Originally Posted by Rotsen
Originally Posted by Michieltjuhh
Thankfully that doesn't happen with Shadowheart so long as you don't actively cheat on her and ignore Halsin's existence as a companion, or just murder him (oh no, you'll miss out on a 5 second cutscene at the end of act 2!). She remains the lovable person you help mold her to become. Lets not give him ideas now, though, I'd rather have no bonus epilogue than have something as retarded as that.

As for the rest of your post, I just enjoy discussing things, and keeping the topic alive is hopefully worth it so long as it doesn't turn into repetitiveness or bump posts. I still don't know what exactly happens with the Red Prince except that it was supposedly at least hinted at, which means it wasn't as out of the blue as this situation. But I do know people weren't very happy about it.

Physical cheating, no. Emotional, yes. That banter is canon no matter how you try to spin it. (What I'm trying to say is you shouldn't have to ignore parts of the game or try to go out of your way to kill companions so certain things where the player has no control over won't happen.)

Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to shut down the discussion. I've rather enjoyed reading your posts. Wish you all the best.

Now for real, in this last month talking about this whole topic I felt like a broken record so I'm going to disengage. Again have fun and all the luck in changing the writers/devs mind on this.

You're right, we shouldn't have to. Hopefully they'll fix it and we won't have to deal with it anymore. It could be worse though, so at least there's that lol

Anyway, thanks for starting this, it's much appreciated. Maybe we'll see you again in here in the future. Until then, good luck and take care smile