Originally Posted by Salome
Damn, I just created the account because I couldn’t stand inconsistencies in game and reading this full thread was super interesting.
First, Halsin is super creepy, but I didn’t know to what extent before reading all of it here. My Tav was a girl and suddenly this guy I hardly kept in party hits on me, even though through the whole game I was mono with SH. I explored his dialogue and his “your skin smells if her” is not okay, like what the hell, were you sniffing me?? He’s like this weird creepy guy who when sees two girls thinks about threesome.
Reading here more about the banter broke character for me even more.

So Shadowheart - I read her as not polyamorous (hence no possibility of romancig two companions with her), but okay with opening relationship only, and only sexually. And it’s okay, that’s her, as long as the main romantic attachment is safe and good. Her upbringing/training would explain that, but again - only if main romantic partner is trustworthy. And here comes inconsistency - from dialogues with her it shows that she’s not so sure about relationship with Tav (asking three times if you want to spent life together during different occasions). Lack of conversation about the relationship (whether it’s open, poly etc) makes Halsin interactions so weird and creepy. And she is only little bit angry at Mizora fling or even (another very weird interaction) makes no comment about Harleep if Tav decides to pursue it. Like, no, that’s not okay, if the player goes this way (and there’s no reaction from her) it makes whole Shadowheart a weird fetish story about “broken sad girl in pain”, not a fully grown, troubled person with bright future she could be.
Is Halsin just a sexual fascination or is there more going on? That puts the player in a very weird and uncomfortable position, and as I’ve read, could be trigerring (although lots of things can, but that’s a different topic).

Anyway, either make Halsin mute or give SH a line describing or asking about the nature of relationship she has with Tav, it should all be consented.
I agree mostly, except her not being so sure about relationship with Tav. She says first that she wants to be with your Tav and then asks if you wish the same(Post nightfell she straight up says that she thought that her faith is the most important thing in her life and she couldnt be more wrong and she wants to be with Tav now and always and then asks if you wish the same. Lower city dream she again first says that she wants to share her "life" with your Tav), she also calls your Tav her true love. At the end she says that she doesnt even deserve you(or at least thats what she thinks).I guess it all makes sense in that case?
I really like her story and romance, except for that Halsin thing and I guess lack of option to hug/comfort her after house of grief.

Last edited by Netav; 03/10/23 04:45 PM.