Originally Posted by EMar
I don't think it would be that much of a stretch to have a monogamous option either. I mean, if he's RA, and he has grown more "picky" about his lovers over the years, it wouldn't be that hard to add the idea that he's willing to try being with just Tav for however long it might last. That could fit within the idea of fluidity. They are monogamous for as long as that's what feels right, and when the time comes that this changes, they have a discussion about it, and either accept another party in the relationship or end what they have. I can't really see why the thought of this is so outrageous for the pro-poly crowd here?

For me it's simple.
Halsin basically says he hasn't allowed himself to be with anyone since the shadow curse began, which is what, 100 years?
He also says he's taken many lovers and makes a point of telling Tav how his heart doesn't stirr lightly.

Combined, these things sort of lets you know the guy has been with so many people over the years that it takes someone really special to make him feel something again. He's also been able to reel it in for 100 years, meaning the guy clearly has some control of his sexual drive. So, how can it be such a strange concept that when he finally meets Tav and feels something for the first time in forever, he only wants them? He even says so. "I only want you" and "I can scarcely imagine my life without you". So if Tav would just have the option to say: "I only want you, too. But I'm not asking for forever, just for however long this will last." Or something that lets Halsin know he's not bound to Tav, he's not forced to be something he's not, just stay with them for as long as that's what feels right.

So, what I'm trying to say here, is that I feel like there is a clear path to at least somewhat appease those who want monogamy without taking away who Halsin is and what he wants (because he states what he wants in the game, and that's only Tav, for now). And a monogamous relationship is just that, just the two of them, for now, as long as it feels good and right. "Our hearts will forever roam free, but for now, I only want you, and you only want me. So, let us stay together, just the two of us, and see where it takes us. It might last a day, a year, maybe a 100 more. There will come a time to share our hearts with others, but for now, let me get lost in yours."

If Tav wants poly, then they clearly won't tell Halsin they only want him too, and he'll stay with Tav and whoever Tav's with. Because the thing is, as much as Halsin talks about roaming free and what not, his idea of poly still always includes Tav (while in the game's timeline). He doesn't say he wants to go off with someone else alone. He wants to be with Tav AND someone else at the same time, or have Tav be with someone else on the side. Which means that if Tav doesn't want/do any of this, Halsin is basically already monogamous towards Tav (for now) even if he refuses to admit it. He's almost leaning more into swinger territory than anything.

But yeah, now I'm just rambling again.

Oh, I like your point! I also completely forgot about him spending a century or so dealing with the curse, having this burden for such a long period. It shows Halsin as a serios, grown up and responsible man.
Yes, before the curse, when he was younger, he had pretty active sexual life (it works ever for us, mere mortals, when we are young and active), but I think when you get older, more experienced and you get some new responsibilities your personal life may become calmer cause you have to think of other more important things, plus views on some life aspects can change as well (not drastically).

Last edited by Noelle666; 04/10/23 06:05 AM.