There are a few characters in the game could easily have options to fit into the game as potential Good and Evil expanded DLC.
Alfina - Bard could be recruited at the end of act 2. Performance as a bonus skill, and a +1 passive bonus to charisma checks.
Dror Ragslin - Barbarian could be recruited with his own story arch to replace a character at the end of act 1. Has a rally ability.
Kagha - Already fits into the story an arch could be added to say she wants to join the party following some druid stuff that happens in act 2 with a character she had issues with in act 1 depending if you went evil in the grove. Druid and ability to summon teela.
Neer - Perfect fit at the end of act 1 to replace a character already set to leave the party if you went evil depending on choices as a warlock of the Old One Build and unique shield of screams ability.
Sarthe Baretha - Paladin option for gith this could be great with existing gith gear and you could add the +4 armor class +1d6 damage ability once per long rest and astral knowledge.
Zanner Toobin - Artificer option Battle Smith
Wulbrun - Artificer option Alchemist
Balthzar - Could replace another character depending on choices adding a necromancer to the party.
The Dark Urge - Recruited to the party if you dont play tav or tav if you dont play the dark urge.
There are currently no recruitable Companion Monks, Sorcerers, or Bards, Only druids and rangers are good playthrough and only paladin is evil play through. There are also no recruitable companion Half Orcs, Dwarves, Gnomes, Halflings or Dragonborne these also give some room to expand in different areas. Adding some smalls quests and zones to aquire a little extra gear in all 3 acts could give some more diversity and the good and evil expansion almost feels like a must so there is alot of room to play with some of these character options. There could be a ton of optional content added.