For me, the lack of variety is a symptom of the larger issue being lack of overall companions in general.
The ones we have are really good and more fleshed out(by nature of the game) than almost any of the companions in the previous two games.
But the trade-off is that there's like a maybe a third of what we're used to having available to choose from.
This is a reason I would've liked to not have origin characters. All their quests are still fully present in Tav/DU's playthrough and in the case of my recent Shadowheart playthrough, I felt hers fell a little flat playing from her perspective.
In my first run with Tav, I was on the edge of my seat wondering what Shadowheart was going to do with the Nightsong, because ultimately all I could do is influence her, but it ended up being her decision to make. Also, she was able to convey how she felt about her Shar worship and how it relates to a lot of the decisions I made throughout our journey.
Whereas when I'm playing Shadowheart, I can't honestly care about Shar or Selune from a personal standpoint, where as a character she's supposed to. When it came time to make the big decision, she just silently stood there in "generic player dialogue animation" and I felt like Homer Simpson looking at a button and going "Let's see what this does!"
Much less impactful than the guilt/curiosity I felt looking from the outside in.
Anyways, long-story short, if we had more companions, we would've had more variety. But the number of companions itself is criminally low for a BG game.