bumping this thread up because this bug has essentially broken my game for me. the send to camp function automatically sends items to the new chest instead of the deault one i have spent hours meticulously sorting. I dont want to manage two of what is already a fairly difficult outdated inventory/chest/party managment system. I was almost done act 2 and am super sad that I must hang up the coat until Larian fixes this issue, was very much looking forward to progressing the story. but because i decided to file a crash report and then have steam verify integrity of the game, it broke my previous user profile and I cannot seem to rectify that by fiddling with the files at all. I am too scared that if I start using the duplicate chest and this issue gets fixed the duplicate and items inside of it will alll be gone, which means sending items to camp, running back to camp, and then mnanually moving them into the original chest. what a pita. frown larian please fix this fast. Im 100+ hours into my save and the thought of restarting makes me mucho sad.