Originally Posted by Auric
Given her personality around people she thinks are attractive as early as Act 1, removing lines and interactions that again are dynamic based on the individual player, because the origins can be different versions of themselves based on what you choose to do, this kind of "remove content because I think only a specific version of the character should exist" is just wildly against the design paradigm the character development is based on. It is far simpler to just... not do the things you find objectionable as a player, so that the character based on your choices is the one that matches those values. That's why Halsin's interjections are a huge problem, while her reaction about Mizora is... honestly totally fine.

I think some people may be reading the Mizora reaction wrong, honestly. It's not an excuse, and it if we wanna get into it, it actually does fit with Shar's training*. She's saying she understands your indulgence because she was trained to do the same, but still chastising you for pulling shit behind her back because you're supposed to be in a more serious relationship than that. It's a very forgiving stance yes, but definitely not the cheap excuse for her poly dynamic (or if I'm reading the posts wrong, whatever it's being called an excuse for) some are making it out to be.

*Like yes Shar wants everyone to be obedient and devoted to her above all but the gods mostly aren't able to take direct control over their subjects/worshippers like the Illithid can. To get entire communities, even brainwashed, to reject serious attachments and still be effective there's gotta be a lifestyle to support that. From Shar's perspective it's probably along the lines of sure, have casual sex, in fact do it as much as you feel like you need to as long as at the end of the day, you know when to stop and serve.
Which is almost exactly what Shadowheart warns you will eventually happen if she leans deeper into her Shar worship.
And I'm sure there's a big ol' argument waiting to happen about Shar's lore here but we're talking about why she doesn't smite every single person that's ever worshipped her on the spot here (especially one of her past champions) at this point because Shar IS that petty. The gods of Faerun aren't omniscient but they also aren't naive. It's also totally possible that the content of the training is the responsibility of the one providing/inflicting it, in this case a character at least passingly familiar with a society scale casual dynamic using more base treachery rather than direct memory manipulation to discourage attachments.
Personally I find her reaction about Mizora fine. I stated 1 Mizora line to be removed because somewhere in earlier acts she says the opposite(Personally I dont remember that dialogue or line) and thus creates inconsistency.
Pretty much everyone agrees here that the main problem and "catalyst" is Halsin.

Originally Posted by Backinstyle
Yeah I've already submitted a bug report. That was a couple patches ago mind you, so I should probably submit another one.

I can't believe all these patches they've done and it's never gotten fixed. I really really hope it'll be in one in the near future.
Is it better to send it as bug report or feedback?>

Last edited by Netav; 11/10/23 06:28 AM.