Use your imagination.

Now... you could argue that Viconia went back to her old ways or was brought back to life by Shar... Who knows.

I did tweak my head cannon of the D. Urge backstory to fit it with my story that he was the son of my main character (an elf) from BG3. I simply considered the version of the Butler to be pure manipulation to make him feel special. And maybe he was as his father was a very strong Bhaalspawn. Naturally, this Abdel Arian is just one more hero in my headcannon.

I personally found Viconia consistent with the Viconia I knew from BG1 and BG2. She is still one of my favourite character of the franchise and I let her go (my character let her go out of drow solidarity). I felt nothing for Sarevok in particular. I can't say I was very happy to see him back from the grave in BG2 but I could endure it

P.S. It would have been great if we got something for letting Viconia go.

Last edited by Scales & Fangs; 06/10/23 08:13 PM.