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Because they don't have healing equipped or they cannot upcast spells. And it's not because the ai is stupid it's forbidden for them.
Easy example in the underdark there is a duregar priest that we can res wit glut. When you chek it out he have lvl 3 spellslots with no lvl 3 spells and it's literally impossible to upcast even healing words.
Also in late game this issue is still present and on the top of that figthers have 0 healing potion or just the basic one with 2d4+2 healing.

Actually most of the enemys in bg3 have 1/2/3/4/5/6 lvl spells in the late game. But they only memorized 3-4 and they cannot upcast them. For example lot of them have counter spell and thats a lvl 3 spell. But after they used all slots they still have 4-5-6 guess what they cannot use it.
Also for most of them there is not even setted any 4-5-6 lvl spells. This is really bad.
I mean this design is really bad. It was done better in 20 year old games.
And before someone says something that mybe the AI cannot handle it. It can just go to shars trial get a clones from the casters suddenly the can do something.

I am not a data miner just a normal user.
But I am sure a data miner could explain it way more detailed.

Last edited by ZOZO1006; 05/10/23 08:45 AM.
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Originally Posted by ZOZO1006
Because they don't have healing equipped or they cannot upcast spells. And it's not because the ai is stupid it's forbidden for them.
No, I disagree. The AI in this game, currently, is braindead. An example: I am still in the early lvls, but I am planning to turn Wyll into the infamous palalock, so I made sure he has devil's sight and I often cast darkness on 'troublesome' enemies and run in melee range to slap them, what's the game's AI response to this? Jump/run out of darkness, trigger extra attacks of opportunity from Wyll and ignore him for the rest of the fight as long as he sits in the darkness, so he can freely eldrich blast enemies to death from within the darkness (with advantage for being obscured too) and enemies won't do anything about that, tested it even with getting my entire group killed and they still would pass turns rather than doing something about the darkness or Wyll chilling within it.

Originally Posted by ZOZO1006
And before someone says something that mybe the AI cannot handle it. It can just go to shars trial get a clones from the casters suddenly the can do something.

Sure, they will use higher lvl spells if available, but they still won't upcast anything. Like my current tempest cleric/storm sorc is heavily relying on upcast chromatic orbs (twinning them where possible) and I will bet that once I get to Shar's Gauntlet with this character those clones won't do that. Especially if you drop darkness spell right on top of them.

Imho BG3's AI really needs a major rework cause as of right now, I am seeing the most ridiculous things in game whenever I sit down to play. Heck, only ONCE I saw an enemy throw a healing potion at their low HP friend and I was shocked that the AI had that coded in, but then the same enemy proceeded to run around moronically between elevations triggering attacks of opportunity from my team while failing to shove a companion. Until the enemy died. But seriously, what's up with enemy archers running in melee range just to try to shove someone off the elevation? Mind you 90% of the time they're failing at that. Why won't they just, y'know, shoot arrows instead?

And like I wrote before, the AI is coded to try to dunk on your lowest AC/HP companion and it so easily abusable... instead of, y'know, trying to dunk on the highest threat? Like jeez, who would will deal more damage? Tempest cleric/storm sorc multi with 21 AC cause wearing heavy armor and a shield or Astarion thief/bard with dual daggers and 16AC? HMMM. The AI will choose Astarion btw. while imho it should choose the cleric/sorc which is raining down highly damaging lightning spells on 'em, but because of 21 AC she will be completely ignored. The old BG games had a better solution to that if you ask me, the AI would always go for casters first, regardless of the AC/protections. But ofc, BG1/2 magic users were highly overpowered, whereas BG3 is the martial fiesta.

Last edited by Nicottia; 06/10/23 02:55 AM.
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Even Rage Gaming covered the game is to easy. And he felt himself challenged only at the first time. And he started out that this game don't need min maxing at all.

With more than 1 million subscribers. Some one needs to pay attention from Larian . Pls do something with the difficulty.
And he is literally holding the hands of casual gamers and making content guides.

Last edited by ZOZO1006; 06/10/23 07:15 AM.
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I was talking about skills and spell how AI handling it.
That they are standing out of darkness and they don't do anything thats a different problem. But you are rigth about a lot of thing's. But there is a misunderstanding its one thing to be stupid AI, but it's a bigger problem that the AI don't have tools.

Because this is an excellent example.

So when you cast darkness, monster are standing out of darkness they are just slaughtered by the Warlock or whatever.

But when I went to Shars trial they copied my Sorcerer and that was a different story. Because he started to shoot fireball near the darkness area and in this way it owercame the AI stupidity.
But if the AI have 0 tools he is just standing stupidly . And they can't up cast spells.
I gived a good example previously with the duregar priest what is really easy to test out

Last edited by ZOZO1006; 06/10/23 10:23 AM.
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Originally Posted by ZOZO1006
I was talking about skills and spell how AI handling it.
That they are standing out of darkness and they don't do anything thats a different problem. But you are rigth about a lot of thing's. But there is a misunderstanding its one thing to be stupid AI but it's a bigger problem that the AI don't have tools.
Because this is an excellent example.

