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Just created this account specifically to voice my thoughts. Act 1 and 2 of this game? They are, without a doubt, the best gaming moments I've ever had. I genuinely can't remember the last time I was so wholly invested in a videogame—maybe more than a decade ago. For crafting such a spellbinding experience, a huge shoutout to Larian Studios.

However, I can't help but feel that Act 3 fell a bit short. As I approached the end of Act 2, I had the impression this game would stretch out into at least 5 equally engrossing acts. I do recognize that there are pressures to wrap up and release a game—no project can keep extending its timelines. But I can't help but feel a pang of regret over what feels like a missed chance to create a legendary game.

My sincere hope is that in a year or two, I'll revisit this game and be met with an experience that feels entirely refreshed and even more captivating.

To the team at Larian Studios: You've truly created a masterpiece. Acts 1 and 2 boast a level of quality, content, and uniqueness that eclipses many games in the market today. If only Acts 3 and perhaps 4 maintained that high bar. I'd willingly spend another 60 euros. After all, this game rekindled a sensation I feared I had lost over the years: the profound joy of immersing oneself in a virtual world, the urge to delve deeper, explore every nook and cranny, and bond with its characters.

Again, thank you.

Joined: Sep 2023
Joined: Sep 2023
Originally Posted by flmd
Just created this account specifically to voice my thoughts. Act 1 and 2 of this game? They are, without a doubt, the best gaming moments I've ever had. I genuinely can't remember the last time I was so wholly invested in a videogame—maybe more than a decade ago. For crafting such a spellbinding experience, a huge shoutout to Larian Studios.

However, I can't help but feel that Act 3 fell a bit short. As I approached the end of Act 2, I had the impression this game would stretch out into at least 5 equally engrossing acts. I do recognize that there are pressures to wrap up and release a game—no project can keep extending its timelines. But I can't help but feel a pang of regret over what feels like a missed chance to create a legendary game.

My sincere hope is that in a year or two, I'll revisit this game and be met with an experience that feels entirely refreshed and even more captivating.

To the team at Larian Studios: You've truly created a masterpiece. Acts 1 and 2 boast a level of quality, content, and uniqueness that eclipses many games in the market today. If only Acts 3 and perhaps 4 maintained that high bar. I'd willingly spend another 60 euros. After all, this game rekindled a sensation I feared I had lost over the years: the profound joy of immersing oneself in a virtual world, the urge to delve deeper, explore every nook and cranny, and bond with its characters.

Again, thank you.

This resonates well with my opinion. Agreed.

Joined: Dec 2020
Joined: Dec 2020
After having finished the game yesterday with my little halfling bard, I agree with you about a lot of points OP, however
as sad as it is, I actually liked it, that you can't save the Gur children. I actually would like more quests like that to show, how dire the situation is.

I totally agree, that we should face more consequences to break into Raphael's home. He is powerful and depending on your answers, he should have anticipated your break in. My girl resisted him in every conversation, told him, what she thinks of devils and their deals and he still won't anticipate, that she simply goes and takes, what she wants?

And yes, Orpheus should be the mindflayer-free solution. I was a bit shocked yesterday. I had Karlach and Lae'zel with me and I thought, when I choose Orpheus to be the mindflayer, the Gith are f**** over andI really didn't want to become a mindflayer. I mean, I played that character for more than 120 hours, I love her. In the end I said, that I would turn into a mindflayer and Karlach stepped in, saying, that this could be her only chance to live, so I let her do it. But honestly, freeing Orpheus should be more rewarding, no mindflayer, and he shields us from the brain.

I would have liked more stuff at the ending. I had a sweet scene with Shadowheart, my romance in this playthrough, but I got nothing from Jaheira or Halsin, Minsc only said something about Gale letting the crown rest in the river and Astarion had a very sad ending with being forced to run away from the sun.

Don't get me wrong, I loved a lot about act 3 and I really like the game and already planning my next playthrough, but some things could be polished a bit.

"We are all stories in the end. Just make it a good one."

