Originally Posted by Backinstyle
When it comes down to it, it doesn't really matter how or why she reacts to Mizora though because it isn't canon. Anything that is optional side stuff isn't apart of SH's main story. Mizora is only there because Wyll is and isn't tied to SH in any way, except this optional interaction.

If they wanted this information about sharrans and casual sex to be canon, they would have added it somewhere in her main story, but they didn't. So therefore it is irrelevant, even if I do still think it's OOC for her. It doesn't matter anyway.
This is a WILD take about a game where character development and possible interactions are so heavily affected by choice up to and including not recruiting any of them at all. Canon in a game like this, until established by a sequel further defining it, (or maybe it won't as some sequels carry choices forward) is whatever you choose and run in to. This is for instance why I'm not hung up about
Viconia's change in demeanor and circumstance compared to the old BG games, because whatever I chose in those games is only as canon as I experienced it, and this game has established her as having changed in the future, with quite a bit of distance to make that change after my experience.

And as I mentioned in both of my previous posts, Shadowheart absolutely can make more than one implication. The first one is played a little closer to the chest if you suggest a quick fling because it's much earlier during some of your first rests, and one is a lot more open because you've already established the relationship by that point. You can choose not to read the first one as her being familiar with casual sex, but the latter if you decide to indulge with Mizora should in hindsight further the implication of it in the first one. In my opinion this is actually pretty solid writing.

Originally Posted by Michieltjuhh
It can't both be encouraged and discouraged. Which is right? The one that has an entire story arc behind it, ending and all, and is heavily implied at all points of the game, or the one that's mentioned in an optional dialogue that only happens if you cheat on her with Mizora? No, of course it doesn't have to be blatantly said, it'd be quite weird if it were. But if there's nothing else that hints at it, while everything hints at the opposite, then the only way to accept this as logical is through suspension of belief.

Yeah I don't see us coming to an agreement on anything here. What's discouraged is the full romance Shadowheart continually expresses nervousness about. She at no point expresses any distaste for a casual fling other than her own personal lack of desire to initiate one with you, the player. Emphasis on the "with you." She, like a real person, is fully capable of experiencing something and just deciding it's not for her regardless of encouragement. She is equally capable of trying out something she's always wanted to give a try and changing her mind (especially once she's already committed to the actual thing she's discouraged from doing, may as well try what she can while she can). None of this is inconsistent, it's just the range of human experience and as ever circles back to that post way back on page 7 about how your choices as the player are what lead into these slight nuances of character. It shouldn't be removed, it should be made better and as part of what we disagree on, I don't think it would take much rewriting at all, rather it would take a fair amount of new additional writing. But like, mostly involving how underdeveloped all the poly stuff is, not this stuff about the cult and Mizora which are pretty much fine.

Last edited by Auric; 11/10/23 05:08 PM.