Originally Posted by KuroE
Just personally, I feel that if any bossfight can be solo-1-turned on the hardest difficulty, then there's gotta be some balancing issue with said bossfight.

Well, the Titan is vulnerable to lightning damage (due to being made of metal, just like enemies in heavy plate are more susceptible to lightning damage too due to the conductivity of metal) so it's much easier to take him and the surrounding watchers down with spamming chain lightning, still very well done on that youtuber's part to abuse that particular mechanic.

I had very similar experience with my sorc which wasn't even multiclassed, just my 1st Durge run on tactician, made a full red dragon sorc with the intention of blasting and fireballing enemies to death. My sorc 1 rounded Orin's duel, 1 rounded Ansur and 2 rounded Raphael with MMs cause that man is immune to fire(wasn't soloing, had companions with me but I made sure to skip their turns just to test sorcs damage output)