Definitely, the only companion I really like is Karlach, and a little bit of Astarion.

Most followers are extremely boring, very funny that the studio that berated us for making boring characters in Early Access made a bunch of boring characters as followers, and most of them are unpleasant to be around, to boot.
There's also a lack of follower number, seriously, only 10? and 2 of them are druids, doesn't help that both of them are going to be your friend if you're doing a good playthrough, and neither if you're evil.

I would like to see some more exotic and forgotten races, rather than humans and elves, you can have humans and elves, but more variety would be nice.
Just thinking, what would I personally want as followers, instead?
-Common Oni (Kara-turan Ogre variant) Fighter (With dwarfism if need-be for their size to not be Large by default), (Lawful Evil.)
-Lythari Light cleric of Eilistraee, found in the Underdark, perhaps, trying to convince some Drow to turn away from Lolth? (Neutral Good)
-Githyanki Monk (something of an outcast, clearly, but still has decent knowledge on their race's culture) (Lawful Neutral)
-Duergar Oathbreaker Paladin (Formerly Oath of Conquest, breaking his oath saw them exiled from their people, possible evil "redemption" path where they end up restoring their oath?)
-Air Genasi Bard? or just have that Dragonborn bard be recruitable...
-Wyll but with his old character background
-Astarion and Karlach are fine as they are

Also why isn't Astarion tagged as an undead?
and Wyll a Fiend after disobeying Mizora.

Last edited by GloriousZote; 04/10/23 01:22 PM.