Doctor Who
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Originally Posted by Surge90sf
- Companions almost never have conversations companion to companion which makes it feel like they have no relationship with each other. Notable example of this is when Wyll says "I can not watch someone I love die" (referring to Karlach)
Yet, Wyll has barely said a word to Karlach all game.
PArty dynamic is also completely absent from the game, the party never does anything as a group.
Many times the companions feel as though they are almost not there during quest scenes.
FIX: YOu need to integrate scenes where companions are building relationships among themselves without the MC. Also integrate group activities, meals together, drinking together, drunk dance offs, story sharing by the fire, play cards/lanceboard together etc etc

Why I still play Baldur's Gate 2 to this day. When you have 20 NPCs joinable, all with party banters, friendship dialogues (not just with your character!) , romances, and not to mention even more great banter and dialogue content from MODS...
I kind of chuckly when people discover BG3 and think its the greatest thing since slice bread. Yea it looks and plays terrific. Party mechanics...dialogues...friendships...all is really lacking compared to WAY older games.

While I love BG3 for what it is, I am bored out of my mind due to always having those same 7 boring npcs which only interact with Tav. Frankly after 3 years I am sick and tired of seing these same NPCs. It would of been great having more inner-party dialogues between multiple npcs.

Tired of Keldorn? Switch to Korgan and replace Nalia with Aerie for some fun banters. Anomen is getting annoying, put Viconia instead! Want JAN to shut up? Get the dead quiet Valigar for a couple hours of relaxation....etc. In the long term Its just so much more fun to switch up all your npcs when you have over a dozen to work with.
BG3 is really missing these party dynamics that BG2 did so well.

Last edited by Count Turnipsome; 18/09/23 08:44 AM.

It just reminded me of the bowl of goat's milk that old Winthrop used to put outside his door every evening for the dust demons. He said the dust demons could never resist goat's milk, and that they would always drink themselves into a stupor and then be too tired to enter his room..
Joined: Aug 2020
Joined: Aug 2020
Originally Posted by Count Turnipsome
Why I still play Baldur's Gate 2 to this day. When you have 20 NPCs joinable, all with party banters, friendship dialogues (not just with your character!) , romances, and not to mention even more great banter and dialogue content from MODS...
I kind of chuckly when people discover BG3 and think its the greatest thing since slice bread. Yea it looks and plays terrific. Party mechanics...dialogues...friendships...all is really lacking compared to WAY older games.

While I love BG3 for what it is, I am bored out of my mind due to always having those same 7 boring npcs which only interact with Tav. Frankly after 3 years I am sick and tired of seing these same NPCs. It would of been great having more inner-party dialogues between multiple npcs.

Tired of Keldorn? Switch to Korgan and replace Nalia with Aerie for some fun banters. Anomen is getting annoying, put Viconia instead! Want JAN to shut up? Get the dead quiet Valigar for a couple hours of relaxation....etc. In the long term Its just so much more fun to switch up all your npcs when you have over a dozen to work with.
BG3 is really missing these party dynamics that BG2 did so well.

You are absolutely correct on both counts: older games had those systems and people being tricked into thinking that BG3 is revolutionary in this aspect.

But and there is always a but with me: BG1/2 had the most annoying reputation system. Get 20 rep? Say good bye to all the evil aligned companions like Korgan, Edwin, Viconia. Like the moment you'd hit 20 rep they'd just abandon you and go to their home base until you killed an innocent NPC to lose rep (or used cheats to lower it). Sure, that system made sense but was so annoyingly implemented it kind of forced you to either keep good aligned parties or evil ones (on evil runs), then that got changed in ToB where companions no longer gave a damn about your reputation...

Also the love triangle between Gorion's ward, Aerie and Haer'Dalis was kind of hilarious. The only game where a companion can effectively block off your romance with someone! Seen various permutations of that on youtube! laugh

I am wondering how BG3 could possibly be improved with all of that... the only companion who goes out of her way to sleep with someone is Lae'zel if actively rejected by the player. If you romance Astarion, she tries to sleep with Wyll (and is disappointed cause all Wyll wanted to do is talk - you can ask her about her 'conquest' the day after), if you romance Gale she goes after Astarion and I believe if you (try to) romance Wyll she does after Gale. If you romance any of the ladies, she defaults to Astarion. Regardless aside from that one comment she makes a day after the tiefling/gobbo party, it is never ever mentioned again. Not in banters, not in conversations. Why? Larian could've gone wild with that! It is kind of assumed that the companions all become friends after a while, even SH and Lae (under the right circumstances), but again, it's only ever mentioned in some banters, never really shown or mentioned in cutscenes (aside from Gale's comment at the very end of the game, when he has that conversation about SPOILER at the docks).