So when you cast darkness monster are standing out of darkness the are just slaughtered by the Warlock or whatever.

But when I went to Shars trial they copied my Sorcerer and that was a different story. Because he started to shoot fireball near the darkness are and in this way it owercame the AI stupidity.
But if the AI have 0 tools he is just standing. And the can't up ast spells I gived a good example what is really easy to test out

Ah yes, I forgot that once enemies have access to higher lvl aoe spells they might try throwing them blindly at the character chilling in the darkness, good catch!

Speaking of spells, I recall Swen mentioned that BG3 was supposed to have dispel magic in one of the interviews, which is a staple D&D spell, but in the end they kept it out of the game cause it caused too many problems (like you could legit use it everywhere, including conversations). Why do I bring it up? Well, if only we had dispel magic (so enemies could dispel our darkness or buffs) and enemies actually were scaled to an even playing field to the players... like using the same abilities, heals, spells and whatnot, using their equipped item passives it would make the game a lot more challenging.

Instead of us steamrolling everything in our path as early as lvl 1 (if you know what you are doing, or once your martials reach lvl 5 and get extra attack per round) which is imho really really sad for the so called 'highest difficulty' setting in the game. And add to that possible barrelmancy shenanigans! Meanwhile in PF:KM & WotR 'unfair' difficulty is really damn worthy of it's name... and look, I am not asking Larian to do what Owlcat did when it came to the difficulty settings, but for the love of all that is holy make tactician worthy of it's name at least and give us some lone wolf/honor mode/something higher than tactician. Pretty please!

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Just personally, I feel that if any bossfight can be solo-1-turned on the hardest difficulty, then there's gotta be some balancing issue with said bossfight.

Last edited by KuroE; 07/10/23 08:05 AM.
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Originally Posted by KuroE

Just personally, I feel that if any bossfight can be solo-1-turned on the hardest difficulty, then there's gotta be some balancing issue with said bossfight.
I am working on a series of no death no tadpole no save scumbag limited rest play. But I don't have a huge experience with this and also I have two kids and one of them is just 2 year old. So the video's war I make are for sure booring. Because a lot of time she is just jumping on me.

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Originally Posted by KuroE
Just personally, I feel that if any bossfight can be solo-1-turned on the hardest difficulty, then there's gotta be some balancing issue with said bossfight.

Well, the Titan is vulnerable to lightning damage (due to being made of metal, just like enemies in heavy plate are more susceptible to lightning damage too due to the conductivity of metal) so it's much easier to take him and the surrounding watchers down with spamming chain lightning, still very well done on that youtuber's part to abuse that particular mechanic.

I had very similar experience with my sorc which wasn't even multiclassed, just my 1st Durge run on tactician, made a full red dragon sorc with the intention of blasting and fireballing enemies to death. My sorc 1 rounded Orin's duel, 1 rounded Ansur and 2 rounded Raphael with MMs cause that man is immune to fire(wasn't soloing, had companions with me but I made sure to skip their turns just to test sorcs damage output)

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I just don't understand some things.
It was such a big drama when other developers sayed that we should lower our expectations vs Bg3 . And it was spread out by some people like it's a sin aganst humanity to say something like this .

I am almost sure the same ppl are writing here that we shouldn't have bigger difficulty. Instead supporting us they are pointing shame us that we should get mods or make some self rules or even ban us from the forum .
Instead to ask such stupid things like difficulty increase on tactician or above.
So what is it now???? Should we manage expectations when it comes to BG3??? But other games are different and we should shame on them and join the legion .

I don't get it why some people can have magic mirror better endings shaved cats wardrobe and so many things. But the ppl hou actually want to play this game for years cannot have a difficulty increase.

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Funny she is even saying it was easy.
I dont know why somone think at Larian that they need to make the game easy because women's are playing it as well.
For sure some ppl need lowered difficulty but it's a little bit.....
Hell one my most respect earned content creator is Sin tee.
I follow a few content creators that are womens the all play on tactician like it was a joke.

She is destroying most of the enemys in 1 turn and at lvl 1.

Women's don't need handholding. They are capable enugh do deal with something harder difficulty as well.

Last edited by ZOZO1006; 10/10/23 06:57 AM.
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Shadowheart with 135 HP is seriously buffed up. At L12 she has 87 normally.

She relies heavily on illithid powers. That's a game choice you make which may have consequences for your character. If you take it, OK. Obviously you will have an easier game if you grab all these extra powers.
In the game itself, these tadpoles are an interesting dilemma. Swallow or not.... not knowing when or if you'll transform.....
For a video about a boss fight, this dilemma doesn't matter of course. In the scope of the total game, it is also an aspect of the "difficulty".

