Originally Posted by vx_phoenix_vx
Originally Posted by Beechams
Originally Posted by vx_phoenix_vx
Thank you again for all the hard work, Larian! 2 hot fixes in a week! You guys are great!

People like you are unreal. If Larian were great they wouldn't need two hotfixes in a week. That's nine hotfixes and three patches in two months.

It's interesting to me that, in this day an age, people can still not understand technology.

Tech isn't perfect. And game devs that have already made their money have almost 0 reason to fix something after its broken.

Games are not made like they used to be. The tech is more complicated, it's harder to predict how it will react and some of the bugs, glitches, and needed fixes you all bitch about ISN'T happening to the vast majority of people playing.

So, Larian doing best-efforts to fix what they legitimately have no incentive to do, cause they've made their millions and its obvious people will continue to whine till the end of days, is a pretty awesome move that should be commended.

For those of you who need an idea of how difficult it is to do any of this, pay attention to indie devs or small teams. Compare size and scope, engines and smoothness. Even with decades of time, a smaller more passionate teams, and a small scope of game, THEY ALL RELEASE WITH BUGS. And they aren't half as good or in-depth as this game is.

If you're mad games are releasing with bugs with the multitude of platforms it has to contend with with the multitude of moments games have to now account for, then I'm sorry, video games aren't for you and maybe you should stick with comfortable 80's technology.

What condescending nonsense.

Nothing is perfect but somehow your mobile phone works, passenger aircraft work, washing machines work, your PC works, your socks work.

Games are not not made like they should be because gaming in not regulated in the way other sectors are. Game developers get away with things other types of company would not. Also imagine if Microsoft soft released, say, a version of Office that was in this state people, including the likes of you would be screaming about it.

You have exactly zero knowledge of how hard or not Larian are working on any of this. Larian are still making money from BG3, and have the XBox release in mind, which is why they are knocking out these sticking plasters.

Larian chose to make this game and make it in the way they did. Larian were not a big company when they started out and only grew because their ambition got the best of them. Hype aside, the game is not particularly special or ground-breaking in any department.

When I went to secondary school pocket calculators were the latest big thing. I retired from work as an IT technician and I have been playing computer games since before PCs.

Owlcat's Rogue Trader releases in the next week or so, let's see how that does. Meanwhile you stick your nose back up Larian's jacksie.