Last edited by Nicottia; 18/09/23 12:17 PM.
Joined: Aug 2020
Joined: Aug 2020
Originally Posted by Count Turnipsome
Originally Posted by Surge90sf
- Companions almost never have conversations companion to companion which makes it feel like they have no relationship with each other. Notable example of this is when Wyll says "I can not watch someone I love die" (referring to Karlach)
Yet, Wyll has barely said a word to Karlach all game.
PArty dynamic is also completely absent from the game, the party never does anything as a group.
Many times the companions feel as though they are almost not there during quest scenes.
FIX: YOu need to integrate scenes where companions are building relationships among themselves without the MC. Also integrate group activities, meals together, drinking together, drunk dance offs, story sharing by the fire, play cards/lanceboard together etc etc

Why I still play Baldur's Gate 2 to this day. When you have 20 NPCs joinable, all with party banters, friendship dialogues (not just with your character!) , romances, and not to mention even more great banter and dialogue content from MODS...
I kind of chuckly when people discover BG3 and think its the greatest thing since slice bread. Yea it looks and plays terrific. Party mechanics...dialogues...friendships...all is really lacking compared to WAY older games.

While I love BG3 for what it is, I am bored out of my mind due to always having those same 7 boring npcs which only interact with Tav. Frankly after 3 years I am sick and tired of seing these same NPCs. It would of been great having more inner-party dialogues between multiple npcs.

Tired of Keldorn? Switch to Korgan and replace Nalia with Aerie for some fun banters. Anomen is getting annoying, put Viconia instead! Want JAN to shut up? Get the dead quiet Valigar for a couple hours of relaxation....etc. In the long term Its just so much more fun to switch up all your npcs when you have over a dozen to work with.
BG3 is really missing these party dynamics that BG2 did so well.

I think in regard to party number (but not party dynamics) its really a preference question because the sheer amount of time, effort and money that goes into creating one BG3 companion is going to be way more than it was to create one or even several BG2 companions due to lack of voicing and simplicity of graphics. Some might argue (myself among them) that the result of all that time and money isn't worth it compared to what can be achieved with a smaller scope, but that's very much down to personal preference.

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Originally Posted by flmd
Just created this account specifically to voice my thoughts. Act 1 and 2 of this game? They are, without a doubt, the best gaming moments I've ever had. I genuinely can't remember the last time I was so wholly invested in a videogame—maybe more than a decade ago. For crafting such a spellbinding experience, a huge shoutout to Larian Studios.

However, I can't help but feel that Act 3 fell a bit short. As I approached the end of Act 2, I had the impression this game would stretch out into at least 5 equally engrossing acts. I do recognize that there are pressures to wrap up and release a game—no project can keep extending its timelines. But I can't help but feel a pang of regret over what feels like a missed chance to create a legendary game.

My sincere hope is that in a year or two, I'll revisit this game and be met with an experience that feels entirely refreshed and even more captivating.

To the team at Larian Studios: You've truly created a masterpiece. Acts 1 and 2 boast a level of quality, content, and uniqueness that eclipses many games in the market today. If only Acts 3 and perhaps 4 maintained that high bar. I'd willingly spend another 60 euros. After all, this game rekindled a sensation I feared I had lost over the years: the profound joy of immersing oneself in a virtual world, the urge to delve deeper, explore every nook and cranny, and bond with its characters.

Again, thank you.

I totally agree, I hope they get Act 3 completed within the next few months. Thank you for your honest, direct, and respectful review.

Joined: Jun 2022
Joined: Jun 2022
I'm mostly in the same frame of mind on the 3rd Act so I kinda just stopped playing, I figure I'll pick it up again after a couple more patches and play a bit of Starfield until I do a another playthrough of Cyberpunk 2077 next week laugh

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Agree with a large portion of this. Some of the companions seem heavily favored for content while others feel like they were done without fleshing it out.

Jahira and the Timeless Body Scroll its there there is conversation for it...but Nothing. This has so much you could enjoy out of it. Her quest is simply adding minsc to the party they should each have there own little quests for something special for each of them something to make them feel unique and important.

and then

Minthra and Halsin this basically ends in act 2 Halsin has a little unique thing but where Minthras DW option from act 1. It feels like she should have this as part of her paladin level up. There could be options to go back recruit Dror Ragslin to replace Karlach leaving recruit Neer to replace wyll and bring a Warlock of the Old One into the party as a replacement and 2 full story archs that could be explored.

