Originally Posted by Laras
I miss the romance of Bioware. Although when I played their games, they didn't seem perfect to me either. But they were more like a relationship between people. Not a collection of slogans for the agenda. Like here.
I don't know about Larian and their writers much since BG3 is the only game I've ever played (though I have all Divinity games and I will play them eventually), but BioWare have long story of writing romances in their games, they are very experienced, they did experiments (for example, when they made all romantic interests in DA2 bi), and from my point of view romances in their games are well balanced. Yes, there might be some imperfections, but stil their works are a good example.
I'm not saying romances in BG3 are bad or worse tham examples from other games - romances which were written long before release are made well, characters are good, but their romances are "standard" monogamous, which, I guess, are not so difficult to write. It's just our poor Halsin got stuck in this unpleasant situation because of his lore (I don't remember any character who had something similar, but I don't have that much experience in games where you can romance someone, so maybe there were something like that somewhere. I only remember cases when you could go to brothel with your LI and have somebody else, but it has nothing with relationships) and time limit.