Not reading all the posts above me but I read the OP post a little bit (scanning more like, but I get the gist).
Piece of advice for readers: People who post their opinion/review here tend to think their opinion/review is the objective truth, all truth and nothing but the truth.
So read with a kilos of salt beside you because some of their "objective truth" are often laughable.
"The companions in BG3 are pretty generic with non of them being really memorable the way some WotR, Kingmaker, Dragon Age or Mass Effect companions are." -> this is an example of laughable opinion, parading as an objective truth can be.
ps. My counter argument is this: WoTR and KM companions are mostly: a joke. You only remember 1 of them, but that 1 person becomes "all the companions" in later iteration of opinion when you talk about video game companion.
BioWare companion was great, the writing was great, but do you know what they sacrifice to achieve that? Dragon Age series is barely an RPG. Mass Effect is Action game parading as an "RPG", in short: these are RPG games for people who do not understand what an RPG is, that is why it's great for them. They prioritize "good story" over RPG, because they never care to play an RPG in the first place if they are being honest.
Last edited by Dext. Paladin; 12/10/23 02:54 AM. Reason: typo