Kagha and the shadow druids this could be a replacement for Jaheria in chapter 2 added a new story arch to letting moon rise fall to the shadows being shadow druids took over the grove they sent Kagha to Join the party I was hoping to see this implimented so hard in early access a way that you could bring Kagha into the party and some Snake Forms maybe seeing her pet snake join the party great opportunity to go full evil and feel like it gives you returns for what you lose.

what about Karlach

Act 3 theres are lots of interactiosn with her and also lazeal but they kinda got left behind with there storys only interesting with the main story line theres no special extra things to do no side options your kinda stream lined just into the main story it would be better if they had there own thing to do.

I know some people love him by far hes the companion I probably hate the most but it feels like if you dont origin character him he just is lack luster he doesnt bring enough to the table his story feels more sparse less involved than other characters I didnt even feel the urge to take him in the party half the time to explore his story cause there just was not enough there to entice me to bring him over a hirling in most cases

Act 1 Stuff that is unfinished
Hag coven - This is mentioned never explored.

Act 2 Stuff that is unfinished
Quest with Raven queen started nothing is done to continue this later.

Act 3 stuff wont even get into that a lot.


I dont even know what to say here they have back grounds you cant change there appearance currently you cant do pretty much anything with them accept custom build there class in some cases your stuck with a character that you wouldnt build or play with in a million years but you want that class or party setup your doing it in some cases you cant even get the race you want what if i wanted a party of all dragonborn drow or gith while I can do this I have to find people to join a game and help me design my party the way I want I also can only select 3 so I am forced to limit options I may want with classes or fire and rehire new hirlings this could be worked much better.

Biggest arguement here with the train of thought towards larion while I love the game - You wanted people to play the bad guys and to have that option but majority incentives to play the bad guy are taken away your punished at almost every turn for playing the evil character losing items losing companions losing help at the end of the game there is so much just missing for being evil. Great game but it feels unfinished and there was su much it feels like was left out in such an amazing game that while I love the game for 6 years it feels likes somethings got short changed even if it was stated a 100 times we didn't it feels like it was. I really hope patchs and DLC fixes this because if feel with patchs dlc and continued work this game could have a life span that goes on for quite some time.

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Joined: Aug 2023
Since everyone knows about Karlach and other issues, I am going to mention Dark Urge.

As much as I love this origin, it is very inconsistent, unrewarding and was most likely added last. Sure, it adds to the game plot, but it has got issues.

Commiting to urges is not rewarding, most acts dont matter, you don't gain anything from most of them, etc. Then there are narrative inconsistences in acts 2 and 3, which only sour the experience.

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Not sure if this is the best thread for this or not, but in my head it absolutely has to do with the hasty put together of Act 3. Since this is a thread about Act 3, I'm not putting anything in spoiler tags. If you think I should, let me know, I'll edit.

Regarding Gale being stolen as Orin's sacrifice. When I went to free him, since my main was a wizard, I had never added Gale to my party at any point in the game. So when we freed him from the altar dude had 14hp and only 2nd level spells!!! All I could think was: "huh?! Does the game actually require me to put Gale in my party at some point before he's taken by Orin just to make sure that he gets leveled up to an appropriate level?" If that's actually the case, that is D. U. M. B. Especially because as soon as you add any camp character to your party they immediately trigger the level up sequence, which, to me, means that the game realizes they NEED to be at the same level as you, but, for whatever reason, waits to do that until you exert game control over them. If that's the case, then as soon as you rescue Gale in "he who shall not be named"'s temple, that leveling up should immediately trigger. How in the nine layers of the Abyss are you supposed to keep a guy alive in that kind of a situation when he's basically a level two commoner???

That's just the biggest glaring error I found in Act 3. There were numerous other little errors, like quests not resolving correctly, Thrumbo's body, I'm looking at you. If this game gets another update, and I think it needs one soon, I sincerely hope that part of that update is polishing Act 3. Or overhauling it altogether.

Last edited by Temohjyn; 22/09/23 02:24 PM.
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Joined: Aug 2023
I'm in act 3 now, and at this point I'm just trying to get it over with. I also did quests out of order which doesn't help. I did Orin (which I basically stumbled upon) > Iron Throne / Foundry > Gortash (terrible "boss" fight). This order was.... anti-climatic. I also forgot about ansur & the Gith guy. I feel like those two are supposed to be done before going after Orin or Gortash...

