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Originally Posted by Shellybon
3-Youll know about Shadowhearts dream and fantasies when you share her with drows, youll learn who actually saw in her dream if you do it with Halsin. Ive played a tiefling lady, shadowheart actually let me have halsin first by her kindness. So i awarded her genereousity by letting her use my boytoy in brothel while i watch. That beach banter of Halsin made me smile even since we both enjoyed our times with him. Even though he likes me more and SH is not happy hes kisisng me like that xD

4- Halsin is not a threat to both kind of relationship. Going to drows will open poly way. So Halsins ai thinks its a Poly way with him because only poly relationship in the game with Shadowheart or Astarion.

5- Halsins beach banter with monogamus run should be a bug just like followers talk to wyll about being devil before he actually turns one. Or Gale talking about what to do in baldurs gate while in act 3 (It should happen in act 1). If not thats just another banter i wouldnt take it serious. That guy couldnt defend his grove and got caught by Goblins. It was me who saved them. He needs to be jelaous of me not other way arround.

6- About you get 2 disapproval from them is about how game thinks you are on poly way so it triggered Halsin into it. By that scene youre basically leading them on. And by refusing it turning them cold at the last moment. Ofc theyd disapprove :p

Poor excuse. If my character turned him down in his poly proposal, its none of his business what my character is gonna do or with whom share bed. Who does he think he is? My character told him that I dont want you. That means that I can do whatever I want (for example propose Astation or Karlach or Withers in this drow scene, its still none of his business) and he shouldnt interfere as I turned him down.

Last edited by Netav; 09/10/23 07:49 AM.
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Because he isnt coded as complex as we think about relationships. As i said before you can avoid it by simply not talking to him unless needed. Theres another druid in your camp if you need one. Dont get to know him and he wont talk about anything.

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But it is still the thing that should be fixed then? It is the same workaround as "just kill him lmao", so you dont get to know him or anything. There are ppl who will run into this Halsin behaviour on accident anyway, just like I did. I had no idea and got randomly shoved this banter in my face and drows thing. I literally was checking Shadowheart's reaction in drows convo. Also do not mistake poly relationships with literal sex workers. I repeat its none of his business if I want to spice up things with Shadowheart.

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Ive already explained it. Its how game thinks youre on poly way with Halsin because Drows unlocks it ( If you have high relation with him ). Plus if you dont bring halsin it goes 2 on 2. Means youre already spicing on things. For me Halsin never came there unless i wanted him to. And its perfectly normal hed want something like that if you have high approval with both of them since hes the open one. Game thinks youre okay to share SH with him and she goes along the way.

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Originally Posted by Shellybon
Ive already explained it. Its how game thinks youre on poly way with Halsin because Drows unlocks it ( If you have high relation with him ). Plus if you dont bring halsin it goes 2 on 2. Means youre already spicing on things. For me Halsin never came there unless i wanted him to. And its perfectly normal hed want something like that if you have high approval with both of them since hes the open one. Game thinks youre okay to share SH with him and she goes along the way.
I've tested and he proposes himself at 0 approval. Just dont bring Halsin is not an excuse. Poly=/="spicing up things with drow sexworkers", so tell me how the hell it "unlocks" poly instead of accepting Halsin proposal for example? How does this make any sense at all in your eyes

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Because theyve only used 1 flag there. True and false. Is halsin there? True. Is Sh there? True. Is sh and tav in relationship? True. Thats it. It means theyre on poly relationship so itll either go to 5 some or disapproval.
What they need to do is being spesific here. If you insist bringing Halsin :p. Like ?f youve refused Halsin which can lead on ok if you dont want it SH wants it you watch us perform. Or like youve spoke to him telling you wont share. Itll activate and will keep Halsin out of it. No need to think more spesific really. Just dont let those two come together because game is mistaking it as couple.

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If that is how the game defines poly, then that is definite proof that they should never have gone anywhere near it.

Also, that's not poly, that's being a swinger, which is something different - even if those who are poly can be open to both, it is not a given.

Even SH VA was uncomfortable with the Halsin stuff during the production.

Halsin's VA was uncomfortable with the things he was asked to do.

Argument from the writer: "Just think of all the spicy fan art!"

It makes no sense for Shadowhearts or Halsin's character development or the personalities they have shown for the two first acts.

It's so blatantly obvious that this was a gag to add some extra spice, and nothing else.

