Oh come now, do you think they did that for no reason besides having 'fun'. The whole point was to present themselves as one of the people/gamers, the most effective marketing strategy there is. (CDPRs 'we leave greed to others while focusing on what matters')

There is no way a dev that is goofing around would lie/try to trick you or *gasp* try to sell a product, right? Its not like Larian is running a business and their main interest is in money and fame. And you know what? It worked, redditors/youtubers/gamers are running around singing praises and elevating BG3 and Larian to the heavens. (I might also add that they did the same thing CDPR did by astroturfing/buying of streamers/youtubers. Some of them even ended up being in the game - I really want devs stop doing that.)

So yeah the marketing was clever.


Larian released a mediocre game that any other dev would've been ripped to sherds for (unfinished content, poor optimization, bugs galore etc. but hey ACT 1 is fun) but instead they are being praised for the most basic shit. Patches/hotfixes aren't anything new, no BG3 isn't the only single-player game that has not MTX and adding things that should've been there on release doesn't show how good of a developer they are. (I still laugh at that reddit post saying that no game ever had latin vocalization for their spells)

Gamers are desperate for that good ol dev/game that can stick it to the evil corporations like Activision or EA so they latch themselves onto 'underdogs' (and no Larian isn't a small indie dev like some people like to think) while ignoring reality, add FOMO to that and you have BG3 (people were calling it the best game ever one week in and two months in the act 1 achievement stands at 50%)

ps. I don't hate the devs or want to see them harassed but to say BG3 is the best thing ever since sliced bread is a bit to much for me. Also 'we didn't put in the endings because the game was too long/we didn't think it would make sense for our vision of the game' is just lol, devs make mistakes and devs lie.