The people at Larian worked hard on the game. They care. And they are working on feedback. Constantly. Why would you give feedback like that? Do you want people at work to talk to you like that? Would you rather fix a problem of someone who mentioned something kindly in a constructive way? Or do you find it joyful to fix a problem for someone who treats you like the poster.
(Sorry for my english. Still my personal opinion! No intention to hurt or attack somebody. OK, Larian a bit ....

Your completely right
IF this would be the first, or even the second Patch.
If this would be 2 weeks after release ...
IF there haven't been reports, criticism about a few parts of the game. THAN you would be right. THAN we should / could be polite and friendly .... BUT:
- From the beginning there are dozen of game reports where people write:
Wonderful game BUT the Inventory is horrible, Interaction with companions is great but there should be more, give us access to companions inventory in the camp, give us a possibility to chance appearance (also transmog), soooo man people asked for chances in Act 3. cause it is horrible writen, for a GOOD (!) Karlach ending, for more ending scenes in general (and with the companions) and so on ... and they have done NOTHING (nothing!!!!!!!!) about this stuff. Till 2 months and 3 Patches they have only resolved ONE point (mirrior, and even this, they have done it only "halfway"). But also they have changed a few things and made them WORSER than before (see here: ).
Example: So many people are thrilled with the Astarion Romance. So it was great and .... they changed it, WHY??? Look: . Not to mention all the new bugs they insert anew.
And than ... they make sutch a horrible Patch 3 ... they ignore till 2 months the wishes of their customer AND HAVE THE IMPERTINENCE to tell us, that we ASKED for this BULLSHIT they have done in Patch 3?
You ask for MORE, get less (and they destroy stuff who was great) and they tell you it is what you asked for. THIS makes me angry! Yes ...

- I can't understand all the people who crawl like beggars when it comes to the gaming industry. As a CUSTOMER: You buy something and you say that they should fix it and after the third time, after MONTHS they haven't done it ... THAN you are in trouble as a vendor. I bought multi-focal glasses at a optician and they dit not made them correctly, I told them (very, very polite) that I will not take / pay for them. So they told me (very polite, too) "
Sorry, we will fix it, give us 2 weeks. We are so sorry." They have done them really good, I paid (thanked them alot) and everybody was happy. Imagine I had to go there and after MONTHS and the 3. time they still haven't done the glasses correctly ... I don't think a lot of customer will stay friendly. (I know, not the best comparison, just came to my mind. I think you understand what I want to say. )
Nooooo, not in the gaming industry ... here you can do whatever you want, the stupid little fans will still buy, will still be nice and ask FRIENDLY for more ... and if you give them LESS they say "Thanks" and remain kind! Oh and otherwise "fan-made mods" will fix the mess for you. For free .... (see Bethesda till years).
And than came Larian! And we all were sooooooooooooo damend proud of them. I never thought they will chance the industry, but it is just nice to see developer who are brave, intelligent and a bit honest. To describe it a bit "romantic":
A little "shiny star" in the dark (gaming industry) night. A developer like Lairan, where you have the impression they care (just a bit) what we, the "stupid little customer" want. They understand us ..... hopefully ....

They understand, that some of us have (probably) a really hard day sometimes and come home and will spend their most precious (free) time AND their hard-earned money with "your" products. This is really a responsibility you have then, as developer ....
BUT: At the moment when you realize they "play" the same damend little shity "games" like all the other developer (Remember:
You ask for MORE, get less (and they destroy stuff who was great) and they tell you, it is what you asked for.), at this moment you are not only pissed and angry, but also heartbroken.

And it is also sooo sad, cause they had sutch a beautiful Release ....
It is ok, if you want to remain kind and friendly, I even admire your patience and faith. But after ALL THIS what have happen, you register only in this forum to condem people who become angry (and express it) against Larian .... I repeat myself: After all their update-politics until now we are still not "allowed" to express our anger?
PS: How do you know that they care? And that they are "working on feedback"? This "developer chief" (Swen?) didn't he write that they are "done" with the game and only "a few" will work on some updates? After my personal opinion a borderline comment by the way. (See here: )
(Sorry for my english. Still my personal opinion! No intention to hurt or attack somebody. OK, Larian a bit ....