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Of course. It was all for thirsty players. Theyve needed more money. I personally just dont let it happen because i know its added later on the original story. Im all fine by SH s past endeavors. Many people uses that kinda games for fetish fishing.

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But thats exactly the problem that needs to be fixed then ? All I see is that you are trying to find excuses like: "oh its jsut high approval thing", "oh shes into Karlach/Halsin type(then comment or have something extra if your character has muscluar body type?)", "oh its just drow twins convo makes game instantly think that you went poly way", "oh just dont bring Halsin" etc.

Originally Posted by Shellybon
If you insist bringing Halsin :p. Like ?f youve refused Halsin which can lead on ok if you dont want it SH wants it you watch us perform.
Amazing, thats what we need really. Just imagine, you never spoke to Halsin and went to sharess caress, explored as usual and came across those Drows and all of a sudden Shadowheart will just cuck and cheat on you? Amazing idea, top tier writing. Ima vomit.

Originally Posted by Shellybon
Or like youve spoke to him telling you wont share. Itll activate and will keep Halsin out of it. No need to think more spesific really. Just dont let those two come together because game is mistaking it as couple.
But thats one of the points in this thread though? Remove this interaction for monogamist players maybe(and swimming banter)? Literally nothing changes for poly players.

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As i said before i dont mind his sand banter during monogamus run. He can thirst , im getting the girl. When i dont visit drows nothing bad happens. It stays like how Gale and Wyll tried to hit on her.

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Which is fine if yuou can ignore Halsin's obviously lack of consent despite preaching the obvious. /shudders

Also, there is a difference between her flirting in the start of the game, where everyone doesn't know each other, and when it is an established relationship - and the one who she is flirting with is someone you turned down.

I love Halsin, but they turned him into a predator.

Last edited by Cowoline; 09/10/23 08:51 AM.
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Originally Posted by Shellybon
As i said before i dont mind his sand banter during monogamus run. He can thirst , im getting the girl. When i dont visit drows nothing bad happens. It stays like how Gale and Wyll tried to hit on her.
Is this avoidable? Yes, to some extent.
Can this be stumbled across by unsuspecting players? Yes, I am an example(I am here because I randomly ran into this on my playthrough).
Does this ruin experience for some players(majority I would say)? Yes.
Should it be fixed in some way or another? Absolutely.
As were pointed before in this thread(and others, like parallel thread about Halsin) that basically Halsin is in fact catalyst of this whole situation. Bugged or bad writing, doesnt matter. His behaviour is unacceptable and should be fixed in upcoming patches.

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Is it me who didnt get that? Like i didnt spoke Halsin a lot in my monogamus run. He didnt said anything about having feelings for me. Then SH didnt said anything about him. Saw sand banter and said yeah dream on old man. Afterwards thats that. There was only me and her.

In my tiefling sorcerer girl run ive had romance with SH and Halsin said he has feelings for me. I told to Sh and she said shes fine with it and wants to hear about it later. So i brought her to drows so shed enjoy him as well. After that sand banter was funny because he was like daddy bear for us. It was good to explore SH's fantasies that way.

Long storys short SH will be whoever you want her to be. She will keep her fantasies to herself if you dont go into flings. game is not complex enough to understand relationships especially when drows involved. It still thinks you gonna share SH even you dont intended to. Drows are the key. Monogamus users stay away from them :p

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1st run you got lucky
2nd run you were actively looking for this sort of content

Remind me why you're in this thread again?

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Because first run who i really was. Second one is looking at what the game could offer. Im normally very jelaous and it also really bothered me when she flirted him that way. So ive found out the reasons and trying to explain the ways of avoiding it for others. Think it as a tip. So people wouldnt feel frustrated.

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Originally Posted by Shellybon
Is it me who didnt get that? Like i didnt spoke Halsin a lot in my monogamus run. He didnt said anything about having feelings for me. Then SH didnt said anything about him. Saw sand banter and said yeah dream on old man. Afterwards thats that. There was only me and her.

In my tiefling sorcerer girl run ive had romance with SH and Halsin said he has feelings for me. I told to Sh and she said shes fine with it and wants to hear about it later. So i brought her to drows so shed enjoy him as well. After that sand banter was funny because he was like daddy bear for us. It was good to explore SH's fantasies that way.

