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Jhe'stil Kith'rak
Jhe'stil Kith'rak
Joined: Oct 2021
Originally Posted by Cahir
Originally Posted by Zerubbabel
Originally Posted by kanisatha
Originally Posted by Cahir
If you really want to label them with old-fashioned alignment, I'd say no companion is Lawful good, but none is chaotic evil either.
Thanks for the feedback.

Isn't Astarion at least a bit on the chaotic side, therefore bordering on CE?
Alignment in this game seems more like a representation of the character descriptively rather than a normative command, so alignment of characters can change based on the choices you make. When you first meet the characters, I would describe the alignments as:
Lae’zel: Lawful Evil
Karlach: Chaotic Good, leans Neutral Good.
Shadowheart: True Neutral (Neutral Evil if Shar bothers you)
Astarion: Chaotic Evil, leaning Neutral Evil.
Wyll: Either Chaotic Good or True Neutral.
Gale: Lawful Neutral, can lean more good or neutral.

Ultimately the lawful-chaotic aspect is less pronounced. Lae’zel is clearly starting evil, as is Astarion. Wyll, Gale, and Karlach are clearly good depending on some early choices. Shadowheart is very neutral early game, with a mix of good and evil opinions.

If you wanted to make a “good” party that is good from the start, it would include some combination of the following:
Wyll, Karlach, Gale, Halsin. Minsc has yet to show up in my game, but he would be an option too judging by BG1+2.

The most viable “evil” party would likely include:
Lae’zel, Minthara, Shadowheart, Astarion.

I'm well aware of that, but since kanisatha was trying to measure their ingame actions by a good old alignment standards, I was trying to share my perspective on the matter and maybe help a little with that.
Oh I was just trying to add, not correct.

Remember the human (This is a forum for a video game):
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Joined: Oct 2020
Definitely, the only companion I really like is Karlach, and a little bit of Astarion.

Most followers are extremely boring, very funny that the studio that berated us for making boring characters in Early Access made a bunch of boring characters as followers, and most of them are unpleasant to be around, to boot.
There's also a lack of follower number, seriously, only 10? and 2 of them are druids, doesn't help that both of them are going to be your friend if you're doing a good playthrough, and neither if you're evil.

I would like to see some more exotic and forgotten races, rather than humans and elves, you can have humans and elves, but more variety would be nice.
Just thinking, what would I personally want as followers, instead?
-Common Oni (Kara-turan Ogre variant) Fighter (With dwarfism if need-be for their size to not be Large by default), (Lawful Evil.)
-Lythari Light cleric of Eilistraee, found in the Underdark, perhaps, trying to convince some Drow to turn away from Lolth? (Neutral Good)
-Githyanki Monk (something of an outcast, clearly, but still has decent knowledge on their race's culture) (Lawful Neutral)
-Duergar Oathbreaker Paladin (Formerly Oath of Conquest, breaking his oath saw them exiled from their people, possible evil "redemption" path where they end up restoring their oath?)
-Air Genasi Bard? or just have that Dragonborn bard be recruitable...
-Wyll but with his old character background
-Astarion and Karlach are fine as they are

Also why isn't Astarion tagged as an undead?
and Wyll a Fiend after disobeying Mizora.

Last edited by GloriousZote; 04/10/23 01:22 PM.
Joined: Sep 2023
Joined: Sep 2023 their writing? Yes, but I also expected it since it's Larian. Writing has never been their strength. I don't like relying on highly subjective criteria, like what is boring or interesting. Instead I will point out that the two companions with the most content dedicated to them, Shadowheart and Lae'zel have the exact same character arcs. And of the remaining 8, 3 of them have very little content period. As far as racial variety, I didn't expect it, but was also not surprised since the interactions are heavily tailored around the romances. Exotic companions are harder to sell for that purpose. It takes good writing. Which...loops back around to the first point and why I was not surprised, I'm sorry to say.

