To those bitching about hotfixes...almost every other game I've played in the last 20+ years have waited on 'hotfixes' and just added them to the next patch. Hotfix releases were reserved for game breaking bugs ONLY. Most times, the devs would simply roll a release BACK and take another run at the bugs NEXT month! So yeah, imagine how you people would then be bitching and whining then! If you had to wait a month or two to get ANY patch out. But you can't make some peeps happy.

I guess I'm just old and sure, I remember when games were released in a more 'polished' state but that was because they couldn't be patched afterwards! I remember Sierra Games sent me a "patch" on a CD! Bethesda sent me (gasp) a floppy disk to patch my Wayne Gretzky Hockey 2 on the Amiga...a month in the mail just to patch a game! Yeah I'm that, there is no way am I gonna cry and complain about this dev team working and releasing pieces as they get them fixed.

And please, keep up the great work!!!

I know you think you understand what you thought I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you heard is not entirely what I meant.