Long storys short SH will be whoever you want her to be. She will keep her fantasies to herself if you dont go into flings. game is not complex enough to understand relationships especially when drows involved. It still thinks you gonna share SH even you dont intended to. Drows are the key. Monogamus users stay away from them :p
Yes, just stay away from content. With your logic we should get big warning board around Halsin that says: "DONT TALK TO THIS MAN IF YOU ARE DOING MONOGAMOUS RUN". Also at sharess caress I guess/
And I agree that she is supposed to be flexible, but also game should respect player's choice and deciding factor should be not a drow convo, but Halsin himself should be changed to respect player's choice.
Remember that this guy proposes himself even at 0 approval(I am pretty sure he does this anyway at negative approval) regardless if you are in romance with him or not, which is terrible.

As you described it is actually what you suppose to think when you do poly run and pretty much everyone is ok with that.
And not taking Halsin around is a poor excuse for mono run.
"Game recognizes either you poly or mono at drow convo" also makes 0 sense, because its unrelated(Idk where you took this idea even). Its like saying: "Well you pet Scratch, game recognizes you as a dog person now".


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Originally Posted by Shellybon
Because first run who i really was. Second one is looking at what the game could offer. Im normally very jelaous and it also really bothered me when she flirted him that way. So ive found out the reasons and trying to explain the ways of avoiding it for others. Think it as a tip. So people wouldnt feel frustrated.
So you've actually aknowledged the problem yourself? Why are you denying it or trying to find excuses then?

Last edited by Netav; 09/10/23 09:27 AM.
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That bears a question (get it ? xD ) Why are you speaking and showing interest on brothel workers if youre not planning to share ? Secondly why youre bringing Halsin? I dont need to talk to brothel workers unless i plan to share. I dont need to bring Halsin because i already have another Druid with me. Refusing Halsin will only close his romance path. But game will stil take him as potiental fling opportunity. When you bring both of them there itll make game think youre already into it because why else youve brought Halsin with you?( hes only character that programmed to be poly) If hes not there game will go on as 2v2 . but if hes there game will take it as youre leading them. If you reject there youll get disapprove because now your leading turned to turning cold at last minute.

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Originally Posted by Shellybon
That bears a question (get it ? xD ) Why are you speaking and showing interest on brothel workers if youre not planning to share ? Secondly why youre bringing Halsin? I dont need to talk to brothel workers unless i plan to share. I dont need to bring Halsin because i already have another Druid with me. Refusing Halsin will only close his romance path. But game will stil take him as potiental fling opportunity. When you bring both of them there itll make game think youre already into it because why else youve brought Halsin with you?( hes only character that programmed to be poly) If hes not there game will go on as 2v2 . but if hes there game will take it as youre leading them. If you reject there youll get disapprove because now your leading turned to turning cold at last minute.
Just a reminder that you can chose "nevermind, I've changed my mind" at the room with drows and you wont get hit by any disapprovals(not Shadowheart, not Astarion) if its 2v2. What if he is member of my party? Why not kill him on the spot then or beat him into leaving your camp? Its just workaround for a huge problem.
What if I want just 2v2 with my romance partner with drows? Again, its none of his business UNLESS my character in romance with him aswell. Dont you really see a problem here?
Sure if my character is in romance with Shadowheart and Halsin, declining him in drow convo would make me a dick and disapproval makes sense.
However if my character is not in romance with Halsin and only in romance with Shadowheart - its none of business what we do. It makes him "terrible person" for just that banter and "squeeze in" attempt in drow foursome. Its the same shit as if withers would propose himself.

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The issue for a lot of people is approval when Halsin is accepted(+1) or rejected(-1) and Shadowheart/Halsin dialog during drow intimacy scene, no matter if Halsin romance was rejected or accepted:
Shadowheart: You know, I had a dream just like this once.
Halsin: A pleasant one, I hope.
Shadowheart: You were in it, so it was certainly... lively.
WTF? It seams like this part of dialog is constructed for open relationship, which has sense when Tav initiate it. However, It is completely out of character in monogamous Shadowheart romance.
Deep thoughts:
Poly/mono relationship acceptance for Shadowheart should be based on her personal quest progress. Polygamy/open relationship doesn't fit Selune Shadowheart romance progression at all. Selune Shadowheart is all about getting away from Shar/groto teaching and if romanced building her own family with PC. While Dark Justiciar is more about having fun since Shar forbids love anyway.

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