I don't get why some people struggle so much with the game. Are there bugs sure. Are they worse than other games out there no. Just because someone's super duper new pc struggle to run the game properly doesn't mean the game is borked. Ill put it like this. My pc is from 2016. I don't have an ssd so I do get the cinematics loading in slow but the slow hd setting helps a bit. So no big deal not a bug for me. I do have lag in BG itself and only in the lower city till everything have loaded in but then its silky smooth. My mod total stands at almost a 100 mods now and I played through the game now 5 times since release. Not once have I had any of these major bugs people are talking about. Any problems I had was fixed by updating my mods. example with the mirror and inproved ui. The only issues other than that was some cinematic glitch and the nudity thing which was fixed. So this whole notion of the game being in an unplayable state is nonsense.

I can understand if you playing on a console as that is something completely different. I can't comment on that.