...in their writing? Yes, but I also expected it since it's Larian. Writing has never been their strength. I don't like relying on highly subjective criteria, like what is boring or interesting. Instead I will point out that the two companions with the most content dedicated to them, Shadowheart and Lae'zel have the exact same character arcs. And of the remaining 8, 3 of them have very little content period. As far as racial variety, I didn't expect it, but was also not surprised since the interactions are heavily tailored around the romances. Exotic companions are harder to sell for that purpose. It takes good writing. Which...loops back around to the first point and why I was not surprised, I'm sorry to say.
Previously I wouldn't've believed you on the romance thing, exotic races are absolutely loved. But the fact that Shadowheart's been romanced the most, while being THE most obnoxious piece of shit out of all the companions (at least to me), I gotta say, maybe you're right..
Imagine if Minthara was not a Drow but a female Dragonborn or if Karlach was an Oni instead. The same problems would exist, but I doubt the same level of attention/commitment from the audience to having them fixed would necessarily follow. It's the same reason why the majority of player characters are Human or Half-Elf. It's not that you can't sell a majority on wanting that romance, but the writing has to do more heavy lifting a la Garrus in Mass Effect instead of them just being conventionally 'hot.' And Larian's writing can only lift about 10 pounds is what I meant.