Joined: Oct 2020
Joined: Oct 2020
Originally Posted by Rahaya their writing? Yes, but I also expected it since it's Larian. Writing has never been their strength. I don't like relying on highly subjective criteria, like what is boring or interesting. Instead I will point out that the two companions with the most content dedicated to them, Shadowheart and Lae'zel have the exact same character arcs. And of the remaining 8, 3 of them have very little content period. As far as racial variety, I didn't expect it, but was also not surprised since the interactions are heavily tailored around the romances. Exotic companions are harder to sell for that purpose. It takes good writing. Which...loops back around to the first point and why I was not surprised, I'm sorry to say.
Previously I wouldn't've believed you on the romance thing, exotic races are absolutely loved.
But the fact that Shadowheart's been romanced the most, while being THE most obnoxious piece of shit out of all the companions (at least to me), I gotta say, maybe you're right..

Joined: Sep 2023
Joined: Sep 2023
Yea they should’ve cut jaheaira and minsc, added the gnome and a dwarf, and not make Minthara and the Druid guy mutually exclusive

Joined: Oct 2020
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Originally Posted by Alarac
Yea they should’ve cut jaheaira and minsc, added the gnome and a dwarf, and not make Minthara and the Druid guy mutually exclusive
I don't mind characters being mutually exclusive, the problem in this case is that there's not enough followers to pull it off.

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Joined: Oct 2020
Originally Posted by GloriousZote
Definitely, the only companion I really like is Karlach, and a little bit of Astarion.

Most followers are extremely boring, very funny that the studio that berated us for making boring characters in Early Access made a bunch of boring characters as followers, and most of them are unpleasant to be around, to boot.
There's also a lack of follower number, seriously, only 10? and 2 of them are druids, doesn't help that both of them are going to be your friend if you're doing a good playthrough, and neither if you're evil.

I would like to see some more exotic and forgotten races, rather than humans and elves, you can have humans and elves, but more variety would be nice.
Just thinking, what would I personally want as followers, instead?
-Common Oni (Kara-turan Ogre variant) Fighter (With dwarfism if need-be for their size to not be Large by default), (Lawful Evil.)
-Lythari Light cleric of Eilistraee, found in the Underdark, perhaps, trying to convince some Drow to turn away from Lolth? (Neutral Good)
-Githyanki Monk (something of an outcast, clearly, but still has decent knowledge on their race's culture) (Lawful Neutral)
You might as well just make them a Githzerai at that point, Being Gith Monks is literally their whole thing.
Originally Posted by GloriousZote
-Duergar Oathbreaker Paladin (Formerly Oath of Conquest, breaking his oath saw them exiled from their people, possible evil "redemption" path where they end up restoring their oath?)
-Air Genasi Bard? or just have that Dragonborn bard be recruitable...
-Wyll but with his old character background
-Astarion and Karlach are fine as they are

Also why isn't Astarion tagged as an undead?
and Wyll a Fiend after disobeying Mizora.
As for exotic races I'll add Szarkai (Albino Lolth worshiping drow), Vanaras (Monkey folk race, been missing since 3e), Shifters (Half-Werewolves from Eberron), Giffs (Bri'ish Hippo folk race from Spelljammer), Eladrin (Feywild 4 seasons elves),

As for an Eladrin companion, I recommend Sai Nailo the 30 something autumn wild magic sorcerer Eladrin prince, (I'm keeping him under a 100 until his 5th or 6th adventure, started his career at 20, he was also originally a High Elf wizard) with his trusty Shadow Blade, who ditched his royal responsibilities to travel the realms in search of exotic women, going where no Eladrin has gone before...

Plus he already got some adventuring experience by crawling "Out of the Abyss" and He did commit a "Heist in Waterdeep",

Personally He's not really main character material, I say he's more of a lancer like Vegeta or Sasuke, with a bit a Ladies man streak, he's just there to serve as a rival of sorts,

1 Idiot
2 Indecisiveness
3 Horny
4 God Complex
5 Thinks Rules are for Squares

Character Development he stopped hitting on any women with a pulse, might try out monogamy for a bit, he's gotten less of a God complex, is bit more Decisive, and speaks up a bit more, guy more mature and more confidence.

Last edited by Sai the Elf; 04/10/23 07:06 PM.
Joined: Aug 2021
Joined: Aug 2021
I am just because we didn't get a bard companion. It's basically the one companion that a DnD party must ever have and we got none.

