Originally Posted by SheWildWolf
Originally Posted by Bethra

This brings up a good point. I've often wondered why, during the ascension scene conversation, if
talking him out of ascending after the checks, you can't suggest to him to drink Cazador's blood instead of proceeding with the ritual. It's a way to free him, free the 7000 souls, but maybe save him from himself. He won't be just a "spawn" any longer, but a true vampire. No, it doesn't cure the whole sun issue, but it may be a way for him to be stronger without turning into the complete and total prick from ascension. Like middle ground.
Although who knows, maybe even that would be enough to drive his lust for even more power over the edge and then we see the same persona change that ascension gives him?

I think letting him become a true vampire is even worse than ascended. There is a lot of lore on the true vampires and it's all gloom and doom for them smile . And why would anyone decide to be a true vampire if you could be the vampire ascended. The living vampire according to Raphael. It is all shady and unclear as to what the ascension actually does to a vampire, there is nothing on that in the DnD lore. There has never been an ascended vampire before. So Larian had to make it up as they went.