Community Manager
Community Manager
Joined: Jul 2022
Hello everyone, Another hotfix is now live for Baldur’s Gate 3, taking care of multiple bugs, issues and crashes. Wish your hirelings looked a little more… glamorous? Worry no longer! We’ve given it a kick, and the Magic Mirror will now allow your hirelings to change their appearance! The same restrictions apply as when you edit your Tav, but we hope this enables you to create the party of your dreams. Or, someone else’s nightmares. We can’t wait to see it. In addition, you can now change your name through the Magic Mirror. We’ll be using this to add Cool in front of every one of our characters, but you do you. Once again, thank you for playing Baldur’s Gate 3, and for taking the time to report these issues to us. CHANGES- You can now use the Magic Mirror on hirelings.
- You can now change your name through the Magic Mirror.
- Fixed a rare crash that could occur when unloading or quickloading a game.
- Fixed an issue causing GPU crashes on PS5 Vulkan.
- Fixed the Guardian Statue repeatedly falling into a chasm, causing the server to stall.
- Fixed a splitscreen issue on PS5 that could cause a black screen when listening in on a dialogue.
- Fixed unpreparing spells not removing their buffs if the spell was upcasted.
- Fixed buffs being removed by unpreparing spells if the buff came from a different source (e.g. a scroll).
- Fixed some character positions and animations breaking if you skip lines in certain dialogues.
- Fixed the previews not working correctly in the Accessibility options.
- Fixed an issue causing Minthara's romance to unreliably trigger.
- Fixed Minthara's dialogue after you not triggering properly when you talk to her.
- Fixed the Adamantine Splint Armour sometimes making your legs transparent.
- Fixed a geometry stretching bug introduced in Hotfix 8 on Vulkan.
- Fixed characters showing up in their underwear in some intimate scenes even if you have nudity enabled.
- Fixed Feign Death causing an infinite leave–join combat loop in certain circumstances.
- Fixed prices in dialogues not displaying correctly in savegames that were made while the price was on screen.
- Optimised the line-of-sight system for entities with no sight range, like items.
Joined: Jul 2023
So what? We can now change the hair and genitals of the hirelings? But still we can't make a party of 4 dragonborn, 4 dwarves or just in general have what is commonly known as "customizable companions"? Are you guys f****** serious right now? Who ever wanted "semi-customizable" vessel hirelings? Why is it so hard for Larian to implement a simple choice of having fully customizable and sentient companions, like most other cRPG's in the history of cRPG's have? I seriously feel like the developers are trolling the fanbase with these ridiculous restrictions. Even the mods that allowed one to create custom companions, seem to no longer work since patch 3. Why can't we just get to play the game like we want to? It's not hard to implement at all. Seriously: Who is benefiting from this?
Honestly I am at a point where I am no longer interested in playing this game. This trolling of the fanbase has just gone too far.
Joined: Oct 2023
Thanks for all your work and dedication improving an already fantastic game! Can't wait for the Definitive Edition or GOTY 
Joined: Oct 2023
The hotfix isn't showing up in my downloads, despite everywhere saying it's live. Others in the discord have the same issue.
Joined: Jul 2022
I hope this time someone tested this. I don't want to see holes in that Splint mail. But thx for the patch note.
I whould like to have more interaction from you Salo with the playerbase.
My personal opinion I really liked pannel from hells. And I like D4 campfire chaaat. I think they copyed this from Larian. Just they not stopped to use it. I whould like to see adressing some problems and some plan for the future. I understand this isn't a life service game. But it is a huge game. And I still wish that it should have the same or bigger success then elden ring. And a lot of us want some improvement because we planned to play this game for years with friends/family. But ones someone understood the mechanics of the game. The difficulty is falling apart . Thats mean multiplayer isn't fun anymore. The only thing to do is to play solo or to play with ridiculous self rules.
Last edited by ZOZO1006; 06/10/23 12:49 PM.
Joined: Sep 2023
Heads up that the update still isn't downloading for (at least some of us) on Steam.
Joined: Oct 2023
Yeah, still can't download it on Steam.
Community Manager
Community Manager
Joined: Jul 2022
The hotfix isn't showing up in my downloads, despite everywhere saying it's live. Others in the discord have the same issue. It should be downloadable now! You might need to restart Steam.
Joined: Oct 2021
Oh! I have this problem too. No Update on steam. I was about too post it in Technical Problems.
Edit: Restarted steam and Computer + Verified my Files still no update.
Edit 2: Got it now. Thanks.
Last edited by Rosa; 06/10/23 01:12 PM.
Joined: Sep 2023
Thank you again for all the hard work, Larian! 2 hot fixes in a week! You guys are great!
Joined: Oct 2020
Thank you again for all the hard work, Larian! 2 hot fixes in a week! You guys are great! +1 Couldn't agree more! Thank you & keep up the good work.
Joined: Aug 2015
Nice, more Minthara fixes! We are getting there guys!
Thanks for another update btw!
Joined: Sep 2023
Joined: Jul 2022
https://ibb.co/gzbmM44https://ibb.co/Z1TYFz3I am sorry but I don't like to eat bullshit. There is a huge vertical hole in adamanine Splint mail til today. I also maked picture from the version nuber not that I have a choice to roll back to patch 3. Why I got feed with lies second time? In the hotfix 8 was told that its fixed and now in hotfix 9. Both time it was a lie. The armor isn't fixed. My honest opinion is ask Swen to give this job for another developer hou is more talented. I am really trying to be polite as I can just be. Because I f.ng hate lies.
