I gues you are not familiar with Geforce Now. Its impossible to send save games from cloud gaming. They should really test this out by them self. Anyway I don't like to be a Guinea Pig. And ppl don't know what they are asking. It's ultra hard to record video and make screenshot from a TV. Because that is the reasonable way of reporting bugs. I could do it but as I posted it before. I send my steam deck to repair they will send me a new one but its around a week that it's coming back from Belgium.
And again I am not really asking for fix. I ask that they test it out and roll back to patch 3. I tryed my best to record it with the help of my wife on phone. So don't judge the quality.
For me this is unplayable bug I cannot start any combat. Every one can say what ever they want this is wortst then early access quality.
On a personal note I want to say something. This is some kind of a new trend that games have this specific type of soccer fans. Rushing to defend the bugs harassing ppl hou have problems with the game. And those ppl hou want positive changes. For example in our country there is one soccer team that is ultra bad mostly they are just loosing. But they have huge fanatic fan base. And those fans a willing to beat kill every one that is critical to they favorite team. This why the team is never improving.