I understand it's not the first time she does this encounter and the first one(s) failed. So it would be quite harsh if you repeated this time and time again and never found a way to win.

I finally decreased the difficulty level from standard to explorer for the first time in the house of grief. (at lvl 11)- Got wrecked on standard difficulty, even thoughh I came prepared with a fire elemental by my side and Gale having spiritual weapon from his staff, so even with 2 extra fighters on my side. Game is difficult enough for me.

Last edited by ldo58; 10/10/23 10:32 AM.
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Well she is in the end game she killed raphael before. So she have the constitution necklace that alone is giving 84 hp stand alone. So I think you dont calculate this in the ocasion.

There is no consequence to have ilithlid powers. Hells it don't even matter if you are refuse it or not. Til the end of the game even if embrace the power quest is not progress. So in reality you never used powers crushed the tadpoles. You will consider as an abomination til the end of the game.
The funny thing you can't even throw away the tadpoles.
If you trow them to a casm they are jumping back to you like a boomerang.
This thread is about tactican difficulty as you sayed by your self you play on normal. No one is talking about normal and easy difficulty. As I wrote clearly many many times leave it as it is there are some ppl hou are dont want to be challenged. And that is fine, its not my opinion. But I accept it . I will never ever go to another thread that is talking to decrase the difficulty lvl for easy and normal difficulty. Because I don't want to troll ppl with my opinion. It don't hurt my feelings if they will have a better gaming experience.

Last edited by ZOZO1006; 10/10/23 11:14 AM.
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As soon as I see Tavern brawler + Str monk, I don't take it seriously. That Larian feat version is ridiculously OP. Double Str to hit plus Stun? Nah that's just grabbing the no-brainer broken choice.

There's certain advantages solo'ing: you can concentrate best magic items, and swap them around to give maximum defences for any encounter, and generally focus all attention on your lone character. I recall having 2 characters shoved to death in that battle first playthrough.

Btw, if you watch her vid she did it on the 5th try. That's the opposite of proof it's too easy!

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Btw, if you watch her vid she did it on the 5th try. That's the opposite of proof it's too easy!

Just personally, i think that if any given boss fight is doable solo on the hardest difficulty, then it's too easy.

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She literally says that she tryed with a bard and the butthole of the bard had hard time. I watched the hole thing. And showing another videos with another character that is a bard but she did it with it to. This time it was one try. I suggest to watch the video again.

Last edited by ZOZO1006; 10/10/23 12:27 PM.
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Originally Posted by FreeTheSlaves
There's certain advantages solo'ing: you can concentrate best magic items, and swap them around to give maximum defences for any encounter, and generally focus all attention on your lone character.

No there are not certain advantages solo'ing. There is nothing stopping you maximizing a single character* in a party of four. The advantage over soloing is 3 extra player actions (attacks) and 3 more targets for the enemy to focus on.

*Who does'nt maximize the player character?

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Well definitely it have zero benefits to play alone.
Well it whould be if every additional party member whould decrease the XP gain with 50% until we get just 25% of the original XP. I mean even original BG had this.

But i dont want this because it whould effect the full game. An we whould see agan this game journalist crying about the game.
And the next day we will see patches like this.Increased players' HP bonus in Explorer Mode from +50% to +100%.

I think it's much more better not to touch the existing difficulty. Just add another tier. And then every one will be happy "mybe".

Last edited by ZOZO1006; 10/10/23 02:46 PM.
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Originally Posted by Falmari
No there are not certain advantages solo'ing. There is nothing stopping you maximizing a single character* in a party of four. The advantage over soloing is 3 extra player actions (attacks) and 3 more targets for the enemy to focus on.

*Who does'nt maximize the player character?
I've done solo missions with Astarion the assassin where the other characters would just get in the way. Likewise, when exploring you often have 1-2 characters who are tag-along liabilities.

I for one don't maximize any one character, I optimize the party balanced against ease-of-play.

Back to Luality, look at her action economy, she's got two standard actions in that fight. Effectively she's got two high DPR characters, which in my view undercuts the argument she's truly solo'ing.

And there's part of your answer to higher difficulty; either limit haste in all its forms - or generously hand it out to most NPCs.

Last edited by FreeTheSlaves; 10/10/23 04:39 PM.
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Originally Posted by ZOZO1006
I think it's much more better not to touch the existing difficulty. Just add another tier. And then every one will be happy "mybe".
I don't think anyone wants to change Tactician difficulty, do they? For me it was a great play experience first time.

I'm pretty sure those of us wanting a harder difficulty wanted it added as a 4th option.

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I've done solo missions with Astarion the assassin where the other characters would just get in the way. Likewise, when exploring you often have 1-2 characters who are tag-along liabilities.

Tbf that's not really an issue if you don't care about dead teammates.

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