Also, all of the threats of the absolute army are just.... non existent. At least in a Game like Dragon Age: Origins, they made the bad guys look like a threat. In BG3 we're pretty much never shown this "threat."

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Sadly, I felt the same. After the scene where the Emperor reveals himself and how the story unfolds there, I found myself just rushing towards the end. Act 3 just palys out in an entirely messy way where you are bombarded with quests who are filled with inconsistencies and non-sensical plot progressions. Act 3 was the first time I found myself sighing at having to replay encounters because I did not look forward to the outcome anymore..

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Joined: Sep 2023
Any news on act 3 fixes ? Or general story ?

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Joined: Sep 2023
The dark urge started well. But then, nothing much really happens after the midpoint of the story.

And then the ending was rushed to say the least. Not a single companion cares if Bhaals murders you, as you approach the end of the story it seems like at a certain point the game just assumes you know you are a Bhaalspawn without any proper build up to a reveal. This is almost, inexcusably bad...

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Originally Posted by tg415
The dark urge started well. But then, nothing much really happens after the midpoint of the story.

And then the ending was rushed to say the least. Not a single companion cares if Bhaals murders you, as you approach the end of the story it seems like at a certain point the game just assumes you know you are a Bhaalspawn without any proper build up to a reveal. This is almost, inexcusably bad...

Wow, I had a totally different experience where Jaheira and I talked a LOT about the whole Bhaalspawn thing. Like an hour or more of convo, also Minsc had a lot to say about it as well, since they both dealt with it. Volo brings you some information and if you follow the "Murder in Baldur's Gate" questline you get a ton of info about it as well.

In addition depending on who you romance - they can help you deal with the urges. Like Karlach is amazing, and watches over you to prevent you from killing Isobel after ACT 2 is complete. She actually laughs at you when you express concern that you might hurt her - and then you black out and the Dark urge takes over and you wake up hogtied in camp - with Karlach grinning at you, like "pft, you lasted about 2 seconds against me sissy Bhaalspawn"

Anyway, I imagine you just give in to the urge then you are going down the path of no friends, no info, no support and you just eventually become Bhaals puppet - Minthara seems to encourage this, Dark Shadowheart does as well. Lae'zel stays with you but she is the only one that is like "super bad idea bro" - but you end up losing a lot of info because you murdered it all.

That seems apropos to me - I have no idea how you chose to play.

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Gear is too 'free' to make your RP grind worth. What i mean by this is that availability of unique gear is not resticted by RP/ faction progression. You could just walk into moonrise tower/ creche... etc, deck out your characters and clear out the act. An example would be the act 1 zhentarim trader whose stock is restricted by story outcomes.

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Location: Athkatla
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Location: Athkatla
Larian games:

[Linked Image from]

It just reminded me of the bowl of goat's milk that old Winthrop used to put outside his door every evening for the dust demons. He said the dust demons could never resist goat's milk, and that they would always drink themselves into a stupor and then be too tired to enter his room..
Joined: Nov 2021
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Originally Posted by Count Turnipsome
Larian games:

[Linked Image from]

I can't take it smile.

Thank you, haven't laughed that much in a while.

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Joined: Oct 2023
Gonna copy and paste what I think needed to change in act 3

1- Make the game harder. The whole game is too easy for experienced d&d players, probably need a upgrade of UI/AI and another difficult setting. The end is the easiest part, we cant even enjoy our summoned allies 'cause the fight's too easy (and u can just avoid the entire fight and dominate the brain).

2- Don't make a NEED to turn someone into a mindslayer. As the game is, with options, make an alternative way to dominate the brain or break the Crown of Karsus, maybe Orpheu's Hammer?

3- Make it possible to get the crown of Karsus or forge it. Only gale talking about it was meeh as I was expecting to be even a usable item on the game and have more plot into it.

4- Add pos gameplay after the game is beat. If Larian doesnt add DLC after the end of the game, at least consider adding a post end gameplay so we can see what changed by the choices we made. Would be nice to walk into a rebuilding (or chaotic ruined) city and see what changed.