Joined: Sep 2023
Joined: Sep 2023
Originally Posted by GloriousZote
Originally Posted by Alarac
Yea they should’ve cut jaheaira and minsc, added the gnome and a dwarf, and not make Minthara and the Druid guy mutually exclusive
I don't mind characters being mutually exclusive, the problem in this case is that there's not enough followers to pull it off.
I don’t mind except for the fact that in both cases it locks so much content. I mean not being able to heal the shadow curse without halsin makes zero sense, should’ve been tied to all the mini bosses in act 2

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Joined: Oct 2020
Originally Posted by Avallonkao
I am just because we didn't get a bard companion. It's basically the one companion that a DnD party must ever have and we got none.
Halsin replaced our Bard, Helia the Werewolf Halfling Bard was a planned companion that got scrapped in favor of redundant druid boy.

Joined: Sep 2023
Joined: Sep 2023
Originally Posted by GloriousZote
Originally Posted by Rahaya their writing? Yes, but I also expected it since it's Larian. Writing has never been their strength. I don't like relying on highly subjective criteria, like what is boring or interesting. Instead I will point out that the two companions with the most content dedicated to them, Shadowheart and Lae'zel have the exact same character arcs. And of the remaining 8, 3 of them have very little content period. As far as racial variety, I didn't expect it, but was also not surprised since the interactions are heavily tailored around the romances. Exotic companions are harder to sell for that purpose. It takes good writing. Which...loops back around to the first point and why I was not surprised, I'm sorry to say.
Previously I wouldn't've believed you on the romance thing, exotic races are absolutely loved.
But the fact that Shadowheart's been romanced the most, while being THE most obnoxious piece of shit out of all the companions (at least to me), I gotta say, maybe you're right..
Imagine if Minthara was not a Drow but a female Dragonborn or if Karlach was an Oni instead. The same problems would exist, but I doubt the same level of attention/commitment from the audience to having them fixed would necessarily follow. It's the same reason why the majority of player characters are Human or Half-Elf. It's not that you can't sell a majority on wanting that romance, but the writing has to do more heavy lifting a la Garrus in Mass Effect instead of them just being conventionally 'hot.' And Larian's writing can only lift about 10 pounds is what I meant.

Last edited by Rahaya; 04/10/23 07:47 PM.
Joined: Oct 2020
Joined: Oct 2020
Originally Posted by Sai the Elf
Originally Posted by Avallonkao
I am just because we didn't get a bard companion. It's basically the one companion that a DnD party must ever have and we got none.
Halsin replaced our Bard, Helia the Werewolf Halfling Bard was a planned companion that got scrapped in favor of redundant druid boy.
That said, as much as I don't really like Halsin a lot, I'd have preferred him over Jaheira.
Now I don't know too much about Jaheira, but I just don't like nostalgiabait. So I'd rather they'd replaced Jaheira with Helia, and Minsc with someone else, too.

Joined: Jul 2023
Joined: Jul 2023
Originally Posted by GloriousZote
Now I don't know too much about Jaheira, but I just don't like nostalgiabait. So I'd rather they'd replaced Jaheira with Helia, and Minsc with someone else, too.

Jaheira is literally the best companion, despite the fact that she's yet another knife-ear, and it's not nostalgia because I haven't even played BG1&2.

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Joined: Dec 2020
Originally Posted by Sai the Elf
Originally Posted by Avallonkao
I am just because we didn't get a bard companion. It's basically the one companion that a DnD party must ever have and we got none.
Halsin replaced our Bard, Helia the Werewolf Halfling Bard was a planned companion that got scrapped in favor of redundant druid boy.
And I'm still mad about it. Helia sounded epic. What did we get instead? Another elf, druid and a sex pest on top, without any story in act 3. Halsin is annoying and boring at the same time .
And act 3 even has another werewolf. I wonder if that story would have tapped into Helias story.

"We are all stories in the end. Just make it a good one."

Doctor Who
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Joined: Dec 2020
Originally Posted by GloriousZote
Originally Posted by Sai the Elf
Originally Posted by Avallonkao
I am just because we didn't get a bard companion. It's basically the one companion that a DnD party must ever have and we got none.
Halsin replaced our Bard, Helia the Werewolf Halfling Bard was a planned companion that got scrapped in favor of redundant druid boy.
That said, as much as I don't really like Halsin a lot, I'd have preferred him over Jaheira.
Now I don't know too much about Jaheira, but I just don't like nostalgiabait. So I'd rather they'd replaced Jaheira with Helia, and Minsc with someone else, too.
They didn't make Jaheira nostalgia bait. She is a wonderful character in BG3 and I'm glad, they included her. Halsin though... don't need him, for reasons I stated in the post above.

