Originally Posted by Michieltjuhh
Originally Posted by Silver/
It's a discussion that always leads to the worst take you've ever seen once it goes on long enough. Yes, authors *should* invest in consistency and moderated suspension of disbelief. It's their greatest asset. At the same time, you will always find someone who thinks character x couldn't possibly do y because they hate it personally. Always. Without fail. Sometimes the transition is that horrible and it makes no sense. Sometimes it was Tuesday as usual. What should be criticized is the transition and everything that made it unbelievable.

He could similarly take Karlach, fumble why Wyll chooses to believe her, and have people declare "OOC". Was it OOC? Or just the hypothetical set up? That's the issue with potentials. Everyone, and I really mean everyone minus two people ever in this thread, agree the transitions are botched. Completely, utterly, somewhere. We've also covered the ground "personal attacks against the author are not productive", "complaints that the author did this because he hates me personally" is not conductive, and "let's not accuse real people of fetishes". There is nothing controversial about disliking every other thing about Halsin. What people choose to be actively bothered by is their choice.
There are some things to be taken from these threads.
1. Halsin severely lacks in content in act 3 other than being a - for the lack of a better word - temporary sex pest.
2. Halsin's romance is not written the way that the audience at large that asked for him to be a romance partner expected his romance to go based on his EA interactions.
3. These few specific interactions are by the audience at large considered out of character by the other characters that were rewritten to fit his romance.
4. We're shouting at a wall.
5. The author doesn't even have to play the world's smallest violin about any of this, but that shouldn't stop people from talking about it.

As for Karlach and Wyll, remember the tadpole is showing Wyll everything Karlach's been through. He sees she's not a devil, therefore knows he was deceived by Mizora. Plausible enough to me.
I'm not saying Wyll's moment is botched. I am saying someone could have done it, and we'd be discussing if Wyll is meant to be a hidden psychopath. Conversely, in possession of no backbone. My philosophy is "do it well, or don't do it at all". Needless to say, it was not done well. However. I don't want to start this discussion up again, but you *must* realise that the same person who brought in SH and Halsin... created the Red Prince. The Red Prince and his infamous romance.

Considering this, it becomes a lot harder to tell if, say a) Astarion's poly path is not a little fucked up on purpose, b) SH acts this way for something adjacent to shock value, c) the writer thinks Halsin and his lack of last minute commitment is fantastic, actually. This is absurd to even consider, but at the same time, you must. This is the person who says: a romance can be you, your one and only soulmate, the only person you ever dreamed of, literally! ... and. Err. The player. Who you have enslaved. This is the person you're asking at what level of obsession can a character be only monogamous. How and when a character can change their mind. The Red Prince's change of mind, in my limited opinion, did not actively make more "sense". This is a character where this writer said: "this is fine and I will change *nothing*". My hopes are... moderate for Bg3.