5- Make it impossible to change the allignment of choices in the end (u can basically turn from good to evil in a split of second, the whole game becomes a simple choice 1 or 2, good or evil).

6- Add more content to the last battle. Its just too rushed. The Nautilod isnt impactfull at all, theres less mobs than some side quests, its so straight foward with little to none exploration, u can literally do it in 10 minutes or less.

7 - We missed UpperCity and Avernus. U shouldn talk about that in the game if we wont be gettin in. That one is a huge miss. I really hope they add it with DLC. For real. They dont need to add Lv12+ if they doesnt want (but would be great), just add the content that makes sense with the game. I mean, we enter in Raphaels Lair, there's a bunch of portals and I was amazed thinking, 'hole shit they made it', but no.. it was just for ambience, we cant enter... I mean, in DOS1 we had something similar, so my hopes were high (in the house of hope, lol).

8- Make the companions stories better and add more questline. I felt like Shaddowheart and Gale had the most interactions. Wyll being in second. Then Astarion and Karlach. The other were kinda messed up. I used Jaheira and Mincs in some major quest fights for the RP but later they didnt add most to the story. Minthara had some more stuff than Halsin but both were lackin in questlines, maybe add the possibility to have em more early as companions and add a lot more dialogues and quest for them. The nightsong is almost useless (aside magetower battle and ketheric).

9- Make other ways into the fight with the netherbrain (like the gates near Baldurs Gate Waypoint). The only way being trough the boat is disaopointing (altough the cutsceanes are great). I felt like an idiot when I couldnt open the door into Upper city after the mindslayers fights near BG Waypoint. When I found the boat (waaaay early than even finding Orin and Gortash) I felt bad when the Emperor didnt alowed us to travel, we should be able to go and have other consequences, like I did in act1/2 when I travelled to moonrise and totally skipped the creche area.

10- Make the comps interact more in the end. The whole lower city/sewers/bhaal + shar dGs were awesome but even then the comps didnt interact much as they could.

11- Would be cool to be able to do the Cazador ritual instead of Astarion.

12- The Hag quest is kinda bugged and rushed. Dont get me wrong, its awesome to see Auntie again but the ACT 1 fight and scenario compared to ACT 3... its like comparin the Giza Pyramids with the Eiffel Tower... both awesome but one is a masterpiece and the other just a tall building. Would loved to see the hag's covenant they were plaining to do... We also dont get a real explanation why the Hag was still alive (if we killed her). The captain and other masks were still fkd up and trapped in the Hag's Lair even if we took the masks off, heal em all, knock em down.. (more on that on 20).

13- Make more ways for us to use the allies we gather, they almost dont shine at all in the end. We should be able to summon some of them in other parts of the game...

14- Mol could have more questlines. Its cool to see her buff after we give her the Raphael's pact and choose the warlock hidden sentence. Other than that, stealing the Idol on ACT1 doesnt give great rewards...

15- The save the painter quest is messy.. the reward is a paint that we cant even see.. I fell this was content rushed or moved from another place into there.

16- Jaheira's family should add more questline to her story... only some dialogues and meeh itens and thats it.. even the ritual is just quoted and we move on with our lives.

17- Minsc and Boo are just there for the RP , they add little to the game (I was really happy to see and use em but it was lackin storylines and quests for him, we all know that).

18- It was nice to see Serevock 's story but u could maybe add more books or infos foreshadowing this (maybe I didnt run trough but I actually didnt find much on internet either). Would also be nice to be able to actually recruit him if we go along with Bhaal.

19- Make us use the environment in the finale. Sounds im hittin the same button again but this is about tactics. We get kinda 2-3 ways trought the ''upper city'' castle. All the mobs are the same group of mobs, there's not much to use around (other than some barrels near a ogre lady).

20- This one is important to the whole game. In Act 3 too. Make KO a real KO and not a KILL!!! That is a major thing in this game. Some fights are meant to use that passive properly (like with Minsc) but mostly of the game if u KO someone u will make the game think they are killed. That bugged so many quests in my playtroughs. In the ACT 3 that will escalate even more. So if u are a player who doesnt want to kill any fk NPC u have a beef, u KO em and still get everyone to think u killed them. Thats so baaaad .I would like to see improvment in that so we can use it properly.

ACT 1 10/10
ACT1-2 10/10
ACT 2 9/10
ACT2-3 8/10
ACT 3 6/10

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