Last edited by ZOZO1006; 06/10/23 03:15 PM.
Joined: Oct 2023
Hello Fellow adventurers! I am playing my very own Witcher character in Baldurs Gate, my characters name is Witcher Drenom! I am playing on PS5 and have come across a few times where I am in my stash at camp and I go to organize by >type>weight>value>…etc. and often times come across the game freezing when trying to organize my stash. The game just freezes and I have to hard close out the game and reload- no error comes up or anything either.
Just wondering if there’s going to be a fix for this and if others on (PS5) have been experiencing this crash?
Thanks fellow Adventurers,
“Toss a coin to your Witcher”
“Toss a coin to your Witcher”
“How do you like that Silver?”
“Winds Howling”
Joined: Sep 2023
"Optimized the line-of-sight system for entities with no sight range, like items."
Is that Dev talk for we can now target through open doors again? I don't know the language *grin* but if so thank you! If not well, I'm sure you all are working on it.
Thank you for another Hotfix and letting us change appearances of Hirelings--Companions next!!! ??
Joined: Sep 2023
finally some errors that needed to be solved! Thank you!! (Now repair Astarion's scenes please)
Joined: Feb 2022
So what? We can now change the hair and genitals of the hirelings? But still we can't make a party of 4 dragonborn, 4 dwarves or just in general have what is commonly known as "customizable companions"? Are you guys f****** serious right now? Who ever wanted "semi-customizable" vessel hirelings? Why is it so hard for Larian to implement a simple choice of having fully customizable and sentient companions, like most other cRPG's in the history of cRPG's have? I seriously feel like the developers are trolling the fanbase with these ridiculous restrictions. Even the mods that allowed one to create custom companions, seem to no longer work since patch 3. Why can't we just get to play the game like we want to? It's not hard to implement at all. Seriously: Who is benefiting from this?
Honestly I am at a point where I am no longer interested in playing this game. This trolling of the fanbase has just gone too far. So, while I don't feel quite as strongly as Lyzrl does on this, I do feel like the "you can sort of customize your hirelings a little bit more now" is nothing more than a bone thrown to the dogs to try and make them forget about the fact that their master is eating a steak. What possible harm could come from allowing us to run a full party of hand-crafted-from-the-ground-up characters? The coding and mechanics are already in place, it's just a matter of opening the proverbial door. Unless there's some sort of programming problem I'm not aware of that would make opening up the full character creator once the game is started impossible? Or is it supposed to be in some sort of homage to the original BG games, where the only character you could create was your own? If that were the explanation, then we should have been told that from the start. If not though, all of these little updates that allow us to adjust things a little bit more, and a little bit more, just feel like pacifiers to try and shut us up. If there's some important programming reason we can't do it, just say that. If there's some overarching design choice reason that everyone at Larian agreed to that we don't know about, just tell us. Otherwise, please just let us make a full party of custom characters. Thanks!
Joined: Oct 2023
Hello! I love Baldur's Gate 3! Thanks for adding the ability to change appearance, name, and even classes in-game! Can we please be able to change non-origin character's RACES? We can now change everything else. This would help multiplayer immensely, so new players can change old characters to make them entirely different, since they cannot make new ones currently. Thank you!!
Joined: Jul 2023
So what? We can now change the hair and genitals of the hirelings? But still we can't make a party of 4 dragonborn, 4 dwarves or just in general have what is commonly known as "customizable companions"? Are you guys f****** serious right now? Who ever wanted "semi-customizable" vessel hirelings? Why is it so hard for Larian to implement a simple choice of having fully customizable and sentient companions, like most other cRPG's in the history of cRPG's have? I seriously feel like the developers are trolling the fanbase with these ridiculous restrictions. Even the mods that allowed one to create custom companions, seem to no longer work since patch 3. Why can't we just get to play the game like we want to? It's not hard to implement at all. Seriously: Who is benefiting from this?
Honestly I am at a point where I am no longer interested in playing this game. This trolling of the fanbase has just gone too far. So, while I don't feel quite as strongly as Lyzrl does on this, I do feel like the "you can sort of customize your hirelings a little bit more now" is nothing more than a bone thrown to the dogs to try and make them forget about the fact that their master is eating a steak. What possible harm could come from allowing us to run a full party of hand-crafted-from-the-ground-up characters? The coding and mechanics are already in place, it's just a matter of opening the proverbial door. Unless there's some sort of programming problem I'm not aware of that would make opening up the full character creator once the game is started impossible? Or is it supposed to be in some sort of homage to the original BG games, where the only character you could create was your own? If that were the explanation, then we should have been told that from the start. If not though, all of these little updates that allow us to adjust things a little bit more, and a little bit more, just feel like pacifiers to try and shut us up. If there's some important programming reason we can't do it, just say that. If there's some overarching design choice reason that everyone at Larian agreed to that we don't know about, just tell us. Otherwise, please just let us make a full party of custom characters. Thanks! You are right Temohjyn, I forgot to say "Please" and "Thank you" and all that. It was implied: I freaking, f****** love this game. Potential to be GOTY for sure. INCREDIBLE value for money compared to almost any other game that I can think of. Up there with RDR2. But Bg3 is just not a finished game yet. In many ways it is still in development. Especially regarding multiplayer, difficulty settings, act III and of course: the hireling/custom companion system. That's why I care. That's why it matters. That's why I joined this forum in the first place, because I know that Larian is a company that listens, unlike many other developers. And the sheer amount of hotfixes and patches since august 3rd speaks volumes. So please understand my grumpyness as LOVE and CARE and a genuine affection to make this game as good as it should be. 