Yes, please let�s take it down several notches and stop with the dismissive and patronising attitudes and insulting language. People can have different preferences and takes on the same story, and that�s fine. It�s okay to disagree.

I don�t have time right now to contact the individual posters in this thread to point out what went wrong here. But there are a few folk who perhaps could reflect on how they contributed to the escalation, and on how they can better have constructive discussions with folk with different views.

Blackheifer, I don�t generally like to single individual posters out when they�re not the only one responsible for things getting heated, but I will say that your recommendation to focus on the argument rather than the individual is a good one. But that being rude and dismissive about the quality of the argument, as opposed to engaging constructively with its content, is pretty much inseparable from attacking individuals, and perhaps you could therefore consider how better to follow your own advice?

"You may call it 'nonsense' if you like, but I've heard nonsense, compared with which that would be as sensible as a dictionary!"