"We are all stories in the end. Just make it a good one."

Doctor Who
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Joined: Aug 2021
Originally Posted by GloriousZote
Originally Posted by Sai the Elf
Originally Posted by Avallonkao
I am just because we didn't get a bard companion. It's basically the one companion that a DnD party must ever have and we got none.
Halsin replaced our Bard, Helia the Werewolf Halfling Bard was a planned companion that got scrapped in favor of redundant druid boy.
That said, as much as I don't really like Halsin a lot, I'd have preferred him over Jaheira.
Now I don't know too much about Jaheira, but I just don't like nostalgiabait. So I'd rather they'd replaced Jaheira with Helia, and Minsc with someone else, too.

I never played BG 1 and 2. So I can't talk about nostalgiabait, however, I love Jaheira, she's always at my party through the whole of Act 3. She has a lot of great interactions, she's funny, and so much more interesting to have around than most companions tbh. Wish they had made her romanceable instead of Halsin tbh.

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Joined: Oct 2021
Originally Posted by fylimar
Halsin is annoying and boring at the same time.

100% agree with this line.

At first, I was happy for people that wanted Halsin when they got him in the game.

But the more I play, the more I want him out of the game. He doesn't belong as a companion.

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Joined: Oct 2020
Originally Posted by JandK
Originally Posted by fylimar
Halsin is annoying and boring at the same time.

100% agree with this line.

At first, I was happy for people that wanted Halsin when they got him in the game.

But the more I play, the more I want him out of the game. He doesn't belong as a companion.
He should've just been a camp follower like Volo, but one that you could at least romance, who later leaves the camp after Act 2, seeing as did what he needed to do, he outlives his usefulness once he follows you into act 3, like dude your job is done and you clearly hate the city of Baldur's Gate like a disgusting hipster.

Last edited by Sai the Elf; 04/10/23 09:52 PM.
Joined: Oct 2020
Joined: Oct 2020
Originally Posted by Sai the Elf
Originally Posted by JandK
Originally Posted by fylimar
Halsin is annoying and boring at the same time.

100% agree with this line.

At first, I was happy for people that wanted Halsin when they got him in the game.

But the more I play, the more I want him out of the game. He doesn't belong as a companion.
He should've just been a camp follower like Volo, but one that you could at least romance, who later leaves the camp after Act 2, seeing as did what he needed to do, he outlives his usefulness once he follows you into act 3, like dude your job is done and you clearly hate the city of Baldur's Gate like a disgusting hipster.
I'd be fine with no romance, either, after all, he seems perfectly fine with "conquering"
a chimera, going by some voice lines I heard.

Joined: May 2019
Joined: May 2019
Originally Posted by fylimar
Originally Posted by GloriousZote
Originally Posted by Sai the Elf
Originally Posted by Avallonkao
I am just because we didn't get a bard companion. It's basically the one companion that a DnD party must ever have and we got none.
Halsin replaced our Bard, Helia the Werewolf Halfling Bard was a planned companion that got scrapped in favor of redundant druid boy.
That said, as much as I don't really like Halsin a lot, I'd have preferred him over Jaheira.
Now I don't know too much about Jaheira, but I just don't like nostalgiabait. So I'd rather they'd replaced Jaheira with Helia, and Minsc with someone else, too.
They didn't make Jaheira nostalgia bait. She is a wonderful character in BG3 and I'm glad, they included her. Halsin though... don't need him, for reasons I stated in the post above.
From all that I've seen of the game I also would agree that Jaheira is a great character whereas Halsin I could do without. But I, as someone who does not believe Larian's writers are particularly good, would argue the reason Jaheira is a great character is precisly because she's a character origially developed by other writers in another game, and not a truly original Larian character. Jaheira is awesome in BG1 and 2 also, and has always been in every one of my great many playthroughs of those games, and is also always my only romance interest in those games.

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