it, but the second option is the most logical and the third way seemed like the one where it's most clear that you want a mono relationship even if you're forced to admit interest for some reason (why is the second reply regarding the relationship not instead of the first?).

Proceed to the next night where I got the chat with Shadowheart about her still feeling the Shadowfell followed up by the beach scene.
I then kick out a companion to add level 1 Halsin to the party.

Few steps into Wyrm's Crossing and the following exchange happens straight away.
Halsin: I heard you learnt how to swim, Shadowheart - well done.
Halsin: You know, if you and your love ever wish to enjoy the waters with me, I could attempt a kelpie... or even a porpoise.
Shadowheart: Depends, are you buoyant? I may need a life preserver if I get in over my head.
So he straight up hits on Shadowheart after you decline him, knowing full well you want no part in it based on previous exchange. Good writing!

Then you get to the Drow twins:
Sorn Orlith: A new face! Looking for another chapter of dirty lore for your biography?
Nym Orlith: You have but to ask, and we can grant you a moment of pleasure.
Nym Orlith: Don't be shy.
Halsin: An intriguing pair. Takes me back to my youth...
Tav: How did you end up here?
Sorn Orlith: I used to work as a courtesan back home, and my sister as an artisanal masseuse, but men are treated like dogs by the Underdark's matriarchs, so we fled.
Nym Orlith: We found surfacers crave the body of a Drow like a drug. Life is easy in our line of work.
Tav: Don't you want a change?
Nym Orlith: Perhaps once we have saved more gold another adventure will begin. We've had busier days, but life is comfortable here with Mamzell.
Tav: I'm glad you've found a place you feel safe.
Sorn Orlith: I'd have to restrain myself far more than any play-bindings do if I worked in another field. This is a place where I can be myself boundlessly.
Sorn Orlith: There are so many who come to me speaking of a fixation that no one else has ever been able to shaer with them... and never will again.
Sorn Orlith: A once in-a-lifetime moment of passion. Every day. What could be better? Don't you want to try it?
Sorn Orlith: Trust me, you don't want to miss my signature Menzoberranzan Love Trick.
Nym Orlith: And is that your partner with you? What a gorgeous couple... perhaps we could come to an agreement.
Tav: Agreement? What kind of agreement?
Nym Orlith: We want both of you, silly! At the same time.
Shadowheart: There's an idea. If you're comfortable sharing... so am I.
Tav: Great, let's do it.
Halsin: Perhaps you'd care for a little extra company...
Shadowheart: I won't pretend the thought hasn't crossed my mind once or twice... or more than that.
Tav: No, Halsin! Tame yourself!
Halsin: As you wish. I'm sure I can find berth elsewhere...

Proceed by having both of them disapprove. It's actually quite unnerving seeing it in full context. You make no push toward it, just merely asking questions to the Drows, Shadowheart suddenly pops up showing interest (why???), which can make you feel pressured into accepting. Then Halsin pops up despite your wishes and when you decline they're both unhappy with it? It's 100% written in a way that implies that Shadowheart has a thing for Halsin regardless of how Tav (you) roleplay about it, and shows Halsin as a super pushy sex addict that doesn't take no for an answer and will actively try ruin your relationship.

Edit: Typo.

Last edited by Michieltjuhh; 03/10/23 01:21 PM.